Disinfo about the alt right being spread around. Why is this? Who wants it?
For the record, Milo isn't the fucking Alt right. The Alt right is Radixjournal, therightstuff and vdare. Sargon of Kukkad=/=alt right, at all!
Why the disinfo?
Disinfo about the alt right being spread around. Why is this? Who wants it?
For the record, Milo isn't the fucking Alt right. The Alt right is Radixjournal, therightstuff and vdare. Sargon of Kukkad=/=alt right, at all!
Why the disinfo?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why the disinfo?
Because this is Sup Forums and all it take are 5-6 mentally disabled kike nigger trannies with nothing else to do all day but come up with creative ways to get (You)'s and bully paranoid faggots who think every post hides a vast, rpofound conspiracy centered on a mongolian image board with magic powers to alter reality via masturbation, intense wishes, and memes.
nah I've been seeing a lot of bullshit opinions on the alt right, people don't understand what it is and make up a bunch of stupid conspiracies about it
Wow that's been hardcore Jewed since it was first posted. Thanks JIDF.
do what I do- refuse to associate with a political party.
there's no point in getting butthurt over a label that some faggots give a group of people, especially when you don't even associate yourself with said group.
What the fuck is the "alt right" anyway? people who don't vote for establishment candidates backed by big business?
alt right is just the left's version of social justice warrior except I don't think that the alt right coined it for themselves...
depends on what part of the alt-right you want to discuss. people confuse it with the new right in france which is more traditionalism than anything else and couldn't really be considered "right" by today's definition because both the left and the right sides have become shrouded in bullshit ideas. so when you say alt-right do you mean dark enlightenment, libertarianism, monarchism, nativism, right-wing populism, business nationalism, identitarianism, white nationalism, antisemitism, racialism, white supremacy or american secessionism? all have been valid points before but such a broad term of alt-right has been applied to them unfortunately. all we know is it dabbles in conservatism to an extent.
hello idiot Milo isn't alt right. Donovan spoke at an alt right conference and doesn't push his gay lifestyle on people
Also this thread isn't about THAT disinfo. Thanks for sharing more of your turds, lovely.
>implying you're not Firestarter Media
You getting upset that people are misrepresenting your identity politics?
The ADL get its check to you yet, friendo?
I'm upset that the alt right is being trashed when it's a good thing. That's the first and last of it.
While Milo isn't the alt-right, he is a voice for it and it would be retarded not to take advantage of his ability to distract liberals.
yea firestarter is a shitty cunt from hell, she's the bitchiest bitch who probably ever lived
good find user
Alt right = "childless single men who masturbate to anime", hate women and fantasize about having a tranny trad waifu
Well I'm sure your kikechan thread will get more interest.
retrograde radio please go
thank you for your support
What does it matter if people have fetishes or not?
it never really seems to affect their own character in public unless they are autistic faggots that meme irl.
you're making the mistake of taking the troll seriously
he's just a bitter dick
the "logic" of that tweet is completely retarded, the fuck?
>t. mad because your country will never get better
Brietbart has an article attacking 'our leader' milo.
Fuck milo and fuck who ever this guy is who clearly has no idea what 'alt-right' is.
o yea just gonna comment on that dumb video,
No one in the alt right actually thinks Trump is "our guy", we're just excited that he's making nationalism more mainstream and acceptable, which leads people eventually to further far right ideas.
Firestarted Media is a flat earth troll cunt from hell. lol
>____ isn't the alt right
There is no such thing as the alt right. Jesus christ...
Stop calling shit "alt-right"
I know more than 90% of you and this term os just another way of brainwashing idiots
Do you really want to deny that the alt-right has a problem with women? It's full of gays, trannies, anime-freaks and people who think that Muslims "have a point" in the way how they treat women.
And then you guys wonder why there aren't more women who support you...
Spencer and his colleagues are the nucleus of the alt right
Firestarter is a completely disgusting cunt who will repel anyone, man or woman.
One weirdo on Millennial Woes hangout said he admired Islam, and most of us think that's bullshit.
TRS all the time says that saying Islam is good is shitty, and they're core alt right people. You're full of shit.
I pity you. You're a bitter asshole who wants to tar and feather anyone decent.
the name itself is lame.
the fuck is it? you're either left, "center", or right.
is their such thing as alt-left?
it's lame and weak to call it alt-right just because people are afraid that they'll get associated with the Third Reich and such if they flat out refer to themselves are "right-wing".
they'll get called a nazi either way.
>is their such thing as alt-left?
Yes there is.
Spencer came up with the term to show that there is a rightwing alternative to the mainstream cuckservative movement. That's the whole point.
>they'll get called a nazi either way.
ADL wet dream right there. "Just call yourself a Nazi and wave swastikas around, goyim, we'll call you Nazi even if you don't."
But seriously, yea, no
Alt-right. Another retarded sticker to put on people. And everybody, including faggot Sup Forums goes along.
Stop indentifying your politics. It's retarded, a timewaster and a scheme of divide and conquer.
I think it's sad that people are so conditioned into belonging to two groups of thought that anything not the republican party line is considered "alt-right".
that's such a convoluted and flawed view, but I understand what you mean I guess.
You are wise.
>Stop indentifying your politics. It's retarded, a timewaster and a scheme of divide and conquer.
people will always fucking identify with their politics, it's what people do.
people group themselves into political groups and parties, it happens.
you're trying to go against human nature by saying don't identify your politics.
Stop shilling crappy websites and labels.
They want to label us to segregate us. Making some illusionary and exclusionary club is not only counter productive, it's playing right into the Jews hands.
At this point all we agree on is that DC needs a wrecking ball to "fix" it. The system is has failed and the parties need to die. Many have united under this banner from various backgrounds and those that speak favorably of this movement are helping it.
Who gives a shit what people say about the 'alt-right'?
Do you really care what labels people use, you fucking faggot.
In the Kali Yuga, even the ones who claim to have virtues left are going to be self-destructive fools.
They'll say "I might be x and y, but at least..."
Their idea to be part of the counter current only stems from their ultimate desire to be special, and not from the desire and the understanding of a world of order based on virtues.
Don't be fooled that these men and women will turn the tide around.
That these men can help establish a new age of Order.
Keep on climbing the mountain.
Don't care about the ones who stopped at the first step then shouted for attention.
Don't care about fancy fools.
Please see this post Dude, everyone fucking labels themselves. Getting away from labels is such a cucked and leftwing attitude. The alt right is basically Richard Spencer/therightstuff/amren. there
so fucking stupid
There you go again with 'labels'. lmfao.
People care about labels, yes. Identity and how we choose to label it fucking matters. Jesus this attitude is so retarded.
>Jesus this attitude is so retarded.
Because your self worth is determined by what others think of you?
Bro, you can call me anything you want.
It's physically impossible for me to care any less.
>Because your self worth is determined by what others think of you?
No. What made you think that? Kinda dumb.
>the alt right
Congratulations. By specifically defining what constitutes the opposition to the enemy, you are making it easier for them to divide and conquer.
So no one should ever identify with their political viewpoint? The fuck?
Then what is point in caring what labels people put on you?
Alt right is a good label for a very real phenomenon.
Young anti left rightwingers expressing their views and pwning the shit out of the establishment. Why is that not a good thing?
You people trying to negate the alt right are pathetic as fuck. The alt right is Radix/TRS/amren/pol and others. It's a good development.
Making a meme out of the growing alt right movement is something that the left doesn't want. They don't want new and young rightwing stuff out there. Pretty clear. Pretty obvious.
I have an idea.
Call yourself right wing or conservatives.
To make a special snowflake label for yourself makes you seem like, well, a special snowflake group.
Have you ever even bothered to look up where the term "alt-right" can from you chucklefuck? Establishment cucks created the term marginalize and segregate those that don't toe the party line. Chucklefucks such as your self and those the OP is shilling for embrace the title artistically and use it to distance themselves from the party and anyone who shares any trace of common interests of political motives. You shoehorn yourself with labels and marginalize yourself into absolute fuckoldry.
It's divide and conquer tactics and you swallowed the mighty cock of dumbfuckery that served as bait.
Whatever cult one may choose to identify with,
there will always be areas of overlap as even the weakest of followers will not agree on everything.
It is possible to approach everything objectively with discernment.
Special snowflake labels win the fucking day, man. Identity politics win. That's why the left is so dominant in the western world, because they do identity politics.
The right up until now has been scared shitless to do it because fear of looking racist. Labels can be helpful. Defining your specific identity and your specific ideology can be good.
Your individualism is stupid and won't win in the realm of politics.
No you idiot. Spencer coined the term as a way to highlight that there is an alternative to the mainstream cucked right.
Anti alt right is D&C. When we embrace the term, we're linked to Radix, to TRS, to amren, to vdare, all good shit.
You don't have to like the label, but it's accurate. We ARE linked to those groups and websites. I for one thing that kicks ass.
O yeah because identifying with a specific political cause is just identical to being in a cult.
Nice one.
>Implying "alt-right" isn't just anonymous 2.0
They're not spreading disinfo, you guys just look like retards whenever you make it into an authenticity contest with your little subgroups.
Every time some meme movement like Anonymous, TRP, MGTOW, etc gets exposed for what it is (cartoonish sperglords like weev) everyone jumps on board some different, more "secret" more edgy new thing. Alt Right is no different.
Now give me them sweet (You)s
Spencer and Taylor and Henrik Palmgren are all spergs, I suppose?
Jack Donovan is a homo degenerate, Spencer has praised homosexuality as well. Many key figures of the early alt-right were discovered to be gay (i.e. LaLiberte). Keep on pretending you're traditionalist conservative reactionaries.
You are inferring what was not implied from my use of a rather broad term. Everyone has a shared cultus (etymology: cultivation, culture) to some degree.
You like labels as it makes you feel like you belong to something greater than yourself. That is fine, it's your business.
>Defining your specific identity and your specific ideology can be good.
Jesus you sound like an SJW.
Speaking of SJWs, how that label working out for them?
Like I said in my last post. Call yourself conservative. That label is broad and will attract more people than some faggorty like 'alt-right'
>we special snowflakes and shit
probably the biggest autist on earth
I want us to all label ourselves as alt right and push our message. Then plebs think "o, what's this alt right thing? maybe we should think about it seriously."
We're all the same in our general worldview. The label applies to the majority of Sup Forums posters, to Radix, to amren, to vdare, to TRS.
Communists had to form a party before people could coalesce around communism and fight for it. This is such basic shit, it shouldn't even have to be explained.
You all have this "I'm just an individual fuck your labels" attitude. People have always and will always label themselves in all kinds of ways, and will and always have cared about it.
You can psychopathologize that as "wanting to feel like you belong to something great than yourself", but in fact it's totally normal.
Spencer is not pro-homosexual, he just thinks that implicit White identity is part of homosexual identity.
Donovan is a fairly decent guy who doesn't push his lifestyle on anyone. He's well spoken, and respectful.
So, what, identity politics never works? By the way Obama is in power because of identity politics, you pleb. SJWs aren't the only people pushing identity politics.
The USA is run by identity politics, if you hadn't noticed.
And conservative is a totally fucked and cucked label at this point. Conservatives are pointless.
I am not a follower, so I don't want to belong to your club, itg.
Now I know your trolling/shilling.
This is the worst idea I've heard in a long time.
"Let's put a label on ourselves to distance us from the right wing conservative political ideology that spawned us. Surely that won't backfire and alienate more conservatives who share some of our core principles."
You talked about disinfo shills in your OP.
Sadly, you are the shill you're reffering to.
If there is a bad right wing party in a given country, and I make another right wing party that is really doing its job, therefore, it's better... Is that "alt-right"? Did it magically concieved a so called "alternative right" above or below the right-wing that sits on one end of the political spectrum?
You can either lean to the left or to the right, regarding society.
Just because American politics has solely two parties, and people think that the given parties' standings influence the theoretical politics, rather then the other way around, there is no need for such a name.
Yes, it's an alternative to the solely existing right wing party, the Republicans and the views. To define yourself from the point of view that you are differentiated to another party - that is plain foolish.
If someone makes bad quality leather jackets, and I get into the ring with my own corporation which does good quality leather jackets - do I call them "alt-leather jackets"?
Or rather would I just simply call them for what they are, leather jackets? Because the other company making bad quality products doesn't affect the fact that a leather jacket should be a functional leather jacket and not just rag that is called leather jacket, but doesn't possess its supposed qualities?
Also, pol is not "alt-right" at all. When we have polls, 50%+ of people either identify as NatSoc or as Traditionalist.
I'm not saying that certain people who get put into this box or identify as alt-right doesn't have values.
What I'm saying is it is simply idiotic to think there is such a thing as alt-right.
You either follow right wing social values and/or economic attitude, or don't.
>I want us to all label ourselves as alt right and push our message
Do I need to say more, pol?
>Then plebs think
You, and people who choose their leaders and idols to be Milo and trannies and such - you are the plebs.
You sound like a typical libshit.
Listen to yourself. I'm not a follower, by the way, of any leaders of the alt right. But what's wrong with being a follower.
Is there never a good time or place to be a follower of a good or necessary leader?
>"Let's put a label on ourselves to distance us from the right wing conservative political ideology that spawned us. Surely that won't backfire and alienate more conservatives who share some of our core principles."
The real rightwingers are coming to us in droves. The Republican base is moving towards nationalism and further right towards us, the alt right. You're full of shit man.
All I can say, again is:
In the Kali Yuga, even the ones who claim to have virtues left are going to be self-destructive fools.
They'll say "I might be x and y, but at least..."
Their idea to be part of the counter current only stems from their ultimate desire to be special, and not from the desire and the understanding of a world of order based on virtues.
Don't be fooled that these men and women will turn the tide around.
That these men can help establish a new age of Order.
Keep on climbing the mountain.
Don't care about the ones who stopped at the first step then shouted for attention.
Don't care about fancy fools.
As far as I'm concerned Spencer, Red Ice and TRS are true alt-right. Millennial Woes, Stefan, and others that are similar are basically alt-right, and Sargon of mossad, TL;DR(teal deer), Milo, and others are differing levels of anti-SJWism and anti-communism without realizing it in some cases but they are not alt-right, they are still our allies at the moment though in terms of herding the normies away from pure degeneracy.
>You, and people who choose their leaders and idols to be Milo and trannies and such - you are the plebs.
except that we don't and we never do
No one in the alt right follows Milo, we read him because he gives us some thumbs up. That's fucking IT.
More disinfo shit. Good job, Magyar
Evola/NRx please go.
>The real rightwingers are coming to us in droves.
>real rightwingers
Listen to yourself.
You get to decide what is and isn't 'real' rightwing ideology?
Are you serious?
After this thread, I have decided that I will never label myself 'alt-right' because I don't want to be associated with hipster faggotry.
OK you're like the only fucking person in this thread who hasn't bashed the alt right and spewed "omg muh dumb faggot jew alt right is cancer" meme.
Why do you think all these people are interested in attacking "the alt right"? I agree with you in everything you said.
There is no shilling on pol for Hillary. That is only a blasphemous lie propagated by the Republican party.
By real rightwingers I mean not national review and not anti racist and worried all the time about seeming racist.
Yea, it's a label, labels are open for interpretation, so yea I DO get to decide
No one is attacking the ideology you fucking moron.
People are attacking the idiocy of labelling yourself like a special snowflake.
>labels are open for interpretation
exactly and my interpretation is you are a hipster faggot.
Labelling yourself is what people have always fucking done. Always. It's nothing new. SJWs didn't invent identities and labelling, you peasantbrained idiot.
>Yea, it's a label, labels are open for interpretation, so yea I DO get to decide
Marxism 101
So people don't make up labels? Englishmen didn't decide at some point to call themselves English? Conservatives never decided to call themselves Conservatives? Marxists never called themselves Marxists? Nationalists never nationalists?
Take a hike, you lose.
You are not a conservative.
You may believe that you are, but you think and act like a lefty.
Please vote Bernie in the upcoming election.
You are closer to him than any rightwinger.
TRS, specifically The Daily Shoah, are the gold standards for alt-right opinions. Anything that deviates or contradicts their viewpoints aren't True Alt Right bruv.
No, no user.
We need to come with new labels like you are doing.
I want to be called an Amazing-American now.
Yeah, that sounds cooler.
Fucking hipster faggot
This thread is pretty much shills and disinfo shitposters and regular shitposters. There's also some autists that are just purity spiraling, they don't like that the alt-right is actually gaining some traction IRL and they are attacking the temporary allies of it because they aren't edgy enough for their sekret klub.
>because they aren't edgy enough for their sekret klub.
this, what the fuck is this bullshit. It's exploded over the last couple of days
Becky, sorry, check is in the mail but it will be a bit late. Hope it is not a problem! Just send PR an email if you have any questions
>gaining traction irl
I'm sure your 10-people NPI conferences are really relevant. Riding Trump's dick != gaining traction
Amazing-Americans who eat Freedom-Fries
Whatever you say, buddy boy
lmfao, idiot
I'd definitely agree. I thought Sup Forums liked fucking TRS. TRS IS alt right and identify as alt right.
Fucking idiots are killin' me
Labels have to make sense, they aren't just to feel good. Alt right has a real meaning. It's not just "happy rightwing winner" or some shit. I really hope you're a troll.
You guys make no sense. You're scared of a word, as though it has any power. People consider Sup Forums alt right. why does that trigger you, so much?
Alt-right refers to ideologies with inherent conservative values that have no political power under the current establishment.
Fuck yeah, that is my new label.
It distances me from the regular Americans and makes even cooler and adds an air of legitimacy.
thank you, my faith in the Magyar race has been restored.
It's sad that Sup Forums seems to be fucking full of anti alt right shills now. A few? Fine. They are just overwhelming like Pakis in London now.
>identifying as a cuck-right
This thread is dis info. There is no such thing as an alt right.
I know you're shilling now.
How much $ for this thread?
Feels like Moly's a month away from appearing on TDS or another podcast tbqh
You have 30 posts in thi thread, you are a retarded shill or stupid. There is no such thing as alt right. You have conservative views, nationalist views, religious views, anti sjw pro free speech views, pro religious vews. There is no alt right.
Dont be labeled, but judging by your post count your probably a jew.
There is no such thing as Englishmen. Don't be labeled. There is no English ethnic group, only people who call themselves English.
Simple definition
Shill: n. to talk about or describe someone or something in a favorable way because you are being paid to do it.
So every politician ever except Donald Trump?
Post a link so I can apply.
I will shill for those kinda bucks.
no, sorry, that's private
need m'shekels