Anyone know any tips for keeping sober? About 110 days clean but I'm about to go back...

Anyone know any tips for keeping sober? About 110 days clean but I'm about to go back. Also general drug use/addiction thread

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Go for it. Try it again. It will be just as shitty as last time. Until you really understand that, you're never going to be content sober.

Accepting the difficulty, accepting it'll be different. Accentuating the benefits of quitting. Find other things to do as you're getting out. Dropping shame and embracing the new stuff you're doing.

What got you sober in the first place? What do you like to use?

5 1/2 years of no drinking or speed, but now I eat Sudafed like pez to feel something.

Hey bro, keep your head up, congrats so far, make little rewards for yourself, at 150, go take a little vacation to realise how far you have come or take the day off from work, set positive goals to reward your sobreness. Congrats

Don't do it, OP. There must have been a reason you got sober in the first place, some rock bottom that you hit. Just remember that hitting that rock bottom again, or perhaps something even worse, is the most likely outcome if you resume drugs/alcohol.

Ik it'll be shitty I flat lined in an ambulance and went to a hospital for days but I still want to drink again

It's best to find ways to replace that dopamine addition you got from the drugs in a healthier manner. Start doing a sport or some kind of physical activity you can get into.

Like power lifting, marathon running, hockey, etc

I've been there. I was years sober and got back on it for about three weeks thinking it would get better. I realised it never would and that I had romantisisd the stuff. It's just not good man. I agree with the other user. If you're gonna try it again, take it with a grain of salt.


Get in there and get stupid my bromo


> long work hours
> no love life
> self hatred
Got sober for my family and friends but they don't know I'm on the edge also I started running everyday only helps in the moment

The best solution is to drink something else, like dick juice

It's not gay if the balls touch right /fit/? No homo

That's why being an alcoholic in your case will lead to death. It never matters what happened the time before. That memory never wins over the mental games of having another drink. At some point you will give in regardless of what happened in your past. Shit is fucking crazy,

You're right its fucking insane

Thanks mate

One thing that you do have control over is your ability to be honest with those around you. Other drunks like yourself can benefit from your experience because you know how it is. There is real power in being able to help someone else out when no others can because of your experience.

Don't drink. It's really simple. Just don't do it.

Don't make excuses. Just walk away.


Get into lefting desu, you can just buy a cheap power rack of you have a garage to work out in, or you can just use a local gym.

It's worth it my man, I've been clean for 3 years with this shit.

don't drink alcohol

AA is a religious conversion cult.

Jack off, go for a bike ride, play vidya. Nothing is going to feel like drinking so don't expect it to, just do something else to ride out the feeling of wanting a drink. Skyrim, as shitty as it was helped me. At least you've got the Witcher lol. Another thing that helped me was the realization that I COULD always go back...theres always a liquor store around the corner, and I've always got a couple bucks for a drink. It's there if I ever want it again, but I want to stay sober because HOLY SHIT I've got money to do cool shit now that I'm not spending all my money at the bar and on liquor.

In a rehab I was in they called me the Dali Lama helped a lot of people but not myself

>that only works 7% of the time

In a lot of ways yes. Tons of shame regarding relapse and not being fully accepting of God. It's rampant. There are also people who have tons of time who are sick as hell. However, some of the principles behind doing the steps or whatever help. i met a guy who sponsored me for a couple years that helped me through the first bit. It's worth a try if the alternative is doing nothing

Ive done some lifting. Use to lift a lot before I drank

Then try LifeRing

Honestly? Just. Don´t. Drink. You know what I´m talking about. It´s always a choice, choose not to drink.

Are you me?


Only acceptable if an acceptable surge of test passes through both bodies.

Whatever happens is fine as long as you get gainz my lad


Doing nothing is the exact answer. No hoodoo mumbo jumbo is going to help. If you feel like you are gonna drink, just walk away.

Tham Krabok

Its free, btw, except for your cost of transport

no. 21 years I've used my won't power.

stop making a big deal out of things.
Go have a drink and celebrate 110 of impulse control.

Control your mind or someone will control ot for you.

Good luck

Thx mate

been sober a little over 3 years. hardest thing i had to do was realize i didn't have any clue how to be sober and give up hope i'd figure it out on my own. i started going to meetings.

i remember the feeling of knowing i was going to drink again but not knowing why or how to stop it. i remember the DTs, waking up from a seizure and thinking "i can't wait to drink this shitty memory away." i remember the hopeless feeling. but i also remember giving up hope that i could ever drink again.

find a meeting, user. you may find you're not alone. you may find people who have found a better way. good luck user.

Thank you

I'm assuming you're American?
You have to have self control, that's it. Just don't let temptation take control of your body.
Sorry if that wasn't want you wanted to hear.

there's always people who say this. or say "aa doesn't work" and that's fine. but the cult thing is so strange. in a cult people typically follow someone who has something that they themselves cannot have. that's why they follow that cult leader.

there's no leader in aa. you can have what everyone else has an opportunity to have. which is a sober life.

anywho, nothing to do with op, the cult thing is just strange. it's just a group of people trying to stay sober. oh well, still good luck, op.

I clean myself from tobacco and alcohol the same way like a like a bandaid I just do it, I smoke one and literally one from time to time but could pass months without same for boose I do enjoy a zip from time to time and no I actually enjoy it

LSD made me realize a lot of things. It's not just a "blablabla psychedelics cures your addiction, bla bla bla", they won't unless you're "lucky" and get the proper directions.

It just made sense to me, why abuse drugs? It doesn't make any sense to me to abuse it, how do I benefit from them long-term? Simply didn't, it was just for the hell of it, and it's bad for my health, so I didn't see a reason to continue, so I didn't.

The realizations you can get on psychedelics is incredible, it's like your world changes and you wake up to something, it's just there.

Just be, exist, when your craves comes up. It's just a thought, let it be, it's an object presenting in your consciousness, don't give it attention. The huge issue with my "addiction", was that I kept feeding the thought, and it led to "Why not man, let's just do it again". Don't feed the thought, let it be.

Staying sober is fucking hard user. Booze ruined my dads life and his relationships with all his wives and kids. Me and most of my brothers are too dependant on drugs. I've got it down to speed every few months and weed every two weeks, but it's taken fucking years of work to get here.

I hope you have good luck getting clean user. If you really can't do it, I'd try to stick to the drugs that won't fuck up your life too much, what those drugs are will depend on you. For me it's weed, booze makes me beyond depressed in the long run, stopping drinking was the best thing I ever did even if I still love being intoxicated.

Thanks mates any advice or stories are welcome ill try my best

google "aa big book pdf" and read "the doctors opinion" in the beginning. if you see yourself in that chapter, just keep reading. maybe you're ready, maybe not. it's only like 15 pages so what do you have to lose?

welcome aboard or farewell again, op. it's your life.

I've started buying cheap booze with credit cards because I can't afford it.

this may not be helpful but i found marijuana to be far less harmful to my body and mind and didn't suck the life out of me every night and turn me into a hungover poisoned zombie every fucking morning. weed is generally uplifting and i know it would mean you're not exactly "sober" but in my humble opinion a little weed never hurt anybody!

AA is just like Scientology. They "advise" vulnerable people to avoid psychiatry and psychiatric medications.

If it walks like a cult and quacks like a cult...

Also, they don't mean "higher power" as in Judaism or Hinduism - they mean born-again christianity and nothing else.

>any advice or stories are welcome

so back when i was drinking i had this little voice in the back of my head that was like "you're so fucked. you have no way out of this." i'd wake up and drink or think about drinking. i was never "suicidal" but i mean if a truck hit me it wouldn't have been a huge deal.

anyways. one morning i woke up in a loony bin instead of jail. it was a gift, for sure. the excitment of the previous day had stolen all the booze from my body. i was sober. i knew i would be sober for a few days. and i had this sudden feeling like "if you don't hold on to this DESPERATE NEED to stay sober, you're going to drink again when you get out of here"

so i held on to that feeling of NEEDING TO BE SOBER BECAUSE MY LIFE DEPENDED ON IT. if i drank again i would totally forget about the need to be sober. and i started reading. and going to meetings. and focusing on sobriety. it was a life i had never lived before, so i knew nothing of it. but i was WILLING TO LEARN. so i shut the fuck up, and i listened to others who had been where i was trying to get out of.

yes. if you don't voluntary put alcohol in your body you remain sober. it has 100% effectiveness. hope this helps

Dam nice story. I want to stay sober but I also don't want to feel

people are so strange.

>They "advise" vulnerable people to avoid psychiatry and psychiatric medications.

From the big book "Their services are indispensable in treating a newcomer and in following his case afterward"

>they don't mean "higher power" as....

a higher power is more like anything but ME. i am not it. you can use a tree, the universe, god, you can use AA, you can use whatever you want so long as you are not the god you think of.

it's pretty subtle, and i can see why it wouldn't make sense to a non-alcoholic. anywho, good luck op.

This quote from the Reverend Ivan Stang helped me in many a dark moment when I was thinking about drinking again:

"My mind is a fucking cancer and I'll pork it before it porks me."

Meditate on these words, my son.

>Anyone know any tips for keeping sober?
Yeah, don't drink.

eh, good days and bad days, buddy. it certainly hasn't been an easy road. but i already know what day 1 sober is like. i don't want to do that again. try something different. what you're doing isn't working. you don't have to be miserable to be sober. there's a way out. it's not all roses and sunshine. i started getting curious. you're 110 days sober. i wonder what 111 days will be like? if you stay sober tonight you have a chance to find out.

just be sober ya fag. if you need to drink do it when you sleep. you can dream about drinking all you want. just don't do it irl. you are acting like this is a complex problem.

>you are acting like this is a complex problem.
... well, yeah, lots of people die from alcoholism every year. Many more people ruin their lives and destroy their relationships with their family. Obviously 'just be sober' doesn't work for a lot of us.

>by charles bufe

googled him. "Charles Bufe, better known as Chaz Bufe, is a contemporary American anarchist author. Bufe primarily writes on the problems faced by the modern anarchist movement (as in his pamphlet "Listen, Anarchist!"), and also on atheism, music theory and intentional community."

this is where you get your information about aa? some angsty kid? how strange.

I abuse concentrates. It's about taking out of your routine. Shit, i get high for any reason. Tough when you are baked or used to it all day long. Still have a decent paying job though.

OP here I'm going to bed I'm tired thanks to all who gave advice and stories even if your were busting my balls and thanks to anyone who replies to me after this

just remember what i said. get drunk as fuck in your dreams. get all that impulse outta ya. rock hard bro. it may sound silly, and frnkly a little autist, but trust me. it works :)

Sometimes the best we can do is go to bed and try again tomorrow. Good luck, op. Its worth it.

My exact interior dialogue:

Brain: "Want drink get fucked up."
Me: "No, I do not want that."
Me: "You're fucking lying. Shut up." Wanders off to find weird soda..
Brain: "You are mean to me."
Me: "So?"

>About 110 days clean
Holy fuck a 110 days!??
>Anyone know any tips for keeping sober?
By not doing drugs???
>but I'm about to go back
>nigga I just drank a 12 pack and am not even drunk. Ive drank everyday straight for the past 3 years. and now Im drinking even more.
Im past the point of even wanting/getting help.
I just want to die.
For a lot of reasons.

whats your diet like? what are your hobbies? are you fit? in good mental health? switching a destructive addiction like drugs and booze fitness and a hobby are never a bad thing. find god. pick up a guitar. start dead lifting. shit like that. Or start a healthy relationship with weed. I dont smoke myself but it helps a lot of people with addiction as long as you have some form of will power which it sounds like you do.