Has the gritty brutality of Burton's universe

>Has the gritty brutality of Burton's universe
>Has the camp shlock of the Schumacher universe
>Has the "procedural police work" of the Nolan universe

What an odd show. The only thing missing is a surfing competition between Gordon and Jerome (RIP).

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Seriously, I started watching just because Gotham looked so damn comfy

>tfw didnt watch Gotham because of no Batman
>tfw it turned out better than CW's shit

>>Has the "procedural police work" of the Nolan universe

So none? Because there's nothing in the show that is like Nolan at all

why do tv shows insist on pointless sex scenes and open sexuality? its uninteresting to me and ruins the characters.

also, fish is the worst character.

There's a lot of Nolan inspired stuff in the show, mainly involving the police. The Joker scene at the police station in Season 2 is straight out of The Dark Knight.

>pointless sex scenes
Huh? In Gotham? I can't remember any, except for early season 1 with that lesbian scene with Montoya maybe.

>The Joker scene at the police station in Season 2 is straight out of The Dark Knight.

>attacking a police station is a Nolan thing now

You need to watch more movies

He was recording himself, it was basically this scene:



For comparison

Jesus, that is fucking terrible. It doesn't help that I can't stop seeing him as that gay guy from Shameless.

needs more selina/barbara panty

It's a shitty tv show for women

it's the lowpoint of the show, by season 2 it became kino

> Edward Nygma
> Ivy Pepper

It's not only disturbing that adults enjoy shit like this, but adults created this shit and thought it was good.


>what if tamir rice was white . webm

>It's not only disturbing
Nigga, did you forgot where you are? Put some imagination in your bait please.

>They react to a kid spontaneously blowing up in front of them in the same manner they would react to him ripping a nasty ass fart

Why do capeshit TV shows always have such horrid fucking acting

Why was this episode so much better than the others?



Dont forget that this is Gotham, they saw some shit there.

It's honestly one of my favorites shows currently on tv.

I love burton's Batman and this feels a lot like it.

Why did they decide to buttfuck so many origin stories?

And how hard would it have been to just leave her name fucking Pamela.

to rile up autists like you who can't handle deviations of any kind

They just put a fucking lamp behind her.

i am trying to catch up with this show as of right now i'm at episode 13 so i am marathon watching 1.2 episodes per day

i only wish to know if the consensus is, do you all agree that riddler the best character? i'm at episode 13 and he is the best character

him and all of jack gruber's scenes were the best characters

cat and penguin's mother are so far the 2 cutest female characters

>of any kind
>Hugo strange created all of batmans enemies

Batmans entire shit comes from his feeling of guilt that his rogues are a product of his existence

>riddler the best character
Jerome is the best character and if you somehow don't know why don't google and leave this thread before anyone spoils him to you, he first showed up in episode 16. Also yes, Nygma went full Riddler at the end of season 2

I do agree, and he only gets better as the show goes on. He really shines in season 2

No it's not.
All of Batman's villains existed as criminals and psychopaths before Batman. They just started using gimmicks once Bats showed up. The only one he created is Joker, if you go off that story.


Literally the next line is "what the hell are you packing?", you don't understand, this kino is literally laughing and dancing circles around retards like you.

Jerome is mediocre and overhyped by retarded 13 year old boys.

Best characters thanks to the absolutely top tier casting are Penguin, Hugo Strange, Mr Freeze and Riddler. They ramp up his Riddler origin story to 11 in season 2, he's like a creepy child molester, it's fucking amazing.

This is never going to get to the point where Bruce becomes Batman anyway, they might as well use everything they can