What are some non-degenerate Sup Forums approved games? Please dont post neckbeard games or hentai porn games either. Also, battlefield 1 induces nigger worship..
Video Games
HONESTLY?!?! How could you say the n word as if it's no big deal and mock an entire group of people?!? The n word is the most offensive word on Earth and the fact you use it so casually as if it's no big deal is DESPICABLE!!! It really hurts the African community!
Only way to play that one is 1257 AD mod at full difficulty.
Like buttah.
Chess. Lynch mob. Tackle the Varren.
Not sure is Jewish Shill or Troll.
>Stellaris's gameplay revolves around space exploration, managing an empire, mass genocide, and diplomacy and warfare with other spacefaring civilizations.
>Mass genocide
you really for Mount and Blade Bannorlord?
Why are there so many shit posters today. Every single thread.
Mount and Blade, Age of Empires II, Stronghold Crusader, Postal 2, Deus Ex,
Victoria 2
nigger detected.
Did you do that or did you steal that pic?
Darkest Hour along with the Kaiserreich mod for it.
>This faggot doesn't tire to being wrong
Crusader kings 2
Skyrim, but only if you play as a Stormcloak.
ESO is kinda ehh
Spec Ops: The Line
You're welcome
Anything from the Souls series. You start off as no one, it's difficult as fuck, nd the game is merciless in how it doesn't hold your hand in gameplay or explaining lore. You have complete freedom to explore and play how you want.
A true "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" line of games.
Witcher 3 is pretty good
total war
Skyrim is pretty good.
I don't get the hate for it when it literally parallels the current social situation.
>Imperial empire being manipulated by the Thalmor (aka jews)
>Ulfric uses his side to stop them
>Imperial commanders try to weed out the jews
>High elves that are anti thalmor try to prevent them from taking things too far
3 units per tile, Yet (not) another world map, R.E.D. units, R.E.D. Extreme Scale, Remove Unit upkeep
you forgot
>Get some shitty generic items for completing that shitty quest line
yah...nah. Fuck off
Please kill yourself
Papers, Please is a redpilled game. It is designed to be boring and make life seem terrible, to show you what it was like for the luckiest of people in a Communist country.
Really anything from Paradox. Playing anything with your real life friends is Sup Forums approved because the socializing can help stave off the autism that is being programmed into us through media.
If you play a lot of video games, do not let it sap from you the patience to enjoy slower and less exciting things, though. Do it in moderation, and do not get so engrossed in a video game to avoid the enjoyment of non-videogame related activities.
>souls is difficult
Stop, you earned your potato already for the day. Now go get drunk.
>Play Europa universalis
>Start as Portugal
>Ally castllie
>get them to join in Moroccan - Ottoman crusade
>attack and lose
>pope declares a HRE wide Crusade
>Morocco is wiped off the face of the earth from england and Castille
Over all i love EU3
Yeah, Im not the type to overdose on video games and ignore all real life related activities. I go to work 3 times a week, complete schoolwork and ride my bike for miles at a time, but I do agree, playing video games all day induces maximum degeneracy and laziness.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 is ABSOLUTELY non-degenerate
>lel look at me le master gamer dark souls isn't even like hard lol git good
Titan Quest
Touhou is always Sup Forums related.
Red Orchestra 2
And the african community really hurts every nation they invade, so we even.
too bad nobody plays that anymore
what ? servers are crowded here
It was
What are Sup Forumss thoughts on MGSV?
The game also has a GOAT-tier soundtrack.
player numbers are fine, what are you smoking
>3 units per tile
>remove unit upkeep
Fucking casual, get out
Can you genocide kikes and nigger in it?
First day?
If you take collectivist ethic you can purge anyone.
If you take xenophobe ethic you can purge only aliens.
games are degenerate, go outside and fight degeneracy. Pls start with cucknada, destroy us.
Get the Hitler leader, the Nazi civ and the king tiger unit mods. For extra fun get the Isreal civ to exterminate
alright, but we will save your best christians first.
Human is only one species out of the 100 or so variations they added, so there isn't much potential for it across a game. However, if you're a human ruler and you get some black populations (they appear at random intervals because it's an appearance option in the pop randomization) you can enslave them. So in other words if you get some non-whites on your planet you can just make them slaves and force them to work in the mines or hydroponic farms. Or, alternatively if you have the right government, you have the option to purge them from existence over time.
The only problem that could arise is having government type that doesn't vote, who has a ruler for life, and gets a black ruler. If you have a different government type though, you can hold an emergency election to get someone else, or purge people from existence like I was saying.
Alex the Kidd in Miracle World
>Managing Empires
>Space Genocide
>Mass Space Genocide
Oh sweet mama yes
is there a way to play M&B custom battles 1v1?
Only memorable bit from the game was the part where you had to choose wether to kill one of two men, or face excution yourself. Everything else was kinda bland.
Sakyubasu no Tatakai is redpilled
"Mount & Blade" is pretty based.
"Hearts of Iron" is good.
Project Reality : Battlefield 2 (battlefield 2 overhaul to make it as realistic as possible)
World War 2 Online. Battleground Europe
Commandos 1-3
Here's your potato
How about Dawn of War series?
actually there's a mod out there at removes all non-white human portraits and non-Western human names from the game
DotA 2 is a 10k+ hour tutorial on why South Americans are subhuman.
wew lad I've just been thinking about playing it to club hans and fritz))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
No u
do you mean russians?
Guard or bust faggots
Also enjoy my faggot as fuck meme generator.
Fallout New Vegas
It's better than fallout 4
You get to make your own species, genocide as many other species as you want, conquer tribal land, conquer your planet, and conquer space.
Another game is Risk.
In risk, you get to conquer the world in games that may take over an hour to complete.
Go outside, you fucking manchildren. Better yourselves if not your community.
Sage for fuck off.
Pokemon. It makes fun of black people and lets you enslave animals. Seems good to me
Minecraft. Literally a perfect world without niggers and Jews. Playing infinity evolved skyblock on Feed The Beast
spore is a shit game.
it gets old after a day.
risk is a shit game.
it isnt over after a day.
The best thing about Spore was genociding with planet busters. One of the best vidya weopons ever
Spore Planet Buster Weapon:
>unit stacking
>no unit upkeep
Fuck off faggot
Hearts of Iron or Darkest Hour with mod Kaiserreich.
Also - Europa Universalis IV is overall good game, but the cost of core game + all DLCs is ridiculous and the game itself was mainstreamed to make it accessable for more people. But you can still destroy entire cultures or religions so it's fun.
Witcher 3
the game the sjw's hate and they can't do shit about it because it's made here and not in some cucked american studio
dude, have you seen the customization in character creation?
I was watching some of the creators demonstrate it, and they were able to make a guy look just like einstein, just like putin, etc.
imagine all of the Adolfs running around in multiplayer. it will be glorious
Witcher 3.
This game is meant to happen in European Middle Ages, 13th century. There are two huge maps, Skellige which represents the Norse and Velen which represents the Slavs. There are no other races than white in the game, unlike other medieval RPGs which are meant to be European but are full of non-European looking people.
Everything seems good at this game, the quests, besides legendary monsters, necrophages, hybrids, ogres, elementas etc., it displays a vulgar Medieval reality. The in-game English has plenty of archaic words, the swear words used are far from this shite invented by americans.
I'm too casual to grasp Europa but Hearts of Iron is just the fucking cake with icing on top.
>all these shit games
but in mount and blade sandniggers are actually pretty good if you used the floris mod
Alien ""refugees"" have come to earth and enslaved the population, creating human-alien mongrels as military force.
You lead a band of old pure blooded warrior to fight the evil pro-alien coalition who is led by some Justin Trudeau looking guy
Any time I get on there are only 2-300 players on, and they are only 2 full servers, and the rest are pretty much bot matches. I usually try to play around 10pmEST.
Poland you are pretty fucking based for creating witch. Blows Skyrim out of the water. You win the midevial RPG game award, please create 4 and have the hero be witcher Ciri.
After CD Projekt Red is done with Witcher 3 they will make Cyberpunk 2077 before any new Witcher game.
I'm hyped as shit because these guys may just give us new Deus Ex.
Mass effect series?
The would be if it was actually made.
Link please.
Spec Ops: The Line, Bayonetta and Ratchet & Clank
All other games are mediocre.
Why would it be M rated?
Here's how Spore ranks on the fun scale.
>Cell stage
Haha, hey! This is super fun!
>Creature stage
Yeah. This is alright I guess.
>Tribal stage
Why is my race of T-Rex people acting like spear chucking niggers.
>Civilizations stage
This is alright. It's just the tribal stage, but now my T-Rex people are driving tanks and it's bigger.
And now they're all wearing top-hats.
>Space stage
In space, nobody can hear you having any fun.
Because you're not having any.
This shit is boring.
>Cyberpunk 2077
lets hope they will have elements of eugenics in cyberpunk. They will if poland is a based country.
Come on man, neckbeard isn't that offensive.