Hey Sup Forums, please rec. me some good Mozart albums. Thanks and much appreciated.
Hey Sup Forums, please rec. me some good Mozart albums. Thanks and much appreciated
Other urls found in this thread:
His final LP Classical Music for Studying and Concentration | Mozart Music Study, Relaxation, Reading is his strongest statement as a composer
Thank you any other?
Is this album any good?
fucking plebs don't realize that Mozart Classical Music 2017-Intelligence,Relaxation, Sophistication
is his best album
Post pic please
>His final LP Classical Music for Studying and Concentration | Mozart Music Study, Relaxation, Reading is his strongest statement as a composer
>Thank you any other?
Please tell me you're not serious.
Those aren't available on iTunes.
I refuse to believe you're being serious.
lul funny thread
They seriously aren't, though.
only available to patricians sorry user its a secret exclusive code which you have to access thru hacking the home page of Apple music and then entering a code determined by coordinates on our planet in which a piece of paper is placed at an exact coordinate and you must go to that coordinate and find the piece and then u father all the piec3s until u get a word for the code then send a video of your gaping asshole to the private emailof an Apple executive who will then send you a link to an Asian femboi hentai thai trap site and you have to record yourself masturbating to at least 12 of these in a row and then send the video file to a different fake account which is a front for Apple executive shady dealings and then go to page 53 after searching for music and you will then find an album marked as Classical Music for Patricians and then you will click the Amazon link and you will place an order for the CD and then an email will be sent telling you the exact coordinate of where the album will be held you must travel to coordinate and then open the large barrel labeled Radioactive Waste which will be filled with Ebola blood and you will then fish put a Ziploc bag with a piece of paper telling you the coordinates of where the album is actually held which will probably be a cavern guarded by 2 meter 150 kg Israeli Zionist puppet bodyguards in vast quantities once you kill them you will have access to the cave where in a corner you will find a white blank undecorated cd labeled with the names of the two albums in red magic marker lolololololololololololololololol xD so randumb :))))))//4===/ *raises spork* *masturbates into fedora*
You are all plebs, this is clearly his strongest record
I found that so far this is his strongest album, clean production , good beats 9/10
This is my favorite. Requiem in D minor youtube.com
Check the new Mozart
the beginning of the 25th symphony could be remixed into a great rap song
speaking of which, what are the best remixes of classical works? Im partial to Moonlight Sonata (CLub Edit) myself
>can't write sheet music or counterpoint
not even close to Mozart
Cannon in D and Air on a G string are my favorite Mozart songs.
>tfw you can't enjoy any mozart because it all just sounds like trailers to 90s movies.
>Hearing 90s movie trailers before Mozart
Mozart couldn't play synths and even use a DAW. Not even talking about singing, writing lyrics and producing. So, it's almost even (advantage: Grimes).
Mozart played keyboard better than Grimes could ever do, even at age 4 or 5.
I wager Mozart was a better singer and would be better at writing lyrics and producing if he tried his hand at them. It's nowhere near even.
>I wager Mozart was a better singer and would be better at writing lyrics and producing if he tried his hand at them.
Your suppositions =/= reality. We're discussing with the facts in front of our eyes, not based on some wild guessings. Mozzie was just a composer and a player. Grimes is a singer, songwriter, player, multi instrumentalist, designer, director, video editor, sound engineer, producer, dancer, model. Advantage Grimes.
>Mozart played keyboard better than Grimes could ever do, even at age 4 or 5.
So what? I'm not impressed by some keyboard wankery. I want to hear good pieces with great melodies. He had great pieces but Grimes has too.
Which album from this user's pic is the best for a first time listener of Mozart?
This is how stupid Grimes fans are? Wow
This, no doubt
meme but great to start with
>having a different opinion = dumb
You're the dumbass here, mate