I'm high on codeine right now

I'm high on codeine right now
Broke up with my gf
feels thread

If you still feel you need more codeine.

It was my last 90mg

I'm about to get high on dihydrocodeine. Nice to meet you.

actually the year is 2017 so the universe is 2017 years old, dumbass. stop shitposting without thinking.


Well met, how long have you been taking it?

I don't know how you could be high off 90.

I don't have any tolerance to opiates, I'm lightweight, haven't eaten

2-3 years. It's stronger than codeine but not as "warm" imo

Nice, where do you get it? Do you feel addicted?

Fair enough. Take some diphenhyrdamine sleep aid; it potentiates the codeine, so you get more morphine out of it.

she's probably sucking a big, juicy black dick right now and you're just another distant memory lol.

Nice, thanks for the advice! I'm thinking about extracting codeine from OTC drugs
Is it worth it?

Nah man, i know what dick she's riding now, and it's white, fortunately, but not right now, because right now she's at home.

I did that for some time. Taking codeine/paracetamol and codeine/ibuprofen at the same time. Certainly worth it, but you'll only get about 50mg from that.

In conjunction they can fuck up your kidneys and shit, so I stopped and went with pure codeine.

I just buy it without a prescrption. I always have an anxiety attack when I do though. I don't feel addicted but I've definitely built up a tolerance

Fuck man, I don't think I can get it without a prescription in my country

You won't feel addicted till you try to come off it. I had cold sweats and joint pains when I came off about 200mg a day.

I have codeine how do you get high off it I have it prescribed?

Take 120mg+.

Or you can be responsible, try whether you're allergic to it with just 30mg, wait one hour, if youre fine, then go 120mg, but not more than 450mg

I'm on 180mg a day for pain bc I broke my leg and I don't get high I don't think

If it's mixed with acetaminophen/paracetamol, don't take it unless you know how to seperate them from the codeine. You'll fuck your liver up.


In Florida docs will still give you copious amounts of oxycodone. South FL and some of East FL are still major pill mills