>tfw people support Trump because he's pro-white
>tfw they're too scared to admit it
>tfw no one would care if Trump said GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW at a rally
You really are cucks.
Trump's fans actually are cucks
So...I'm a cuck because I'm pro-me? You have no idea what a cuck is, do you? Ivan, back to vodka.
>tfw no one would care if Trump said GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW at a rally
I for one would be ecstatic
Do you think it's possible that people are exaggerating a little on this board?
Trump is just slightly protectionist and that's enough to make the establishment shit themselves and spend hundreds of millions against him.
That and the wall is already a pretty big deal desu.
alreeady apperent by the fact that trump supporters give 0 fucks that he has flip flopped on his policies.
Why do every Trump supporter spend all day defending charges of racism. As you can see from all his fans WISH he was Hitler. What's the point of denying unless you thinking racist is bad word. Obviously not. Only leftist think so. Cucked because too scared to tell truth, afraid of leftist judgement bullshits.
So, whats the plan? Vote Hillary because Trump flip flopped?
>all his fans WISH he was Hitler
Yeah, but he's not. And he couldn't win if he was. So in this way, I don't want him to be Hitler. Cause I want him to win.
I thought commies are dead because their cuckiness cannot compete with American ideals, guess I was wrong then.
OK, why do so many people insist on believing that Trump is some kind of anti-Semitic Hitler wannabe? I can't stand the guy but a more pro-Israel candidate does not exist in this election.
Yes, our country is cucked by leftists, and your KGB is to blame, Dmitri.
Do you realize that if we so much as suggest that "racism against whites exists", we stand to permanently lose our career and standing?
Do you realize that college campuses are creating tribunals of non-whites to judge us for our sins against the PoC community?
Do you realize that leftists basically own our country?
Congrats, Dmitri, you won the cold war. But don't forget that those communists who now own our country will soon have their finger on 5,000 nukes.
>all this racism from Russia
I'm disappointed tbqh
Shut up dumb nigger.
This thread has been made already, word for word, numerous times. Is it really worth it?
>you really are cucks.
>says op spewing mainstream anti-trump propaganda
You'll be all over his dick when he lifts your sanctions and gives you a job, Pyotr
There were no gas chambers so saying, "Gas the Kikes", would make Trump less like Hitler. I think this is what liberals want correct?
>people support Trump because he's pro-white
>trump supporters ITT are too stupid to get OP's point, despite the fact that he technically posted it twice
I think he's saying, you're all cucks for being afraid of being labeled by the Left, despite the fact that you have every right to be racist these days.
I'm not afraid to support Trump, but he's not pro-white. He's pro-American.
I walk around with my trump hat everyday
>implying trump is "pro-white"
Trump is pro-american and the only one who is not explicitly anti-white