Figure Sup Forums would enjoy this. The first caller was a moron and the second guy was saying the same nonsense you guys say on here all day. My man Rosenberg held it down tho. Shout out to my real hip hop heads on the Sup Forums!
Trump Supporter gets BTFO live on air by HOT 97's Ebro and Peter Rosenberg!
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow I'm /Cruz Missile/ now. Trump I'd stumped.
pure coincidence
That's it. I now #StandWithRand
I was for Trump before, but now I'm joining Islam
I used to be a Trump supporter but after this im voting Gary Johnson 2016
I for one am convinced. I'll now change my mind and support people that hate me.
I'm gonna vote for Donald Trump now
Why you guys so obssessed with Jews?
Dead Giveaway.
His name is literally on the MEME
>We're the party of the working poor
meanwhile laughing at someone who is below the poverty line.
That's it, I'm a #TrumpTower now
>goes to Sup Forums
>on its politically incorrect board
>complains about user's talking about jews
Oy vey!
> talk show
> shops for idiots to make himself look good
> typical call show
No user, if I cared about that canned crap. I'd be listening to it. Plenty of idiots to contend with here.
Sage for your efforts.
Bring your ideas, and be prepared to back them, or fuck off. No one wants to see your youjoo channel.
I don't care, I just wonder why your so obsessed with pointing out that someone's a Jew. Seems pretty crazy to me
Die in an oven kike
Oy Gevalt!
back the plebbit
This is now a rosenberg thread
>hebrew detected.
into the oven!
Ok vey
Someone add them to the list
>that jewish Trump shill caller that's surprised these two urbanized jews aren't supporting Trump
look at this kike trying this hard
>oy vey trump didnt say ''gas the jews'' yet why would you trust him? vote Hillary goyim
Could of seen that coming from a mile.
>Could of
I hate this fucking meme
>0.02 sents have been sent to your account, thank you for your shilling efforts!
>Shout out to my real hip hop heads on the Sup Forums
kill your self with a fucking garden hose you piece of millennial trash
I actually haven't heard how Hillary is going to bring jobs back to the US, how are Hillaryfags going to argue this when she doesn't have one of her own?
Build a wall you Aztec
>O-Oh shit this guy is right
>Y-Y-You're poor! LOL! Who cares about you!
btfo? That Richard guy tore that kike a new asshole. What are you talking about?
All the shit Richard said was wrong dude,he prob read all of that off a Facebook meme. The jokes Rosenberg and Ebro made about him won the debate for me.
Heh the DJ proved himself to be an idiot who hasn't even looked up any facts with this.
LOL someone tell these retards which European head of state tried to resettle all Jews to Israel = Zionism
He said that because the dude was saying Trump's gonna lower his taxes, but if you make 18k a year you don't even pay taxes so they weren't gonna waste time with a retard like him
Am I late to the party?
Lol that's such bs. Jews are white too
I enjoyed this because literally the opposite of what you're saying happened, happened.
Oh wow his last name is Rosenberg!! Big fucking whoop. This site breeds anti semitism at its worse...
Read a book.
Holy fuck, the kikes literally said SHUT IT DOWN when he started to bring up Hillary's crimes.
what time? I didn't watch the vid
maybe kill yourself
What I don't get is that Trump has said he would be neutral in the Israel/Palestine conflict.
How is that pro-Israel?
Around 3 minutes, the guy starts to say something about Hillary and says something like "Google" but gets interrupted by the guy shouting SHUT UP so we can't hear what he wanted us to Google.
It's all irrelevant though because this was staged and the "Trump voters" were probably actors.
lurk moar after the election
Can someone give me a (you)
What's wrong with anti-Semitism?
Serious question
Totally not staged or anything.
nZLvHpTP: (you)
It lead to the deaths of six million Jews. My girlfriends grandparents family were murdered by the Nazis. The stories they've told me will make your eyes water. I dont tolerate anti Jew stuff at all!
Very modern art :-D
Here's your >(you)
The problem here is the following:
These callers actually think the host is interested in an intellectually honest conversation about the net-benefit of a potential trump administration.
They are not aware that this entire show is aimed towards attacking the image of the trump supporter and therefore cause a vilification of his base.
The audience seems to be naive and unaware of the dynamic and its pathetic. Next time you call them, tell them they are snakes and someone like trump will make sure they get a hard time spreading their disinformation.
Are you a fan of Yung Lean?
I dropped it after the first caller that they hung up on after he revealed his annual income without tackling any of his arguments. They don't seem to be the type of people in for intellectual debate and just want to point and laugh with fingers in their ears like all libtards do
why are jews so obsessed with destroying the white race?
It sounds like you're feeling hurt because you need to know that you're safe from that kind of harm.
Please know that Sup Forums loves you and we're glad you're here. I hope you enjoy your stay in the utmost of comfort.
suuure they are
now why don't you step into my oven
>It's all irrelevant though because this was staged and the "Trump voters" were probably actors.
i dont think they were the radio guys were just cunts
>"at its worse"
nog detected kek why can any of you into english?
>This site breeds anti semitism at its worse
are you telling me there's good anti semitism
Today I learned that radio shows no longer have phone screeners or plants.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
(you) fucking retard
He called in some good points and all they had in reply was "y-you need medicine for ya allergy, lmao".
A (you) for you, m8
Huh? I don't know much about US tax rates so I looked it up, and it says anything over 9,350 you would be in the 15% income tax bracket until the next one at 33,000. Trumps tax plan would be so you would pay 0% if you make under 25k.
Jews are a much more intelligent and superior race, which make white people bitter jealous, kind of like how black people are to whites.