Why is it widely believed that Egyptian Elites were black?

Is there any truth to this? There are even alot of white people who believe this. The amount of references ive heard in rap songs to this is copious.

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Because Egypt is in Africa, and blacks come from Africa.

Any lie becomes truth if you tell it often enough. I mean, if you really believe it, is it still a lie?

There were some black Pharaohs, the civililization went for thousands of years. The south of Egypt was populated by blacks and they had Egyptian culture and built pyramids too. Afrocentrists and white centrists always argue over it but they're both idiots



It doesn't quite work like that. Egyptians are middle eastern, not african. It would be like calling russians asian- it's technically true, but practically wrong.

Dindus are normies don't know that. They think Africa = Blacks.


ancient egyptians were white, you see, this was 5000 years ago, and climate change happened, it wasnt all that hot back then, they even had mammoth there, seriously

when earth warmed following the decline of the ice age white people, and civilization with them, moved north into europe

>believed by a few niggers with a jealous rage from their inferiority complex to whites due to the fact that when we were sailing the seas while they had never invented the wheel, a system of numbers, written language ect

'Widely believed.

and normies*

and why this pic is so popular now?

>niggers should get a job
>I wouldnt hire him because hes a nigger
nice logic cuck fuck boy

>actually believing the stormfags

>nigger detected
if noone hires you open your own business and hire only niggers

there was a black dynasty for a couple hundred years. but then the pharoahs were around for a couple of thousand years so it means basically nothing.

>complaining about shitposting

are you gonna let canada take your throne?

>Why is it widely believed that Egyptian Elites were black?

Meme magic.
They have memed that for so long that peopel actually started to believe it.

These guys get it. There was a black dynasty for a few hundred years as Egypt was in decline (Ethiopian I think?), and for what it's worth, they were reputed to have actually led something of an Egyptian cultural restoration while it lasted. When people think of Egypt, though, they are thinking of a period that was dominated by likely brown skinned Caucasians. For what it's worth, Egyptian art used to distinctly show the difference between brown skinned Egyptians and black skinned Africans.






Do people actually believe in that in the usa? Here it is just a meme not even blacks take it seriously.


What is his standoh powah?

>mfw white people try to steal everything
Fear and tremble the BBC whitey bois
Even son of god was black

The facts and the science are plain as your face.


Niggers are insecure.

>Not blacks
>Not whites
>Another fucking specie who nobody knos why te fuck they have a huge skull

Those are hats man

It's becoming pretty widespread.

Duel national Israeli/American here (omg it's another nakba muh palestine etc.). I left the U.S. for Israel in 2009 and I came back this year and noticed all the blacks in the area are wearing Egyptian-style jewelry and shirts. A young black kid just got murdered in my neighborhood and her name was Egypt. It's pretty new, dunno where it's coming from

Also, #MAGA

Also shalom, target practice user

Im not a fuckin conspiracy paranoid but in my country this skulls are everywhere

The same reason white people call themselves Aryans. They don't have any real history so they attempt to steal the history of better peoples.

this guy is right

to believe they were white or black is absurd

they were something else altogether

what is that dumb pose? seriously. I don't keep up with nog culture.

I think it's from yugioh

>Why is it widely believed
I only see this on /pol and extreme blogs and some social medias.
This is the new "all women are whores" for /pol.

Selective inbreeding among the ruling caste who misinterpreted deformities as beauty. There are societies that inbreed for extra fingers or wierd feet because they like it.

Egyptians were closer to semites then black. A population largely from the levant, egypt, as it is today, was brown not black. In fact when egyptians portray black foreigners they grossly caricatured them with features like large lips to mock them. Of course there was some mixing and the Nubans to the South, black, held a considerable empire and proto pyramids (and many areas of black people were respected by egypt like those of Kush) but the great empire of egypt and its pharohs were brown, and pretty white towards the ends. No true historian takes black pharaohs seriously, dont believe the dindu fanatics.

What is head binding? When skull is tied like that, it grows funny.

Because niggers are often fat, so anything they believe is believed "widely".

I think its called dabbin

It's because of Nas

His song "I can" was literally in the curriculum for history and a black elementary school I tutored at.

"Be, be, 'fore we came to this country
We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys
It was empires in Africa called Kush
Timbuktu, where every race came to get books
To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans...."

I know but some of this skulls are to big to be a deformity, this is from sonora, mexico

The bulging bellies and male gynecomastia are signs of horomonal imbalance, most likely due to inbreeding of 4-6 generations at the least.

And that isn;t a huge head, its supposed to represent the Egyptian war crown but the angling of the photo doesnt show the side frills

>your country
Those paracas skulls are in Peru.

For some reason many blacks are collectivist and they think their ancestor's achievements are their own. Couple that with poor education and the the actual truth being too bitter for blacks to swallow, they choose to believe the lies they tell themselves.

This was due to head rapping, it was intentional. They weren't born that way you stupid spic. Google it.

I know but i already see this skulls and when i say huge its pretty fucking huge man. its ok, im just saying what im saw

>We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys
>mfw this is a real quote of a song
top keks I'm in tears

yes, sorry, this one its from mexico

I'm 12 years old and what is this

You would think black Americans would be staunch anti monarcists considering what their kangz and kweenz did to their ancestors

Well that equates to literally all of Sup Forums whenever anyone brings up "muh heritage" or "muh pride".

if anything should be faulted it should be that one must be at least sudanese to claim true nubian ancestry, of which most blacks in america can considering how many of their ancestors came from west africa.

At best, a few could claim Asante blood, but thats a few and far in between, nevermind most of their ancestors were quite literally sold up the river by the Asante ruling classes.

Source? I'm pretty sure that's also from Peru.


whatever man im just saying what i already saw, you can insult me what you want, i dont give a fuck

Im sure, its in spanish but can always use traductor

The main issue is that most blacks that are in the United States that do have slave lineage come from the Western Coast of Africa, many centuries after the fall of the 25th dynasty, so its absolutely hilarious when they recite this crap. Maybe Sudanese, Ethiopians and Somalians to a lesser extent could claim to be KANGZ N SHIET, but their link is tenuous at best.

revisionist history imagined and propagated by a people of no accomplishments and low self-esteem

all you have to do is reference pic related, a mural from the tomb of Seti I, father of Ramses II.

It is a Libyan, a Nubian, a Syrian, and an Egyptian

oddly enough the Libyan looks even whiter than the syrian, but there it is.

Many details get lost in the general narrative. Most Americans don't even realize that the seeds of our revolution can be found in the English Civil War and the policies of the Interregnum.

Any idea what percentage have slave heritage? I couldnt find anything by googling but it cant be 100%

Just niggers trying to give their meaningless existence some sort of meaning while they're breaking into houses or stealing car stereos.


When all your have to be proud of your people for is picking cotton and inventing peanut butter it only makes sense they would start trying to claim everything out of Africa as there as a last desperation move.

The vast majority. If they could pony up the money for 23 and me they'd probably find that they come from one of the bumblefuck small tribes that the larger tribes raided back in the day.

If anything they should also hate the current africans with a fierce vengance.

that Nefertiti bust is a hoax though

they are just the result of royal inbreeding for hundreds/thousands of years.

this is just the weird shit a culture of manlets will do to look taller

The original space Nubians were the rightful rulers of the world in the Before time, in the long long ago. After the white man stole space-travel technology from the ancient black Egyptians, the kings and queens of darkest Africa could no longer remember how to operate the massive machines. If any of this seems shocking to you, it's because your racist Western education system doesn't teach truth from the African perspective. Blacks not only pioneered space travel, but they were also the first to use peanut butter to hold together the gears which are crucial to any rocket design. Blacks also invented the moon.

Stand User: Tyrone
Stand Name: To Live And Die in L.A.
Ability: To shift a witness's perception of an event in favor of the user.

Power - C

Speed - D

Range - A

Durability - A

Precision - C

Potential - B

right: deformed human skull
left: ????

right: manlet
left: lanklet

egyptians are black as argentinians are white

have you ever met a real egyptian?

I'm half Italian so can I be Caesar too?

>Any idea what percentage have slave heritage?

Its hard to say due to the recent immigration of other Africans, I would say the vast majority of those living in the South, Midwest (i.e. Chicago), and the East Coast have ancestors who were slaves (usually if they have Anglo/White last names like Washington, Williams, Lynch, etc.).

The fact that they have to point to Egypt for some pride of ancient accomplishment just shows you that they have NOTHING and Darwin was right. It's pathetic.

Because the Pyramids are brought up for black history month in school, and Egypt is in Africa.

if africa was blocked off from the mainland africa would be as desolate as australia was before we stomped the abos



Yeah its like 99% man.

Yeah, you forgot the rest of the country. You haven't travelled much/history much have you.

Blackman here. The ancient Egyptians are dead, but their closest relatives would be the modern day people of Sudan. First the Original Black Egyptians were conquered by the Greeks, then the Arabs, then the Turks.

African Americans come from West/Central Africa, and Europe.

Why am I seeing all this Khemetic bullshit on Sup Forums all of a sudden?

Because otherwise they would have to view themselves as the descendants of witless cannibals, which they are.

If Europe was cut off from China and India it would literally be Africa.

Can confirm saw my nephew shortly after birth, he had a cone head because of the long labor. Went away naturally after a few days.



Kang Jamez

No, they were Egyptians. Which is in the Middle-east. Honestly, I don't give two shits about what color you are as long as you're willing to work and a purestrain human. No mutants allowed.

it's yakub


The middle East had nothing in common until Islam, so you can't really consider it a region back then tbqh

>Yeah, you forgot the rest of the country. You haven't travelled much/history much have you.
>The Rest of the Country

The only part of the country outside of those areas that has a concentration of Blacks is the West Coast, California in particular. Blacks don't live in Montana, Wyoming, etc.

The "we wuz kangs" people are the cringelords of the black community. Much teeth sucking is directed at them.

Are you sure it is not the Copts? They existed in Egypt well prior to the Muslim invasion from Arabia.