This isn't funny.
Why does Sup Forums pretend to like this?
This isn't funny.
Why does Sup Forums pretend to like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
thanks for another thread sam
Because they're paid shills like all those RLM and Netflix threads.
The next episode is funny but the first three were terrible. If the show is only going to be good 25% of the time I don't want a second season.
Ha haw! Comedy gold!
"t-th-the next episode is f-f-funny I swe-swear!"
MDE fans on suicide watch.
I even like some of MDE's stuff, but MDE:WP only has like...3 skits that are funny.
>not supporting the altright
get off the wrong stop on the way to reddit?
I am one of the people pretending to like it so I can speak for at least my self and my group of friends.
When I watch it with my "alt right" buddies, none of us laugh out loud very hard. Just some light giggling and what not.
I think we keep supporting it just because its nice to see something that isnt liberal propaganda on TV. Been watching shit like Colbert Report for so long, this is just refreshing to see. The last episode let them use a handicapped kid and even mocked him. He striaght up says "if you dont blow me right, I might kill you"
Its just nice to see artistic freedom being allowed to thrive on a basic cable network. Even if the end result is admittadly... Not very funny.
How many threads do you need a day Sam?
I just said I want it cancelled. I'm not a fanboy. But the episode that leaked this past week is genuinely funny. And honestly if you're talking about the first three episodes, I don't know that there are even three funny sketches in them. Two and a half, maybe. But the leaked episode is good across the board, except for maybe the more serious sketch which I didn't care for.
>wearing a made up bogeyman term like it's a badge of honor
Hello, Milo. Hope you enjoy your descent into irrelevance.
parts of it is funny.
Anthony Fantano's head sure looks like a nice place for s bullet.
Sam is their internet friend and they don't want to hurt his feelings.
super busy
this, i get 2 g's every time i make a thread
>Wow, why didn't you like the new Ghostbusters, user? Are you a misogynist manbaby?
MDE fans are on the same level as sony shills lmao.
>you have to pretend it's funny because you agree with their politics
Do people actually do this?
i'm sorry but if you're not a part of the alright you're on the wrong side of history and need to get the fuck off our board
Sam literally post the episodes here every week
don't even make threads about this shit then, jesus christ
>Not understanding the parody/social commentary of various subjects including PUA, modern day feminism, black welfare queens, trannies, hookers, black culture
>not understanding it's shit regardless
"b-but it's alt right so it's gotta be good, r-right?"
But it's not funny.
More like ascendance into the next media emperor.
Yeah, basically. My side must win. I don't give a shit about the cost or the consequences.
Politics and war are on the same continuum. Lets fucking go you worthless subhumans.
>I've got that gorilla dick, nigga. I make dyke pussy wet
>I'm not saying the n word, s-sorry. sorry.
kill yourself
cry more
>it's good because breitbart told me so
Why exactly are people just flipping about this now? this was implemented years ago
>expecting me to watch 11 minutes of this
please just link me to the funny part
I enjoy the black humor of Eric Andre.
Because they're liberals(i.e. retarded).
Yes, it's half the basis for people enjoying the show.
>waaaaaah the left gets to have comedians why can't we
Is something I see a lot in these threads, showing that they don't care how cancerous comedy based solely on political pandering is so long as they get to play, too.
I'm not crying you sperg faggot, I'm telling you to save time by killing yourself now instead of three years from now like you eventually will
How is world peace about pandering?
It's a meme because it's so terrible.
Like the Harambe shit.
No one gives a shit about a gorilla, but they act like they do because it doesn't matter.
>le fedora meme
Come up with something new already
I'm probably more successful than you, more educated, get laid more, etc.
The only reason I'd kill myself is if I thought it can't get any better, but as Brexit and recent violent events in Europe have shown, it sure as fuck can.
Dumb nigga.
Doesn't even realise he's witnessing the next Simpsons or Seinfeld or South Park.
A major shift in entertainment is coming. Finally, the age of libcuck satirists will die.
I've been an MDE fanboy for years but fucking christ this show is a mess.
They tried to do that overproduced style that Andrew Ruseman loves but man, it just doesn't work with the MDE crew like it did with Thankscomputer. They're better suited for underproduced skits on a shoestring budget. They should have given a show to both Ruseman and Kurush instead or had MDE do really cheap skits like Eric Andre does.
>radically far-left site
>watching right-wing comedy show solely for its politics
internet culture and social commentary from an angry absurdist swm. Sup Forums is the target audience so why are you surprised we like it.
>I'm probably more successful than you, more educated, get laid more, etc.
you sure are buddy
>radically far-left site
Actually reddit is our friend in struggles against feminism, leftists, etc. the meme of reddit being shit was spread by libs to discredit it
>The programmes of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure. He was the primal traitor, the earliest defiler of the Party's purity. All subsequent crimes against the Party, all treacheries, acts of sabotage, heresies, deviations, sprang directly out of his teaching.
Yeah, I'm sure a site whose politics section is basically a Dem party platform is an ally lmao
Hello tumblr, keep up your shilling
but mad men is great and its always sunny is funny
I feel like MDE thought they were obligated to do something ""more"" because of they money they had at their disposal but they should have maintained the style they had on their youtube channel.
The look on the faces of those adult swim executives that they showed in episode 3 honestly hints to me that the show ain't getting greenlit for a season 2.
I've been on here a long time and somethings been bugging me lately. I was watching the speech Hillary did recently, I think you know the one, and I have truly seen the error of my ways.
We, the "alt-right", have struck fear into the hearts of tax paying democrats and have been officially labeled as Internet Terrorists™. This evil ideology must be stopped before it gets a Death Gripˢ on Internet culture. We must join to the rest of the world in globalism, multiculturalism, and common sense gun control!
We must destroy all borders, they are obsolete in 2016! Let a refugee into your home, let him share his religion of peace with your wife and children, empty you bank account and share the wealth with urban youth, be more open minded! America is already great because it is good, Black Lives Matter!
Guys... Drumpf is a loser... It's 2016 and I and going to shill for the Hill.
#hillary 2016
>he doesn't get Mr Robot
Eric Andre is like 10x as funny than this how can anyone say this is better
the whole premise of the show is to be offensive against libs and to go against PC culture
pity it has shit writing, shit editing and effectively zero value as a comedy show
They aren't funny, but they are very watchable.
nice grammar are tard
That's not pandering, that's being contrarian/counter culture.
More like it spammed on Sup Forums and if you go against paid shills they get butthurt.
Case in point: this thread
I'm that gorilla dick nigga
I like it mainly because it's A E S T H E T I C as fuck and the most kino thing I've ever seen on TV
>implying MDE-hating cowards aren't the ones with anger
it's pandering to contrarians if you're doing it for views
and if it wasn't just for views they'd be more inspired
the tragic thing is, they probably aren't even paid and are doing this because MUH WHITE GENOCIDE
Kind of agree with this guy. I only laugh 2 or 3 times per episode but I find them fascinating and I want to watch them all. I'll probably buy the dvd for my brother if they release it uncensored
>hating a retarded, unfunny faggot makes me a coward
>i'm not angry
Don't you have something better to do? Do you shitpost in every thread with topics you don't enjoy?
I just don't have anything better to do besides shitting on the things you like
name 5 things I like
i think it's funny
first three episodes were shit
the one on tonight is actually really really good, though.
The MDE YouTube videos I've seen seems to be indicate that they have had similar opinions for a while. Also, they don't have ads enabled on their YouTube videos, so they're not that desperate for eyeballs.
Does anyone say BAZINGA! in this? I've heard good things.
why do you hate your own show, Sam? stop making threads pls
Sure thing Sam
You're the biggest shill here, buddy.
Dedicating an entire thread to something you ""supposedly"" hate
nice ironic humor
post links bros i havent seen
>1st sketch
>Bruh, those singing competitions are so lame huh?!
>2nd sketch
>Bruh, pick up artists right? Disabled people, lol! Gay people are taking over straight culture! Weird accents "black person malls"!!! hahaha! Name drop David Duke so we sound smart!
>3rd sketch
>Dude! Gay people act flamboyant! LOL! Ca ca poo poo fart fart!
>2nd Sketch pt. 2
>Lol i said nigga lets make some PC police angry! Controversy = fame$$$$!!!!!
>4th sketch
>Single moms on welfare! Feminism! Nanny State! Manhating cunts ignore their babies to get free stuff from the government then do drugs and kill their babies!
>1st sketch pt. 2
>5th Sketch
>Addicts right?!
>1st sketch pt. 3
I mean it's not funny to begin with, but they seem like they don't understand comedy to begin with. None of the sketches have any punchlines or laugh out loud moments. It's just a single premise and that's it. "Hey aren't welfarians shitty?" "Yep. done."
Not only that, but they must be well balanced because they have a chip on both shoulders. They're so assblasted all the time that their sketches just seem like angry complaining. It's like those comedians who go up on stage and complain/rant/pause for applause breaks.
There isn't one.
Just so we're clear, you don't have an argument?
No one is pretending to like this. It's just shills. Sam Hyde keeps spamming this shit himself, to be more specific. Just keep hiding those threads like I do.
So they're doing mainstream comedy, except for the message being something you disagree with.
I think we can all agree that anti-comedy is the worst thing that has happened to television.
cool story, bro. see you next thread and the one after that and the one after that and the one after that
>y-you guys just don't get it
No we do it's just not funny. Stick to YouTube Sam it's a better platform for you
It's funny like 1/3 of the time and has a nice aesthetic and great music. Definitely worth watching imo
This. MDE sucks, Eric Andre isn't funny and the only thing good Tim & Eric ever did was Tom Goes to the Mayor. It's not the politics that are terrible, it's the shitty, unfunny and unoriginal brand of humor.
No. Most comedy has punchlines, or comedic twists. These guys literally come up with a single premise, then call it a day.
>Hey, like, singing competitions are dumb.
>Yeah, they are. Done.
Never mind the fact that singing competitions are completely irrelevant, they don't make any statement, or tell a single joke. They just point out the obvious and make an out-of-context reference to build their credibility. This is honestly youtube vlogger-tier comedy writing.
>watching the fourth episode in a show you think is shitty
you're not fooling anyone
I actually laughed more at this post than the entire show.
It's basically teenage angst the comedy show, only without any notably funny skits.
Not to mention American Idol isn't even on the air anymore. Way to go, guys, you skewered a cultural trend from 15 years ago.