What is the point of women? Yes, I understand where babies come from, but did evolution really divide the entire species so that 50% of the population exist basically to make babies? What else are they for?
What is the point of women? Yes, I understand where babies come from...
to keep the toilet frilly industry going
>Yes, I understand where babies come from
HUUUHHh could we go through it anyway for those who are lurking that do not know?
We are ALL here to make babies. That's the only goal life has. To spread your genes.
they exist to make samiches and sell their bodies for cheese burgers
more like 65%
But men can hunt, scout, build, fish, start fires, defend the tribe, etc. Do women just make babies and thats it?
They're for attending to men's needs (companionship, pleasure, fertility). And men are for attending to women's needs (protection, resources, guidance). We both serve each other equally but in different ways. It's only recently that women have denounced the need for men, but they will soon pay the price. This mentality will only last a couple generations until the feminist mentality dies off in the form of single, childless women dying of old age or committing suicide.
women have a place
it's in the kitchen, in the home, having babies, taking care of logistical home needs, keeping households organized based off of the male's lead, keeping the male sexually satiated, adding an emotional side to a home, pulling the kids away when the men need to talk, etc.
if you cannot see the value of women in (pic related) then you're brainwashed outside of history
this guy gets it
we have natural, God-given roles.
man + woman = 1 flesh via marriage
And WHY do you think they do that? To stay alive so they can mate with as much women as possible, thus spreading their genes as far as possible.
Why do you think people usually desperately cling to life. Animals do that as well. It is almost hardprogrammed into you to stay alive and also instinct to mate.
>ywn cuddle Holly
Yes genius, we understand how animals work. The question is what do women contribute to helping the species survive, other than literal reproduction
The same as men you little underaged faggot. If you are talking about prehistoric times they were gatherers and shit. That changed when farming provided enough to not rely on hunting and gathering. But your average woman still worked hard, they didn't have a choice. It's only modern times were that changed.
But then again, I wouldn't expect anything different from an aussie cunt but shitposting.
Feminazi lol stay mad
>why does life propagate itself
Men are designed by nature to be expendable semen banks and that's it
>they didn't have a choice.
who really did though?
i mean sure, nobody let the women in medieval europe go to college or whatever, but what were the men doing? dying in a salt mine or farming turnips 12 hours a day? i doubt any of them had a choice.
fuck women. their entire existence has been much easier
> "Mom, I did it again, look! I said the F-word again on a christian image board!!"
Dumb burger poster, go kill yourself.
That's not what I implied. The fucking OP was too retarded to realize women in the past also worked for their survival because there was no choice, it was work or starve. Only in recent times it has changed where women should stay home while the man goes out to work.
I'd actually rather more women purely because sexual competition in a post sexual revolution society is unreasonable. Be rich (without STEM), dress well, work out, have game, smile at just the right times, have a wide social group filled with men who fit the aforementioned and maybe, just maybe, you might be worthy enough for trigglypuff the manhating feminazi. Maybe. She'd rather a black dude so she can signal virtue though, sorry white boys it's just not politically correct to improve your conditions in anyway possible.
Then again, if there was a genuine man drought (as opposed to "lol only 10% of guys even come close to my delusional standards") you'd see some supply and demand effects coming through. For instance, Melbourne, the left-wing shithole that it is, has a man drought... Because women are 1% more than men and most men here are either unemployed or dirty tradies/STEM geeks.
Like, what do you mean you're rich and not a lawyer? You didn't get rich writing code, did you? You fucking misogynist! Don't you know those jobs are only for overweight women?
Dude sounds like you could really use a gf/wife.