Anyone else lose their house in Fort mac?
Anyone else lose their house in Fort mac?
lol no
No lol
Where you livin now brofam
That'll teach you for being Canadian
Did you have insurance at least?
We tried to help but treadu told us he had it handled. Sorry bro. of my summer-home's was up there
sorry leafbro. hope insurance covers it, know it won't cover the irreplaceable shit though
sorry bro,hope you can get compensated.
If you lose your house, you don't lose it
I didn't even realize it was in Canada until last weekend. I thought it was down in the States somewhere.
if you take out the fire, the fire wins
Sorry breh. Hope insurance pays out, but I can't say much for the sentimental things
How you holding up OP? Hope all is going well for you.
no, gods not mad at my country.
Sorry, Canadabro.
Hope this helps.
Currently living in Canmore. Have friends who worked/lived there.
We pretty much believe that they're (Notley, Trudeau, &co) intentionally want to let "the beast" burn down as much oil territory as possible.
Fuck 'em. They aren't even mentioning the carbon footprint of the fire. Shouldn't "muh climate change" force them to throw every and all available resources at the fire?
I hate the way our country is heading.
Regina , Saskatchewan staying with my cousin
Yes don't know exactly how much I'm getting but around 200k I think
I'm doing good , kinda pissed off all my old shit from old house burned and all my old games/consoles buy it's fine though bored af here in Regina
it's what you get for peddling oil sands desu. climate change burns down your house. no offense
She looks like such a bitch. Fuck you.
you manage to get the important shite outta ye home?
Blame yourself for living there. It's no one's problem here but yours.
Just imagine you're the narrator in Fight Club. You've started a new life. You've been reborn. Congrats buddy. Most people just fall into a monotonous lifestyle. That's why people beg and dream for a happening to occur to them.
Underrated post Suomi
Did you lose a bet or something?
>it's fine though bored af here in Regina
Go fight some Natives
What did you do for work?
Hopefully Trump can smack some sense into Trudeau
What belongings did you manage to save, if any?