So Sup Forums what are your complete honest thoughts on fidget spinners. I'm completely indifferent

So Sup Forums what are your complete honest thoughts on fidget spinners. I'm completely indifferent

Bought one because I was curious, turned out to be a high quality one. Its fun to spin, good for when Im idle at work or in a meeting.otherwise 90% of the time its in my pocket or on my bedstand.

i used one of a co-worker, i don't understand how everybody is going ape shit crazy with this things, you only can make the spin in 2 ways... They are fucking trash

i think ops a fgt

bought a goldplated spinner so i obviously like them, allways looking into making new tricks and stuff

They're pretty fun to play with, but don't spend a bunch on it because they all do the same thing. Bought this one from a Chinese import store for cheap.

My job gives them out ass a business card, has the logo in the center. Looks likes ops, but they spin really well.

I picked it up.. played for 5 minutes.. put it back in the box. Would not pay money for one.

Perfect for all us autists on /b

I honestly thought these fucking things were madeup by you fucks like fingerboxes back in the day. Legit thought it was fucking bullshit, thought about how autistic you would have to be if they were real and you owned one.

I go to some electronics store and I see them in the fucking window. I lost my shit to the point where gf thought I was mental. If you own one you should never reproduce.


a stupid fucking hipster fad that caught on to kids that think they are cool because they saw some dumbass youtubers going on about them.


cancer. The cubes are 100000x better

i don't have ASD and do not associate with anyone who does, so idc.

The guy that's so indoctrinated by the internet cesspool that he though everyone was trolling about fidget spinners is judging others. Fucking kek

Neat tricks, impress your friends, impress your peers!

Neat tricks, impress your friends, impress your peers!

Fucking stupid piece of shit. No skill. Retarded. Autism. Assburgers. Alzheimers. Shittiest of all fads. Shittier than pogs. At least pogs had neat pictures on them.

i usually flip a pen around while i'm working or studying, so i tried that shit and see if it really do shit
turned out to become a second alternative when i dont have a pen close to me

They're fun. I love fidget spinners. I bought one out of curiosity. Totally cool.

I recently moved to the Norwegian area and those faggot toys haven't really spread here. If I was back in NA I'd prob see them day 1 in every fucking store. Maximum kek.

I do this anime podcast thing, both of the folks I do it with have them. I kinda roasted one of them about it, super hard. I then bought one, proceeded to talk smack about them all night, and as he was getting all salty about it, I was spinning my one on cam. The reaction was pretty amusing.

It's mildly amusing to play with, I guess. Nothing earth shattering, but amusing,

I think there's a lot of hate for them but they're just a dumb toy that you can fuck around with when you're bored. I use it before I get into matchmade games and I'm waiting in Que. Not a bad time waster.

The cringe...