Am I missing anybody?
Am I missing anybody?
Congrats on being this autistic.
Saved your picture thou.
Move LBJ up one
I loath that fuck
Bush at least deserves Stupid-tier.
Pls stop hating on Neville Chamberlain.
He was cool and was under-the-table enabling Shitler
>tfw poor chamberlain will always be hayed
Wtf phone
If Churchill is on that list I've missed him.
You may have to add "Destroyed an empire" tier.
add thatcher, w bush, reagan
remove obama and carter
note: these are objectively correct
Forgot to add OP's name and face to the picture. It would be perfect
>Saddam destroyed his country
That would be the Jews, user
Dubya should be in Disaster tier.
Buchanan should be in Destroyed their Country tier.
no Weedman "let it burn" Trudeau?
At least Zuma is there
>no Joseph Stalin
OP confirmed for commie scum
>no stalin
>john casimir
What the fuck OP?
Assorted Swedes.
PM Olof Palme (pictured) in Disaster-tier.
King Gustav IV (1792-1809) in Fucked up-tier.
PM Fredrik Reinfeldt in Stupid-tier.
Weedman Sr. is already representing us.
Slobodan Milošević
Oversaw the breakup and wars in Yugoslavia
Bad leader or first troll in recorded history?
That Nur-muhammed guy looks like the grandad from Willy wonka and the chocolate factory
>No Stalin
I don't believe putting Hitler in Destroyed Their Country Tier is really fair.
Not really a Neo Nazi or anything (I'm a half Jew half Spic, Oy vey dios mio) but you have to admit, Hitler did pull Germany together, and I can admire some of the tenets of his philosophy of National Socialism. Of course, I disagree with saying people are inferior due to race, but his stance against the bankers and communists I can find merit in, and given that most of them were Jews and Slavs, I can see where he made the connection.
Of course, he made many shitty decisions, further compounded by the egotism that comes naturally with a powerful dictator and prescribed hard drugs (seriously his doctor fed him meth or some shit), so he's not the greatest leader, but surely he doesn't belong on the same tier as Mugabe.
Seeing how much of his problems were more caused by him being a victim of circumstance, I'd say he belongs on, at worst, fucked-up-their-country-tier. I mean, at worst, West Germany still survived as the successor to what Germany was, and West Germany basically absorbed East Germany when they came together.