Found this and other high value cards in a dumpster

Found this and other high value cards in a dumpster.
Can I turn a profit?


yes they are very rare now a days both will sell for over $500

You found them in a dumpster, you could literally sell them for a penny and turn a profit.

they look fake


They were in a nice binder in a desk. Not a dumpster.
The desk was outside the property waiting to be lifted by marborg

the Exodia is literally a dime a dozen since its from Master Collection 1 and the Dark Magician is from Booster Pack tin 1, so also worthless. place them back in the dumpster where they belong.

You will turn up a profit of $3 for the first one.

Look up the code on the bottom right of the picture, for the exodia head, it's "MC1-EN001"
It'll tell you the price.


you made this thread earlier fag



they belong in the trash like your sorry ass OP

troll and toad can tell you how much they're worth
the dark magician cards are at least a couple of bucks
exodia is like 3


Some are slightly bent


It... it can't be! The legendary Exodia!

You have activated them

More first edition

no they are maybe psa 7 and not even first edition. basically worthless.

Not first edition?