
Holy shit were people doing that?

Other urls found in this thread:


Apparently some toddler got his face blown off when his mother tried making one for him.


Get the fuck out, there's absolutely no way someone would be that stupid.

If we were going to kill Democrats we'd be killing Hillary shills.

We didn't create it

It came from a Hillary forum


Now, who's got the image about growing neat crystals for Bernie?

Haha that's fucking hilarious. I've been telling people time and time again. The Internet is actually making people dumber these days.

>we din do nuffin


Try again you monster.

>The exact origins of the above-displayed meme are unclear, but one of the first mentions we were able to uncover was posted to the Sup Forums section of the web site Sup Forums in March 2016. The meme was shared again in May 2016, along with a message encouraging forum members to spread it on social media in an apparent attempt to prank Bernie Sanders supporters

>you people

nigga, you have no idea where that came from.

my money is on a hillary shill.

Anyone stupid enough to do this deserves death

I am pretty sure this happened months ago, I remember it being circulated in response to those BLM heifers who cucked his event.

We did the thing

>endless resources at finger tips to see if legit

>fuck it,this sketchy infograph is enough

how stupid are these people?

God damn

isnt this a meme from like 2002?

Not all anons.

Bigots please leave.

Sup Forums is a board of peace

People fell for delete system32 and making crystals, I'd say it's possible.

Are you thinking of the crystals one?

Wow the Hillary campaign really is willing to do anything to get rid of chance of Bernie getting the nomination.

Wouldn't that be the same time Clinton started paying trolls?

What sort of retard would mix chlorine tablets and alcohol in a bottle and cap it? How stupid would you have to be to think this would make anything but mustard gas?

Guys, how do we stop retards from hurting themselves through the internet physically and mentally?

i mean
not all Sup Forumsacks
these Sup Forumsacks do not represent Sup Forums in the slightest
not real Sup Forumsacks

it wasn't us. It was a SRS raid to take down pol.

For the last fucking time, this was posted on a pro-Hillary forum, we had nothing to do with this

>people actually did this and felt the bern
Product working as advertised

Shut down the internet for public use.

It is the only way.


Just type "sudo diskutil reformat {volume name goes here}" into your terminal to turn off trolling

>Sup Forums causing people to kill themselves


>this was posted on a pro-Hillary forum, we had nothing to do with this

Where is the evidence

I'm not seeing any evidence


they dont actually exist


Hillary supporters are fucking evil though. They spread child porn on Bernie Facebook fan pages to shut them down.

I bet he's feeling the bern

True. Just a republican lie!

Her and her dangerous rhetoric is going to get people killed

I forgot about this!

It does say it would make a glow stick

Are people that stupid?

We dont. Weeds out the undesirables in an age where the weak are enabled.

cuck status : put on blast


How about we trick people into making and setting off thermite in their homes?

Yes, and I have a guide on how to make liquid gold, all you need is a large grease fire and a water hose.

Just in time for Battlefield One. Thanks user.

Gleeful frog from Bulgaria is a pretty esoteric pepe

Where's the evidence it was CREATED by Sup Forums?

Your archive doesn't show it

>half of Sup Forums applies this logic to Jew conspiracies

Sup Forums is satire


This proves nothing

it could have been shared on social media first and afterwards here

Alright, guys. I just came up with something that might yield lulz. You know there's going to be a huge fucking protest at the upcoming Republican National Convention.

Well, they're always bringing milk and mylanta to pour into their eyes after they get pepper sprayed. What clever concoction might SEEM like it could help, but... well... doesn't help?

I was thinking something along the lines of :

"Capsaicum is acidic and oily. Bases neutralize acids and oils can only be diluted and washed out with _____, Combine these two household ingredients, put into a spray bottle, and pack it in your protesting kit. Administer to friends and yourself in the event of tear gas, OC spray or Pepper Spray. Stay safe and smash the system!"

This is nonsense

Sup Forums is a board of peace
Stop spreading hateful lies

>are bernie supporters that stupid

what do you think

How do you think Canada's massive wildfire started?

They asked for free education for life
> They would have got a free education for life

We need to get Breitbart on this

>How Sup Forums Might Have Caused Canada's Wildfire

Ideally this would not cause irreparable harm, but maybe just get real sticky and make them look fucking retarded. I just wanted to clarify that.

>you people
Then who the fuck are you? If you aren't one of us then where the fuck do you come from? Why are you here?

People who didn't pay attention in science class deserve to win a darwin award desu lads

Trudeau dropped out a lit joint.

It's very clear from the archive thread there that Sup Forums users reported this criminal act.
The most likely scenario is that it was a false flag posted here by Hillary supporters who have already been documented engaging in such criminal behavior.
The person posting it here again and again this week is also a shill and posts it specifically to place blame on us.

We are not involved and I hope the FBI investigates this.

good thinking. the FBI is probably watching this board

OP is the same shill who has been posting this image to Sup Forums 20 times a day for the past week

We're talking about Bernie supporters here

Yes, fire is colored gold, and you need a lot of it to refine ore, what is your point?

Your average person isn't versed in basic chemistry and they believe everything they see on Facebook at face value. I think you're the retarded one.

That was Hillary's people
Source: twitter


what a lil faggot

could have been a nationalist

>Using a hose
You can get more refined gold by using large blocks of ice.

I'll reply to your rude image with one of japanese big dicks.

I'm sure your intentions are pure you shitdick agent provocateur

also fuck you

Fuck people are dumb.

Anyone have that TwitchTV video where a kid tries to repair his laptop by slathering it in butter and putting it in the oven?

Kek, Milo, you there fag?

We are and shitposting as well.

Just remember behind every well composed fbi agent watching his nation go to shit is a guy who just wants to go home and vent on Sup Forums

Huh. So we did do it. Awesome! I was kinda hoping it was us other than Clinton supporters.

>Implying any Japanese flags here are Japanese people.

One of the top minds of Mexico here!


>yeah I'll just mix these chemicals I've never heard of together without knowing anything about them

A death well deserved.

You are a good goy for pointing this out.

But you are the Clinton supporter, false flag boy


Sup Forums is a message board of peace

>Tfw calling FBI fags and they see it

what do you mean you people? thats some hillary shills on tumblr faggotry

bernie has lost. there is a bernie or bust movement. they wont vote for hillary.

hillary is annoyed that she isnt queen of america already and given new authority that no president has ever had

If all of them died from this, then it has been a good meme.

Cull the stupid I say.

> $0.02 USD has been deposited to your paypal account

> Thank you for your efforts on behalf of the Hillary 2016 Memetics PAC, a subsidiary of The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS (NYSE) $160.01 -0.06 (-0.04%)

Someone kept spamming this on the board right around the same time the pro Hillary trolls started going into action on the internet. 90% sure this is related to that.

Obviously a sanders suporter

>makes claim
>ignores demand for source
Nice job shill.

me on the right

Just wait for nature to run it's course.

better dead than red 2bh

TYVD somewhat related


Peace, and shills rapidly changing their IP's to make it look like there are a lot of posters supporting criminal activity.
Fortunately the FBI/Interpol will have full access to Sup Forums server and ISP logs and by the way Hillary isn't going to pardon any of these people even if she becomes president.