2016 LGBT+ Rights Report For Europe Released
The ILGA Europe has just released its annual report on LGBT+ rights in Europe:
2016 LGBT+ Rights Report For Europe Released
The ILGA Europe has just released its annual report on LGBT+ rights in Europe:
Feels good
*sigh* my country is gay mecca.
Should be renamed "how my country is cucked by the invaders".
We got 18 because of our national policy of not giving a fuck.
I am sick of this country being so cucked. We need to ban homosexuality already, it is disgusting depravity.
I'm pretty sure Finland was way lower than Sweden and Norway in the previous version of that report.
Must be all the muslims bringing their score down.
>you will never be Azerbaijan
Feels good, man.
We're in the golden zone. No one really likes gays here, they don't have any special ''gay rights'', but no one is going to beat them up either or arrest them for being gay.
It's the way it's supposed to be.
I know some gay guys personally. They don't have to live in fear, but they are openly mocked. They're cool with it. There's a guy here who is going to give you free shit if you let him suck his cock. That's how we see all gays, just sick perverts.
i know a faggot irl
i make sure to make fun of him everytime i get a chance
oh and btw the lgbt community has great ties with the lgbt communities of sweden, belgium and the Netherlands
so we bacisally export our gays to western europe
Not got a problem with fags, every gay person I've ever met has been more than agreeable.
I'm not a Christian fuck and I can accept the idea that homosexuality occurs in nature, we've got far bigger issues than what some bloke at the top of my road wants to put in his mouth in his spare time.
Poland seems like a pretty cool place.
You are disgusting.
Too high. We recently rejected gay marriage for the second time, which I count as a victory for justice.
I'd say it is the LGBT's fault for being so greedy. The way they pushed the gay marriage law would automatically allow gay adoption and that's a no-no even for folks that aren't too bright.
Their campaign was in fact:
"Legalize gay marriage FOR THE CHILDREN"
Like, I wish I was joking.
Faintly curious about what rights they seem to think they don't have over here.
Also, on the MSM here, Sweden is lauded as the most progressive.
Stay strong.
not my problem ur gay
go to germany for what i care
Anything ~50% = cucked
I'm not gay. You are encouraging gays so you are disgusting.
>Trying to claim any kind of high ground when you were raised in a largely Christian country with an insane political system which likely brainwashed you and continuously vindicates your shit opinions.
Nice try, Russia.
>gays in Crimea are safer than gays in other parts of Russia
The mental gymnastics of liberals is phenomenal
How the fuck is Belgium,UK,France,Spain,Portugal, and the Netherlands more gay than Sweden?
65%!? How the fuck is Finland beating us, all finns ever so is beat fags.
they have no life here and they know it
better to just ship them over to the west
You have the insane political system which is why there will soon be no such thing as a british person anymore.
I suppose. Still do not encourage their acceptance in the society.
Well Sven, muslims do not like LGBT and you have a lot of 'em.
Poland NO
>I can accept the idea that homosexuality occurs in nature
So does murder and cannibalism.
The map they used isn't even updated to include crimea's annexation.
My point exactly.
However homosexuality doesn't actively harm anyone, where as those two things do.
If you were trying to counter my argument in any way you failed miserably.
we have gypsies for hundreds of years and we will never integrate them into our society
we barely tolerate each other do to religious and ethnic differences
faggots are beyond what you would call to be ever accepted or encouraged.
btw croatia and serbia are higher on the list cuz in the past years they let parades happen in their respective capitals
last one in bosnia they got trashed
and if u ask who organizes that shit, its funded by westerners and pushed in universities by middle class "social science" students
come on you selfish prick
My first thought. We're never ahead of Sweden in anything socially "progressive".
You could have just said "it doesn't harm anyone" which is effectively the argument you're presenting now.
Adding the "it occurs in nature" hurts your own argument you retard.
Homosexuality is sexually deviant and harms society by encouraging itself and other activities which go away from the norm.
Good to hear.
wow croatia so tolerenat
>However homosexuality doesn't actively harm anyone, where as those two things do.
Because public health crisis' don't harm anyone, right?
>be me
>walking down the street
>notice billboard
>"Each family has a fag or lesbo in it"
>"commemorate LGBT day"
>billboard is sponsored by the Swedish Embassy
Top fucking kek
>However homosexuality doesn't actively harm anyone
lets just accept this one degenerate form of sexual preferences it cant possibly lead to every other being accepted
nigger where do you even live? sarajevo
The smaller the country is, the more redpilled it gets
t. Microstates
Should ban foreign NGOs.
>Was in Russia last year
>Saw a gay couple in a cafe and no one seemed to care
>Saw fags walking around holding hands once or twice
>Ask some family why people say Russia is so anti gay
>"Because they ain't allowed to marry or show gay couples on childrens television"
Fucking hell LGBT things are fucking pathetic and creepy. Why the fuck does stopping them from advertising their sexuality someone 'oppress' them? And marriage is a joke since they neither follow the bibles rules about sex before marriage nor care about legitimizing children they can't make.
Russia outlawed this type of propaganda. This is the actual reason everyone hates Russia, because they banned pro-gay propaganda.
it culls the flock. and surely if anyone has a problem with overpopulation it's humans.
Hopefully it will change next year. Because we will make it constitutional that only a man and a woman can marry. Not just with legislature.
r westerners still shilling for gypsy acceptance in Romania they try that shit for years here.
Russia passed a law that makes it illegal to spread pro-homo propaganda.
That's literally the entire reason everyone thinks Russia is some sort of a bad guy that oppresses gays and lynches them.
We used to laugh at people who said that gays had an agenda, and that they are trying to convert people to being gay, but now we see that it's all true. Now they are furiously mad that they can't try and make Russians gay.
23% is 20% more than it should be.
Homosexuals spread their lifestyle through subversion. Much like how Hitler removing Jews from positions of people is seen as antisemitic, cracking down on homo propaganda is seen as homophobic.
>Homosexuals spread their lifestyle through subversion. Much like how Hitler removing Jews from positions of people is seen as antisemitic
Thats so wrong on so many levels.
dont know where they getting those numbers
might e cuz the socialist party ruled for 4 years and they did some enable this shit
realistically except the capital the whole country hates gays just like the rest of the balkans
yes everione hates gays but they pushed a law to allow some sort of marige union between same sex couples
Muslims are the most tolerant people on this planet! Youre all just liars!
what the fuck is wrong with Italy?
don't you mean what is right?
Why is Latvia so homophobia? Is is Catholic Latgalia or are all Latvians so homophobic?
Based Monaco
Croatia is more tolerant than Ireland, but gay marriege is banned in constitution and Irish allowed it. What da fuck
>Croatia 67
>Sweden 65
Ayy lmao, croatia more tolerant than sweden.
It seems like each day Poland becomes more appealing.
they are pushing hard for faggot acceptance here
it encourages women to have gay friends who in turn push them to adopt their degenerate lifestyles. every girl has at least one gay guy friend who she goes out with. basically gay dudes usually force others to stoop to their level because misery loves company. some gay dudes are based though, and very successful.
but I thought that didn't pass in 2013? my croat friend was all butthurt about that
>Latvia went down
Fucking nice, gays are not welcome here.
tell it to these guys
I know it sounds alien to you, but we don't have such a word as ''homophobia''. It's not even a concept here.
You guys are fucked because people in power control the language. You can get away with anything as long as you call someone an X-phobe, a racist or a nazi.
You'd be laughed at here if you called someone an islamaphobe, a racist or a nazi. Those words have no power.
When you call us homophobes my first thought isn't ''oh shit, he used that word! I better prove that I am not a homophobe''. My first thought is ''there's that word again lol''.
If you want to talk about what we think about gays you have to ditch your buzzwords. You're not talking to an American.
51% is too fucking much we have to decrease it now!
it did pass with 65% so the constitution stated that marige is a union between a man and a woman , but couple months later they just passed a new law for a union between same sex couples and just called it something else
stop lying
oh, well it could be worse right. It'll shut up all the SJW's
Our archbishop called HIV a form of "imminent justice".
Quite frankly, it is. Aside from a few bystanders, HIV mostly just hurts degenerates.
What more do they want from us?
We legalised gay marriage by popular vote and appointed a lesbian as minister for children.
What's with Malta I thought they were super Catholic
>fastfood is mad and has no reading comprehension
Wew, lad.
That's a wikipedia translation of an English word, retard. Any idiot can take an English word and make it sound Latvian.
The word is not in Latvian dictionaries. The word isn't in the Latvian vocabulary. If you ask someone on the street what the word means they will have no fucking clue unless they speak English.
>increase pf 2% while latvia/lithuania have dropped by a % point
You're such a fucking liar, dude
It's a good thing no one gives a shit about Latvia. The only Latvian I ever met was a prostitute in Chicago.
>There's a guy here who is going to give you free shit if you let him suck his cock.
>him suck his cock
That's what you get for trying to be more like Nordic countries. Your people always talk shit about us while sucking up to Nords.
You deserve what you get.
Trust me. No one considers Estonia Nordic other than Estonians themselves.
Estonia is just an Eastern European, Baltic shithole.
That probably reflects the mentality down south more than that in the north, down here we have a healthy disgust for faggots.
Never ever let your girl friend be around lesbians either.
some random articel in a croatian portal
>first lesbian couple wins king and queen of some american high school ball in florida
top coments
> so you dont like man but are in a relationship with a chick that luks like a fat manlet , and bangs you with a plastic dildo . can somone explain this logic ? 47+ -5
> a woman can bee a princes or a queen but not king and i see here 2 girls . this world has gone to ***** 31+ -6
>shee sad "my family didnt support me " . why wold aneione normal support this ? 30+ -9
and so on this is the croatian opinion on fags
Oh yeah, Murican, tell me about my country. Educate me. It's not like I live here or anything.
Wow, I didn't know there's some obscure social studies professor who is trying to push western agenda. WOW. I am a #Hilldog now.
>Hungary the Sup Forumstard of Europe is only 4% behind Germany which is 10-20% behind Western Europe
>poor catholic Belgium is gayer than the Netherlands
that's surprising
2015's pic.
Look at Sweden, Norway, UK. They have significant drop. Guess who don't like fags? This shit is scary desu.
Where is the Middle East map though ?
> tfw the LGBT situation is getting worse
> tfw everyone is slowly becoming redpilled, disenfranichised from the degenerate, liberal media
> tfw traditional family is slowly coming back
Good job Sup Forums , i'm proud of you.
>co-funded by EU
fucking commie-stan