Gas it or breed it?!?! What to do!?!?
Was it the joos that caused THIS?!?
Purge the Abomination.
Only right answer.
That chick is Italian.
sterilize her.
just fuck her in the butt
Hot stuff.
Oh dear god, if you guys want to gas this please ship her off to my house. I'd give this a 11/10 for hitting the jackpot grand prize
t. Mexican
My girlfriend is a quadroon and she's hot as fuck
White male here
Sex is beyond the pale god tier
Like literally, if we had a can account we'd be stars
Mulatto girls are sexy though
That octoroon isn't ugly, but she'd be better looking without the nig genes.
Would breed with in a heartbeat desu
Whoa, that nigger is ugly as fuck.
You really made it far north there, pablo.
Funny thing is, just 1 ml of my Swedish semen will give her babies that are whiter than any of you faggots, so who should be purged? "White" American manlets who can't produce blue eyed, blonde aryan children, or a halfbreed that only need Swedish cock in her pussy to get white children?
Could've been a looker. It's a shame about the nigger genes.
My parents saw a nicer future for us here than in America.
Maybe, but as far as I can tell it just give her big lips and curly dirty blond hair. This juxtaposition makes my dick unexpectedly hard.
You better wear a condom, because otherwise, you're throwing your pearls to swine.
>Swedish semen
>Cucks get to impregnate
Keep living that fantasy bro.
Someone post that blonde mixed beauty
I would get so much pussy in Canada. But you won't let me enter your country, only non-White immigrants are allowed.
No, I have a fetish for impregnating mixed / minority women.
Latinas are better than every other type of girl t b honest.
wtf...That bitch is ugly as fuck. Look at her hair. Looks retarded.
lol wut. Do you think blonde people are rare here or something? Maybe in chinkcouver they're rare, but pretty much everywhere else they're a dime a dozen.
beauty is literally, as in not figuratively but in a literal sense, subjective depending on each person
I find her attractive and cute.
More pics?
that's probably because you're a fucking cuck and you should go back to you know where.
Eat shit, illiterate kiddo. Objectivity doesn't exist.
you've got em all to yourself, you lucky cabron
Cmon guys we have a chance to reverse-racemix and bring those ansestral while genes back. Kids with her would pretty much be fully white. A miracle really
Do explain how being attracted to a type of woman makes him a "Le cuck" you fucking mouth breather faggot Sup Forumsedditor
Preferably without epic underage frog memes.
Is that a fact :^3
human rationality serves as objectivity you pseud
hat disprove argument
the blood is tainted
fuck off you envious jew
Is this what a quadroon looks like?
Everyone knows Canada is a wog country.
I hate nigger hair.
beauty can't be subjective. Beauty is proportional to an organisms health and utility.
There is no argument to be made about your definition of beauty, it's arbitrary really. But it still doesn't make you any less of a cuck. I mean, you're either a minority, in which case you need to fuck off out of the US. Or you're a white cuck. Either way, kys
meme disprove argument
haha cuck word funny
>objectivity doesnt exist
but thats an objective statement senpai
How the fug can her skin be so light when she has black blood??
A fucking wonder, this is why I love genetics so much.
Gas, definitely
Literally one of the ugliest things I've ever seen
Have sex with her but obviously don't reproduce with her. You guys are actually autistic if you'd turn down sex. Unless it's a full blown negress then yeah
Too bad they explode around 25-28.
t. latina observer
But what does her ass look like?
>Unless it's a full blown negress then yeah
Dark chocolate is the best m8
I'd fuck the living shit out of her desu and if you wouldn't you're a fucking homo autist
>b-but she's mixed!!! 14/88!!!! CUUUUCK!
Fuck her till she's dead!
>How the fug can her skin be so light when she has black blood??
It isn't genetics, she's just a strong estrogen producer
Estrogen makes skin very fair and soft
Testosterone makes skin darker and rougher
This is why men are almost always darker than women even in the same race
If you mated with her you'd end up with a black son who looked like Obama
I know a half-nig brother and sister, the brother came out almost completely white except for the frizzy hair, the girl came out almost as dark as her mother (the black one). Racemixing is a big gamble. You can come out anywhere inbetween.
No, melanin makes the skin darker.
>implying you have sex :^|
>falling for the subjectivity spook
>nigresses would be attractive if they just had white skin
that's unequivocably false
negroid features aren't attractive, regardless of skin color. white actually makes it worse
Complete and utter horse shit. Obama's father was an extreme heart-of-Africa black-as-coal oogabooga. Obama looks like an in-between of his parents. He might look black by American standards, but that's because most of our nigs contain white DNA. Compare him to his father.
What should I do if I accidentally put it in the butt?
Chuck it in the middle east with the rest of the mutts.
Shut the fuck up lapp boy.
First post best post. I definitely wouldn't breed with that thing if my life depended on it. She still looks like a nigger, pic related is what I'm looking for.
This. Then use merely for pleasure
>No, melanin makes the skin darker.
And estrogen regulates melanin production while testosterone stimulates it
This is why fairer skin and darker/ruddier skin are considered secondary sexual traits. Because estrogen and testosterone levels have a huge impact on skin color.
Jesus Christ he looks a fuck ton like his mom.
you'll never be this attractive niggers, sorry
I want to impregnate a light skinned black or latina girl.
>a leaf and captain sweden arguing over who is the bigger cuck
this is why i come here
Summer Kelsey is hot as fuck
Except for the Memphis accent
She is the oldest of 3 sisters, middle one is darker, youngest one is lighter and has red hair
Summer's mom is half white, dad was all white, mom remarried a full on jet black lowlife nigger
She is pretty small, height and weight, pretty small ass
Without the makeup her face is covered with freckles
Considers herself to be African-American, one drop crap, and is studying Ethnic Psychology
She is mainly a vegetarian
Most of her friends are dark black dindu's who mumble and shriek
I would fuck the crap out of her, make her call me Massa
3/4 White and considers herself a full blood sista'