Wait.. WHAT THE FUCK? I hate women now

Wait.. WHAT THE FUCK? I hate women now.

He turned out to be a nice guy. What's the problem?

same op

Jonathan called it in the woods

chad always wins

this guy is literally average

Once you take a girl's virginity she's basically yours for life. This is why the concept of purity is so ingrained in so many cultures.

He's funny, self-reflective, and caring. His character developed from funny guy to asshole to mature. What's wrong with him?

Steve did literally nothing wrong

He picked a fight with Jonathan. That was a mistake.

best character after pedoteacher

>That was a mistake.
you were a mistake

teacher did nothing wrong

can't beat chad dick

t. Steve


He has yellow fever chief, but he's still able to have fun , that and he probably just wanted to be the kind of teacher he wish he could have had growing up.

>immediately knew about the D&D shadow Realm

What a guy

I was thinking the other guy got cucked but then I realized there really wasnt any set up for the other dude and the girls relationship they barely know each other outside of hunting the inter dimensional monster the guy she ends up with is pretty decent and only acted like a jerk off because he hung out with those to soulless miserable ass hole and I think he redeems himself at the end when he goes back to help fight the monster. If you'd hate the girl for anything I'd say leaving her friend at the party was pretty shitty

her friend was being a no-fun bitch desu. should have read the mood, said have fun, and dipped. .

But it would have been cliche if she ended up with Johnathan. God I hope they never listen to "fans"

i mean you can't have it both ways. they clearly portrayed them both having genuine feelings for each other. so her ending up with steve is unsatisfying. of course like you say it IS cliche for her to end up with jonathan so that would be unsatisfying as well. she should have ended up with hopper desu (with added subtle buildup/hinting). that's the real fuck you mom/convention move and actually ties in with her "struggle" more.


>should have ended up with hopper
Wtf? I'm a pedophile now

>"Don't worry, Nancy! Leave cuckino to me!"

What the fuck was with that line, anyway?

That's what you earn when you save everyone from an extradimensional carnivorous vagina.

He is the only non adult character in the show to have any growth.

Him and Hop are the only characters with solid motivation and real change by the end of the show.

Dr. Brendan beat that pussy up daily

He had premarital sex.

>he gives a shit about kids
>must be a pedo!
Nice projection there, pedo