Are we seriously about to win the owl again?
This is getting boring.
Are we seriously about to win the owl again?
This is getting boring.
literally second worst team left in the playoffs
>brady has a shitty game
>still win by 18
wow we sure do suck
>only won ONE (1) Owl in the last TWELVE (12) years
And shouldn't have won that one.
>someone who roots for a team that has won less owls in this span
God I love your salty tears
Well if it's too boring for you since pats are easy mode, you can always try the jest or browns for a real challenge.
its weird people call pats fans bandwagoners when they have won 1 owl in the past 12 years
>third best defense in the league
>patriots play a shitty team lucky enough to even be in the playoffs only because said team plays in the dumpster fire that is the afc south
>patriots only win by 18
Yeah hope >you have fun losing to the chefs in the afc championship
Your post was ok until you mentioned the chiefs
>put up 34 on the best defense in the league
yea, new england is done for
>only win by 18
That's a huge margin. Did you just start watching football today or something?
>1 win in the past 10 years
Your "dynasty" has been dead for a long time
>6th straight afc title game
look up what a dynasty is
i own the team
as a falcons fan I look forward to my team playing the Pats in the Owl
>Raiders went to 5 straight in the 70s with actual competition
Saddly only an aging Big Ben can stop you now.
>using steroids
The Pats cannot possible stop the Falcons. You played like shit and are going to get curb stomped.
Texans were really the only team left that could possibly stop them.
Give them the trophy now and save yourselves the trouble.
Can we finally have some competition pls
>cupcake schedule this year
>using less steroids than the other teams of the time and still being elite as fuck
>also cucking the patriots in the playoffs on an owl run off a questionable call
Imagine being a Yankees fan from 1941-1965 when they won 12 titles and appeared in 18 world series
God damn it I have to take time off work AGAIN for this shit?
Man, being a Patriots fan is hard some times.
>questionable call
No, it was the spot on correct call. The only reason this meme has persisted is because the Raiders just can't wrap their heads around the concept of playing by the rules.
>Raidnigger references Huggy's roughing the pass call in 76
Holy shit I feel bad for you old fag pat fans
>have to organize another victory party
Ah fuck life is suffering for a pat fan
you mean that rule that has been called multiple times but only people from Oakland take offense to it
>Playing in the same conference with one of the top 10 QBs ever in Peyton Manning isn't competition
>Playing against an incredible series of Ravens defenses filled with Hall of Famers isn't competition.
>Playing against the Big Ben Steelers who have won more SuperBowls in the past twelve years than any AFC team isn't tough
>Playing against historically good Broncos defenses in the biggest homefield advantage stadium in all of sports isn't competition
>Playing against number one draft pick and player-being-compared-to-possible-GOATs-out-of-college-Andrew Luck isn't competition
>Having to stay competitive against a salary cap
The Patriots shit all over teams with no defense. You're going to have to try and win a shoot out against the best defense in football and the greatest HC of all time.
The Patriots will make the Falcons look like the Falcons that always show up to the playoffs.
>2-4 all time trying to talk shit to 29-9
>Reminder the 49ers won 5 titles in 13 years while the Patriots would have to do it in at least 15
They don't play every year or always meet in the playoffs
Look at all those scrub first round games the Patriots have played
Also being guaranteed at least 4 wins in your division and a division title (ensuring a home field playoff game) also helps
I have some bad news fellas...
i laughed at this because its the reality
NE defense is peaking during playoffs
How so? The interception? People forget Seattle got David Tyree-tier lucky with that catch just before the INT. It all evened out, and the right team won
and the Falcons cannot possible stop the Patriots meme teams with shitty defenses always get blown out by the Pats
>cover the largest Division round spread in many years
>have to buy ANOTHER SB champion shirt
Fucking hell, being a Pats fan sucks sometimes.
>Cowboys are going to beat the Packers AND Falcons
0/10 meme
....and the Pats.
>They have played at least one of those teams at least once literally every single season for over a decade now.
>Oftentimes in the playoffs