Tips for starting a metal band or any band in general?



I like your reasoning. Well thought out and very easy to understand why you think this way.
I'll give this reply a 10/10

Music comes first. Don't start social media pages and start promoting yourself and designing band logos and shit before you actually have any music. I'm not just talking about one 3 minute song or a 30 second teaser either. Record a demo or an EP that you can give to people.
That being said, once your music is done, the artwork matters. If you're not an artist or a photographer, and you don't know any local artists who will do art for free, find an artist online and pay them for a logo or an album cover. Make it look professional. When it comes to music, you get out what you put in. Shitty hand-drawn logo + album art stolen from Google images + only one song = shit.
Next, find local rock and metal venues in your area. You'll probably be playing open mic nights at first before you actually start getting booked. PRACTICE AND KNOW YOUR SHIT BEFORE GOING ON STAGE.
Talk to local record stores and ask if you can give them CDs or tapes or put posters in the window or whatever. Most places are really cool with indie artists. Send your demo to YouTube promotion channels (like full album channels) and ask them to feature your music on their channel.

t. somebody who has played in several metal bands

grow out your hair

Considering the quality of your post, and the fact that you have to ask that, i'd say don't start one at all it's probably going to be shit

Finding a vocalist can be a pain, drummer also. Start rehearsing a few covers first, then start writing your own songs.

I've found that covers waste time. Just start jamming and record your jam sessions. You can tweak things and turn them into actual songs later.

Yeah all good tips thank you

How so? I'm trying to learn and grow as an artist. Good artists and successful people always take advice and they always admit that they don't know everything

That's probably why you're most likely not in a successful band

Metal is not really jamable imo, covers are for teambuilding and to practice playing together. Also they give the group a direction of sound if that makes sense.

have a strong gimmick and cool visuals

metal is like pro wrestling

use this album cover

How is metal not jammable? If everybody is playing at the same tempo, it should be jammable.

Yeah it's all really good advice
1) Practice and write strong stuff
2) advertise and do shows once you have stuff made
3) have your own sound
4) give yourself a gimmick or reason why someone would come to one of your shows
5) practice
6) grow your hair out

All of which I knew
Except going to local record shops and stuff. I never thought of that cause there's none around here but I will definitely come across some in the future.

Well you're not going to be an artist at all if you keep making useless threads on a Taiwanese trading forum

Nice bait

What kind of advice are you looking for? How to find other musicians?

Yeah that would be nice. I live in the middle of nowhere and I have trouble finding people to play with. I wanna find a drummer a bassist and a vocalist. Maybe another guitar player.

So what are you looking for? The golden tip how to instantly have a band? Just look for people that play an instrument and start playing together.

Its like these question 'hurdur i've been playing guitar for 4 years now and I'm having trouble incorperating this scale/arpeggio in my songwriting/solo plz help.' Everyone will chime in with tips which will be completely useless to you because in the end it'll come down to JUST.PRACTICE.

agreed, not just group practice either, like fucking show some respect for the music and actually practice the fuck out of your instrument.

Be trve

Advice never hurts. You can never have too much of it