Patriots = /pol

Can /pol's team be stopped? I'm getting scared guys.

First the election, then the owl, then




So, who is the silent autistic tough guy that is going to stop them?:

Eli was let down by his team. The Sup Forumstriots cannot be stopped

brady can't be stopped. HOW CAN NFL BE SO WHITE?


dis tbqh

Nope. He has Trump on his side. He's unstoppable at this point.

This is just diplomatic bs but if the patriots are not going to win the owl this year, the packers and falcons are the only decent option

>the first championship team Trump brings into the White House is the Patriots

That would seem appropriate, wouldn't it? The most hated team in America with the most hated president in American history.

>star players wife is a cuck
Yup it really is Sup Forumss team

there's black people on the Pats

a /pol team would be all white, obese or cachectic, unable to work together, and accompanied by their mothers

>Sup Forums's team
Makes sense

>Sup Forumss team

No, that's the Chiefs, faggot. And that's a great thing because our meme magic also helped Trump win office.

Besides, a bunch of cucked coasties isn't a Sup Forums team by any means

Brady and Belicheck were on the Trump train. The meme magic is with them.

Is this a jojo reference????? Xd

2 players doesn't equivalate anything, you fucking coastcuck

Get ready for Tyreek Hill to black Giselle once and for all. She's going to fucking love it, friendo


go back

Best team best board

why is the use of the word black as a verb so funny

Because it tells you who is a cuck and Brady is a week away from being sworn in as a cuck


>fellow shitposter
>not a chiefs fan

why tho

can anyone tell me how to make those eye sparkles on photoshop, is it a custom brush or a shape

Kys commie

I don't get how there are such faggots that can have redpilled opinions.

Actually America's team will win the owl

What team does this guy support?

>Brady and Belicheck
>2 players

Sup Forums please gtfo and learn football

>Sup Forums's team
>one of their best players is a jew


they have the least niggers

thats Jay Cutler

>Owner is a jew
rly meaks u think

>Jews owning things
Mate jews own everything >we at Sup Forums know this.


you know, for how subhuman jews are, they sure are good at controlling white people

nepotism isnt control

Matt ryan

you sound like nigger

Sup Forums would lose all of their meme magic if they ever knew what the fuck they were talking about.

t. Liberal Beta Cuck

They definitely banged.

Only pure autism has a chance at beating the unbeatable

just look at last night. he made beating the Texans look difficult in the first half. The only team with enough autistic luck to shock the world now is Atlanta


every white person on this board should be a patriots fan


why would you root for black people?

>the most hated president in American history.
>who is Nixon
>who is Reagan
>who is Bush
>who is Bush again

What's it like living with mental illness?

It's not Sup Forums's team. When he was asked about Trump, Brady turned into a fucking autist, muttering something about his wogmeat wife banning him from political answers. Sup Forums's QB would totally own backing Trump.

Reminder that antifa tricked 8pol to dox the TRS fags

Because black people are superior athletes. You have to cling to the scraps that Belichik finds that comes around once every two generations

Reminder that TRS worships a literal jew and is filled with goons. They deserve the dox.

Are the Patriots really the whitest team in the league? I remember reading something about the Eagles being the whitest


Yes. And also Johnson, Ford and Carter.

Reagan is one of the most well-liked presidents in our recent history Juan.

For you, maybe not for the rest of the world.
do you even operation condor m9

>thinking the rest of the world's opinion matters
You cucks all like Obongo.

>liking Obongo
>le right wing nigger that fooled everyone into thinking he is lefty

Which is hilarious since he helped fuck Europe over

proof that politics are simply a team sport and not actually rational

>just because he's not a 100% commie means he's right wing
This is why we Americans you europoor socialists. Enjoy those Syrian refugees.

hate you europoor*

Trump's initial approval rating is probably going to be lower than all of theirs.

because dems are crybaby faggots


i don't get it theres a fucking board for politics why do you cucks come to a sports board to discuss politics?

since trump won every man child thinks they're a political expert

It's not like Sup Forums posters are purposely coming to Sup Forums to shit up the board. It's people who post on both. The problem is the bait threads.

America's team

Sup Forums - Boston sports


>can they ever be stopped?
... yes, they choke in the playoffs all the fucking time. And the only reason they won their last Super Bowl was because of the worst call in NFL history

The problem is people who keep politicizing everything. Also the people you mentioned.

>Sup Forums's team
>in the most sjw cuckified region of the country


dude, the flukiest catch ever happened before that

stop being a douche

Looks like a lighting effect