"For me, Trump's racist comments are a bridge too far. We'd watch the debates and argue — that was nothing new. But there was something unsettling about his new interest in Trump. We'd sit on the couch and he'd spend hours on Twitter, scoffing at "Hillary trolls." We'd always enjoyed a good argument, but now there was a hint of chauvinism and condescension. The wit and charm I fell in love with seemed to have dulled. He was a racist and a sexist. "
Women are breaking up with their boyfriends because of TRUMP
Other urls found in this thread:
she should immediately kill herself
what a fukin princess
>I don't agree with him
>so he's a racist and I sexist
>I don't have power over him anymore so I'm breaking up with him
She's just mad she couldn't control him
So, she's a cunt? Got it. Wrap it up, boys!
I feel bad that he wasted so much time and money on that shallow broad.
>I could not longer defend my vague and untenable political positions
>I know, i'll say i detected a hint of chauvinism and condescension in our debate so i dont have to think about anymore
>phew, almost had to have a rational thought for once
>glad that guy's out of my life and can't challenge me to think about anything anymore
>time to be comfortably numb
Oh yes, big bad Donald Trump made him a racist and sexist with all those racist and sexist remarks he made. What did Trump say again?
>Trump saving men from toxic relationships
And this is bad why?
Liberal women are leaving conservative men to go fuck niggers or "become a lesbian". It was going to happen regardless of Trump.
Don't forget to add that he started mansplaining while defending his position on Trump
>"For me, Trump's racist comments are a bridge too far.
He's set unrealistic goals?
>hurr durr Trump ruined my relationship
No you ruined it yourself by letting petty politics get the better of you and not leaving the dude in his own worth. This is exactly why i try to avoid politics when talking to leftwing friends or people i don't know well, some cunts just always have to bring it up though.
Why are you using Vista?
>Bernie supporter
>Clinton clearly winning nomination
>Not voting for that neo-lib
>Realize Drumpf will win
>Try to get hyped about aspects of trump policy you like
>Have to pretend to be happy about it bc liberal gf
I would never come out as a Trump supporter purely because of this. My gf and all of my friends are Bernie supporters, and they think I am too.
I have a strict convert or gtfo policy in my household in regards to Trump, you support Trump, or you can fuck off. It has been very successful.
Bye bitch.
Enjoy your faggy, beta nu-males that make your pussy dryer than the Sahara Desert and cant do a fucking thing to please you in the sack.
Hopefully white men will now wake up to who is the biggest enemy and traitor of all- white women.
What are you going to do when your gf's son is one too?
sounds like they are doing their boyfriends a favor 2bh
You sound like a massive pussy.
Your gf is out probably fucking niggers right now as I type this.
>being this much of a little bitch
>trump ruined my relationship
You ruined it yourself, whore. Trump is excellent degenerate repellent.
You probably look like a Bernie supporter, so I don't blame them.
kek. Hillary's prison reform policy is all about getting women out of prison while leaving the men locked away. She's easily more sexist than Trump.
Feminist women are freaking out about Trump because he's the first politician from either party that's willing to confront PC culture head-on. And since they can't come up with any logical reason why he's sexist, they just try to use their vagina to blackmail men
Your friends will have more respect for you if you stop pandering to them and tell them what you really think and if they don't they are not your friends.
>written for """Thought Catalog""" and other online blogs
Every. Damn. Time.
>dating a liberal
But seriously though if you're that narrow minded that you can't accept that people will have different views and opinions than you you should probably consider suicide.
Aside from political views we have good chemistry and get along very well. Most girls have really liberal opinions because they have empathy for poor people and children, feel bad for muh refugee babies and illegal immigrant kids, and can't into the economic / safety side of it. It's not something you can really fault them for.
Who gives a fuck?
The guy is better off without her
I'm not faulting her. I'm faulting you. Of course women don't think logically. What you need to do is man up, dick her down, and make her politics a general reflection of your politics. When I first started dating my wife she was a typical college feminist. Now she is Republican on virtually every issue.
And they shouldnt fault you for viewing a certain candidate as the best option for yourself. Own your position, dont be a faggot.
>When you and your gf can make silly racist comments and giggle about it together.
So we're not worth dating, but if we do not vote as we are told, we won't get dates? Is that like worrying about whether Jews will hire you if you complain about Jew nepotism?
I broke up my with gf because she supports Bernie. giving me some old fucking "I have empathy for everyone" wahhhh I mean wtf.
She cooked and cleaned and wasn't politically correct so I'm kind of conflicted.
Its liberals in general not just girls. A lot of liberal policy is just wishful thinking of how things should work. And it is the job of the rest of us to tell them that these ideas aren't bad because they are wrong, but that there are difficulties and repercussions concerning them.
>I'll base my relationship on lies, that always works!
>tfw had sex with some moderately fat liberal chick and she saw my trump hat sitting on a lamp as she was putting her clothes back on
Boy that was fun seeing her world crash and burn in the span of five seconds.
WTF is that Windows Vista?
You're gonna have to give me more details familia
>not being open minded and listening to your partner's point of view
It's like she wasn't even trying. I was a liberal before my BF made me read articles as to why shit like free college isn't as great as it sounds. I absolutely hate PC culture, which is why I'm voting Trump.
Enjoy your rape charges.
>there is nothing wrong with Trump thread
Isn't this that whale who wrote that nonsense about fucking a republican at a family gathering of some shit, and capped off her fantasy by him only lasting 10 seconds in the sack?
I know we've gotten a lot of redditors in the past 8 months, but it's pathetic that you cucks are falling for this.
>mfw my gf is going to reluctantly vote for trump because Hillary is such a corrupt cunt
a dominant majority of women are nu liberals
it's fucking cancer, the 19th amendment was a mistake
>wait the hamburger was... a lie??!?!
>oh noes he's a racist! and a sexist! -random "empowered" woman
>and Bernie is such a fucking socialist nut
I'm with her now.
if they didn't respect pandering they wouldn't be bernie supporters now would they?
>you know remember Rhodesia
>You know remember that british hillary left them to die
I've been seeing a moderately fat liberal chick I met on pof. Her profile said "I only date Bernie voters."
I'm solely interested in fucking her just to hit it from behind. I plan to don my trump hat and I nut in her face when she turns around.
Make America Great Again indeed
>women are breaking up with their boyfriends because they're selfish degenerate western whores who no family values
Take a picture for the sake of all Sup Forumslers
>that national anthem
That tune is clearly stolen from somewhere. Is that a Christmas song?
That's why it is your job to mold her feeble little female mind to match your way of thinking, not avoid it completely like a pussy
I broke up with my liberal cunt gf about two months ago. If a girl could articulate a valid reason not to vote for the man, I would appreciate the intellectual thought. However, most just resort to, "TRUMP IS RACIST."
Men deserve better than woman who rather listen to their gender studies professor over their SO. Save your money and time, never date a liberal.
It really doesn't bother me and I don't get why Sup Forums is so uptight about this. It's like worrying about the political opinions of children. Obviously you're not going to be taking them seriously, so who gives a fuck?
No, they are liberal when they are single because they want the gubment to protect them like a husband and then get conservative once and married and with kids.
My gf is actually a little more right wing than I am. We're both on the right and love trump except for the Mexican border issue. She believes in completely strict border patrol and sending them back. I do care for a border and I do care for legality due to the fact eliminating illegal aliens actually eliminates slavery. I just think, hey at least they're not Muslims. My opinion for Europe would be to start shooting at the refugees if they force their way. As for the Mexicans it's more like send them back but with a brochure on how to enter legally. Muslims though should be fucking gassed.
What is wrong with windows vista? Not tech savvy
my best friend of over 18 years has stopped talking to me completely since i support trump.
fucking bernie, that god damn cult leader
To be fair, a woman who will break up with you over your political beliefs is probably vapid garbage that will only make your life miserable sometime down the line.
Mexicans are awful. Youve clearly never lived around any.
Fake as shit desu. The kind of person that breaks up over politics prolly would never date the kind of person that votes trump in the first place.
Is this the most divisive election in modern American history?
How many people lost their partner because they were voting for Clinton?
Are my HAPPENING goggles on too tightly, or are our nation's social structures crumbling more and more every day this goes on?
Hold me, Sup Forums
>my gf
stop lying to all these people, but more importantly stop lying to yourself.
And all of them are SJW problem glasses mudsharks so who gives a fuck?
women have always been the enemy. There is tens of thousands of years of evidence to support this.
Because she can vote you dipshit. She literally cancels you out.
Also, her political opinions are directly tied to her behavior. If she's a communist/liberal like a typical bernie supporter, that means she supports mass immigration, no borders and race mixing.
You can keep pretending its no big deal but these pretty fucking fundamental differences. Imagine you knock her up, then you'll see how she insists that the kid is raised to think like her.
You can either train her or pump and dump. There's no in between.
No time to be a cuck, soldier! REVEAL YOUR POWER LEVEL!!!
children don't have voting rights you fucking cuck. tame that bitch or get rid of her.
Trump is already making relationships in America great again, with partners now looking for someone who shares their worldview and values.
What a madman!
>the moment when you realize men want Trump more than pussy
Sounds like you could use better friends
This made me kek too hard fin.
ode to joy
We are a step closer to pic related
Rev up those ovens folks
Lol trying to force men to vote differently with bribes of vagina... yeah all the pretense of these soo called progressive liberals for equality, womens rights, women are not sex objects and all the other shite they spew 24/7 is instantly thrown overboard at the first little sign of trouble.
They are literally spoiled little brain damaged children while thinking they are gods gift to the world itself.
>Not controlling your woman's political views
It's easy if she respects you. Now that you'd know, bernout
No girl willing to break up over Trump has a boyfriend or is someone you would want to fuck in the first place.
A chick i was fucking off tindr left me cause she found out about my dirty little secret (i live in commiefornia and keep my Trump support secret to sluts i fuck on the tindrsphere)
>be fucking in hotel room
>wallet and phone on nightstand, light on
>i was smoking a post-fuck cig
>she looked at my wallet.
>first side had "imma big faggot" scratched in on it thanks to my brother
>other side had a swastika on scratched on it
>only noticeable in clear lighting, but lamp was right on it
>my phone lights up
>she sees my screen saver pic related
>user wtf is this
>lol youve been fuckin a trump supporter this whole time
>she says im a fuckin pig and wants to go home
>she doesnt even own a car, i drove us here
>Lol okay catch the bus (its like 3am)
>she ends up giving my shaft a mouth polish and i drive her home.
>get drunk by myself and watch nba replay games in hotel room, comfy as fuck
Sounds like he dodged a bullet.
>going full german at the end there
fucking perfect LOL
>Go full Zyklon Ben on my gf
>Denounce the evils of racemixing, the jews, the nwo, declare women to be inferior to men, blacks to be subhuman etc. etc.
>Show her my hitler subfolder (located inside of my pornography folder) shortly after taking her virginity
>She's center left but respects my opinions and native dominance
Women lol
What a silly chinstrap
>Friendly american send me my maga cap (Thanks Pepe the Frog!"
>It arrives while I'm at work
>My girlfriend sent a text to tell me a package has arrived, and what it is
>Text her back "You'll see"
>Come home
>Open the package
>Just before it's fully open she blurts out "I seriously hope it's not one of those stupid Trump hats"
>Put on a shiteating grin while I pull the hat up, unwrap it and put it on while saying "well ain't that a gosh darned shame?"
FUCKING KEK. i have yet to go full Nazi with my stable of whores
YES Trump is becoming a bigger Saviour each day. Exposing emotionally manipulative low IQ bitches is a gift to us. Drop them, ignore them, laugh about them, be a real men instead of a pet
Praise the Don
You will begin to hate those people
Being a spineless coward is no way to make America great again son
>I share a city with this
Never bothered opening that image before, what a horrible revelation.
post titss
>she ends up giving my shaft a mouth polish and i drive her home.
Dude wtf, after the blowjob you should have asked her what is worse:
Supporting trump or being a whore that gives blow jobs for a ride.
Then you should have kicked her out because whores are not allowed in this hotel.
Man up!