Any medfags out there? I need help. Yesterday I was playing ultimate Frisbee, and I tried diving for the disc...

Any medfags out there? I need help. Yesterday I was playing ultimate Frisbee, and I tried diving for the disc. Because it was on the sideline I I had to have my body fully extensdid with my feet inbounds. Causing me to have a awkward landing without away to soften the fall. But when I impacted the ground my arm got stuck underneath my body and face. I felt an immediate sharp pain in my bicep. since then I've had sharp pain in my biceps when ever move my arm. I can straighten it with no pain, but if I try to move my arm while it's straight I'm unable to move it at all. Any advice on what this could be? Should I go see a doctor?

Do you have the Popeye sign?

>Unable to move
Sounds like you fucked up a nerve.
Is there a swelling in the area maybe thats pushing on a nerve/blood vessel. If its a swelling give it a week and if its still there seea doc and theyll scan that shit

If you're talking about the muscle protruding more when I flex, then yes.

There's a moderate level of swelling, but not enough to pinch a nerve, I've had a pinched nerve before and the pain is very different from that

There was a very strong impact when I fell, my face sandwiched my arm between the ground. Everyone who saw was worried that I could have a concussion at the time, but it was only my arm that I was worried about.

>Pain in bicep as you contract straight arm
So what im guessing is whats happening when you contract the muscle the muscle organ becomes shorter and more compact and this is pressing on the swelling. I dont think its anything serious, just give it a week. Theres no broken bone by the sound of things so even better

I just looked up what the popeye sign is, and looking at it, the bicep is retracted about an inch more than my left arm when I flex.

Google Popeye sign, I think you have an biceps tendon rupture. Or make a picture of your arm and point to the spot where you have the most pain.

This is bad advice and you should feel bad.

Medfag here.

Sounds like you may have damaged one of your tendons. Where is the sharp pain? If it's at the extremities of the muscle, or just one of them, then you've gone done fucked your tendons and you need medical attention. That shit is unlikely to heal well if left alone.

Also, in my professional opinion as an actual doctor, you are gay as fuck for playing ultimate frisbee.

If it is a bicep rupture, does that mean I should seek immediate medical attention, or will it just heal on its own?

It won't heal on its own, but if you are an old guy with a shrimpeld dick it is maybe not worth to operate on it. However I dont know if you have this, it is on top of my differential diagnoses but I'm still not convinced

The pain is right at the middle of the bicep. As for ultimate being gay, I agree it can be depending on who you play with. Don't play with whiners who call fouls every 5 seconds, or shy away from contact. Then it's super enjoyable.


Is it painful at the elbow as well?

>Then it's super enjoyable.
So you only play with high quality homosexuals. Good to see someone with standards for a change.

Also: if the pain is right in the middle of the muscle when you're showing Popeye sign then that's where the torn tendon is going to be because the middle of your muscle is now where the attachment point should be.

Go get fixed.

Then go seek medical attention for the injury.

I'm only 19 and would like to get back on the field as soon as possible, I'm just not sure what the treatment would look like if it was a ruptured bicep.

Doctor? No. Go to the supermarket tomorrow morning. You have to go as soon as the open, while the guy who delivers and stocks the Pepsi is still there. Ask him about the pain in your bicep.

The Coca-Cola drivers are pretty good at this too, but if you sleep in and have to settle for the advice you get from the guy stocking the store-brand soda, you deserve to suffer.

These two are different things you have the muscle and the tendon. 2 is surgery 1 is not.


flex the bicep and take a picture and post it so we can see.

You should go to see a doctor... It is not possible to exclude a tendon rupture via /b if it is a tendon rupture you definitely need surgery otherwise you have to learn to jack off with your other arm

could've tore the muscle

Sorry about the poor quality, my phone is shit.

You should go see a doctor. On it's own, it'll heal, but there will likely be a ugly mass of scar tissue and it might never work right again.