Marvel and DC, watchout!
Marvel and DC, watchout!
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>exotic thing
>hot woman in green
How original.
lmao mad af
Garbage cgi
Why arent US trailers like this anymore? Gives you the premise, the atmosphere and tone to expect, without giving away half the scenes of the movie.
Trailer looked better than most Marvel flicks, IMO.
How much does working for the Kremlin pay nowadays?
Looks good tbqh
1250 rubles have been added to your Putin Wallet, camarad.
>a bunch of nobodies competing against the most popular and recognizable comic characters
A bit too late for that.
Manbearpig is in this!
that's a very specific type of character, huh?
So Avengers. Generic plot but looks fun.
Should be interesting to see how it turns out. Russians have a completely different view of heroism than Americans do, so who knows what it'll be like?
>Russians have a completely different view of heroism than Americans do, so who knows what it'll be like?
Care to elaborate ? I'm not being typical Sup Forums dickhead, I'm genuinely interested
Cause this is a teaser trailer.
Ive already seen lots of Russians saying that this film is pathetically pandering to Americans with the super stereotypical UdSSR heroes. They said that these are popular American cliches, not Russian ones.
3rd trailer:
>1250 rubles
Man I only get 2 shekels whenever I shill a cape movie.
Looks like something a 12 year old will like
So basically most of Sup Forums.