So is this thing an interdimensional demon?

So is this thing an interdimensional demon?

Also, how did Eleven get her powers? Does the show imply that LSD gives your offspring telekinesis?

What are your thoughts and theories?

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>Does the show imply that LSD gives your offspring telekinesis?

Assuming what they gave her mother was actually LSD.

never looked that good on the actual show

He's cute, would kiss him.

no op, its obviously a monster that manifested from elevens mind, similar to james in silent hill 2.

In the movie universe it implies MKultra had some success.

MKultra wasn't only LSD, they tested dozens of drugs including meth and DMT.

this show was derivative, cliched, poorly acted trash that is only defended on here by pedophiles who constantly post pictures of the little girl and talk about how "pure" and "perfect" she is.

it was a shitty rip-off of a gug, is what it was

erfect plot bait for dipshits

>durrr it was derivative

No shit, you moron. Do you know what a pastiche is?

Is Stranger Things a live action Mob Psycho????

Human infected and transformed by the worms. That's why the kid was coughing up slugs, in the finale - he's infected and turning into one of these things.

It was retarded like your question, and this thread.
kill your self

Seems similar to the Alien way of reproducing.

What happened to Shepard?

>Also, how did Eleven get her powers? Does the show imply that LSD gives your offspring telekinesis?
Literally a ripoff of Beyond the Black Rainbow, which is itself a "homage".

its a psychic manifestation of her suppressed emotional problems. She had to destroy herself to destroy it

what's you definition of demon?

I didnt realize pastiche meant lifting every single shot, character, and line of dialogue from various, superior works while filling in the gaps with cliches that were groan inducing 30 years ago. Because it doesnt. The show is shit. kys familio

Isn't that the also backstory to Firestarter?

christ thats worse than most anime

>its a psychic manifestation of her suppressed emotional problems.

Total Silent Hill ripoff. They even ripped off the otherworld.

More importantly, what's going to happen to best boy in S2?

he will die, obviously. Maybe get stuck in the Upside Down.

>Will will turn into this

A supernatural being that does harm to people. I assume he's supernatural cuz he can't die by conventional means and he can travel between dimensions.

You didn't realize shit bc you didn't even know pastiche was a word until you just looked it up you fucking turbopleb

I'm just hoping it becomes an anthology and season 2 is completely different story/cast


That's what I was hoping. There's nothing left to really explain. But they already said season 2 will be the same characters. Don't really know how good that can be. We'll see.

God.. they either weren't creative enough to come up with a whole new storyline or didn't want to take the risk and want to milk this shit as much as possible

It will be, the brothers confirmed in one of the inteviews

I think if the story continues Hopper and the town of Hawkins will have to deal with what i assume are the demegorgon's offspring. Which means that they'll need to deal with people disappearing and interdimensional portals at which point the shows plot will probably go to shit.

i think the worms were something else. You can clearly see the egg the fucker hatched from in the last episode

didnt they confirm the actual opposite?
I remember them saying it would be the original cast 1 year later

Mike'll be fine don't worry.

Yeah, but there will be another self-contained plot.

Millie Bobby Brown is an ugly Child with a face to hate.
Almost stopped watching the Show because of her.

She developed her psychic abilities to become an intelligence asset for the government. She did this by doing "remote viewing", it was an actual government project that was funded for quite sometime. very controversial but there was a 15% success rate using it in real life, much more than what people expected.

Really interesting stuff, go read up on Remote Viewing and MKUltra.

Oh and the government used to pump children with LSD and fuck them, it's a fact no joke.

MKUltra was a real program run by the US government tho. There were no spooky aliums involved, but it was a legitimate program. Thousands of documents have been declassified and are a quick google search away.

Worst monster design ever, or worst monster design ever?

worst monster design to show quality ratio ever

it wasn't remotely scary or interesting once you got to see it moving around clearly

I'm trying to figure out the creature's biology. Are there web theories out there?

It either has nearly invulnerable skin, or it doesn't have centralized internal organs. Cause you'd think getting shot that much would damage something important. Or it regenerates instantly.

Its mouth seems geared towards swallowing things whole and not tearing them apart or chewing them, so it makes me wonder what kind of prey it's used to.

What role does dimension warping play in its life cycle? Since it wasn't aware of our world before does it have some other dimension full of small mammals that it's used to popping into and grabbing?

He'd love to give you a big kiss too!

>Thousands of documents have been declassified

which are the only surviving documents, we only have around less than 10% of the full documentation. They literally burned most of it once it was all being released.

And the little we have is fucking horrifying stuff, I can't even imagine how much worse it probably got.

S2 won't happen. If it did, it'd not have anything in common with the S1 story line.

Back to Sup Forums, pissbaby coward!

It's confirmed it happens, senpai


>Back to Sup Forums, pissbaby coward!

what? I hate Sup Forums as much as the next user. But I'm stating facts, this actually happened.

You spam conspiracy shit like a Sup Forumsesmoker so pardon me if I don't take your word for it. Kindly fuck off back to Sup Forums, scum.

ok whatever you say user. It did happen and you can read up on it any time you'd like. It's not a conspiracy.

It was an open secret throughout the 40s and 50s, user. You can literally get information on it from anywhere.

>conspiracy shit
>Sup Forumsesmoker
go back to r.eddit you fucking retard