Does race mixing bring out a primal urge in anyone else? The idea of impregnating a native, Latina, or mulatta turns me on. Is it the conqueror genes?
Does race mixing bring out a primal urge in anyone else? The idea of impregnating a native, Latina...
yep. cum so much harder in brown puss and it's tighter too. only been with 1 brown girl (wifed) and 5 white girls.
t. cracker married to puerto rican chica
There is just some sexy racial dominance dynamics in the idea of fucking and dominating some dark-skinned cutie and then having her serve you cocktails naked.
Well I guess bestiality is very primal so those would be referred to as primal urges.
I don't personally feel that. It usually looks like God purposely fucked them up so I wouldn't be attracted to them. Some South Asian girls and big-assed Hispanics are all right though,
>sweden bermuda
I want to rape Germans.
The negroid visage is one of utter repugnance, isn't it? There is no fouler thing on Earth than the sub Saharan black.
The only thing more offensive than it's ape like appearance is it's abhorrently crass & entitled attitude with which it interacts with the civilized world.
You're not the only one.
I cum alot more in arab girls then in whites. The only thing I worrie about is how the child will look like if I racemix.
Red-pilled nogs are on the level.
Hans is laughing because Swedish guys aren't cucked?
Mmm arab pussy. Tight as fuck I bet. Do they take cock in their tiny asshole too?
I'm of Norwiegan heritage and my wife is Jamaican. She's gorgeous.
I'm infertile so we adopted a daughter from Russia last year.
It's a very different family dynamic, but I'm very happy. I will say I have gotten a lot of racist comments from black men who seem to gravitate towards my wife as she is an athlete and in the public eye with me.
>The only thing I worrie about is how the child will look like if I racemix.
my son has blonde hair and green eyes
wife is olive skinned black curly hair and brown eyes
I will say the wildest sex I've ever had was with a thick Swedish slut. I must have cum 7 times in her . Have fucked Colombians, Puerto Ricans, and Brazilians. Nothing ever compared to the wild Swede.
t. a 6'4 fucking white male, aryan-looking
Its the only way I can get off to girls of other races. I really only think whites are attractive, but the idea of making another race more white does arouse me
Female here, I've hooked up with a lot of Latinos
Me too, brat. And we will, a lot of them so just be tanned and wearing hijabs
Gonna back this guy up. My gf is Swedish-Mexican, but she looks like your average swede just with fuller lips and a thicker body.
You know the rules, whore
understandable, it must the mongol in you
sorry mang, ain't got the exact sauce however.
It's just fetishism.
I like albino women, redhead women, giantesses, fit women, busty women, wide hip women and bubble butt women.
Thats obvious, Mexicans aren't a pure race so when a pure one mix with a Mexican the result will almost always be a child looking completely (white, chink, black).
Our genetics are terribly weak.
Lol actually race mixing with someone who has monkey ganes in them. Ofcourse you are a primitive perverted degenerate. Negroids are not humans and arabs are half human give or take considering that some have low % of ape dna in them.
The advantages of being a rape baby.
Makes it more fun.
Yeah, but I gotta congratulate you guys. The full niggerlips and thick Latina build on her swede aesthetic is legitimately beautiful.
Wtf with this thread. Fuck off out of Sup Forums
Why do you even come here you fucking hypocrites
In what way are they hypocrites?
It's the first step to zoophilia.
I want to get in between some white legs so much.
We're betraying his alt right neckbeard sensibilities.
He's just some autist who takes banter really seriously.
They are the reason why our race is going extinct. You can just know that the german faggot probably plays games all day, fucks foreign girls and wishes to party around well into his 30's.
Who knew Sup Forums was full of hypocrites in conflict with themselves. You fuckers would be a great case for top-psychiatrists
>hurr durr pol is neo-nazi kkk faggots
my wife posts here all the time, is conservative and a trump supporter. you wouldn't even know she wasn't white because she's probably smarter than you and i'm sure we have a higher household income than you if you're a legit white supremacist faggot.
YOU get the fuck out of Sup Forums
>Wanting to save white race
>By fucking around with niggers
+ how can you be anti immigration while befriending and fucking shitskin migrants?
>tumblr.jpg in op
>race mixing is sooo awesome
>500 of these a day
I'm a libertarian subjectivist familia, I couldn't give less of a shit what other people do
This website is not a hive mind, that's
My wife's son posts here too and he is not white.
I know they can't even wrap their fucking heads around it that they ARE the problem.
You really think the hundreds of pro-white threads that get posted here every day and the thousands of racist comments are just "banter"?
>Sup Forums is one person
fuck off not a real country.
we were having a nice thread until you autists showed up
more stories about interracial love please
It's not hive mind to agree upon the most basic points... you know like not being into bestiality?
Making more niggers is a crime against humanity.
>You really think the hundreds of pro-white threads that get posted here every day and the thousands of racist comments are just "banter"?
we are "whiter" than you. i guarantee it
>not being into bestiality?
like white people mixing with slavs?
>More stories about interracial love please
T.i Reddit/cuckolding
Yes, but not with a negress
You seem aroused
All Slav nations have average IQ above 95 with exception of the southeren few who were raped by ottoman empire and are basically half Turks.
But here you are considering fucking 80 IQ latinos and 70 IQ niggers.
Is that Sam from icarly??
How did she get so fat..
I married native and it's awesome as fuck. Not because she is native but because she is a good person and I love her.
B-being a cuckold is a legitimate fetish i swear! It is no different than watching porn!
>Why do you even come here you fucking hypocrites
*i* have been coming here personally for the last several years because of that reason, it's fucking funny beyond reason to see a nazi hitler circlejerk thread right above a thread where everyone is talking about hot black bitches.
Its not her
Lol Sup Forums doesnt belong to you faggot
Whites like you are our biggest enemy. You are a race traitor who will sympathize with non whites.
All Slavs have autism
I come here because im voting Trump and you guys do a way better job at providing news than the tabloids.
>Why do you even come here you fucking hypocrites
I'm not a hypocrite because I'm not against race-mixing at all. And Sup Forums is not Stormfront anyway.
I like Sup Forums and r/the_Donald but I'm not a Stormfag.
>Short legs
>Troll face
Ah the exotic beauty.
nah me and my wife hate niggers and my kids will have a better upbringing in america with different race parents than any "pure white" slavshit in your third world country could ever have.
There's something about just a little Mexican admixture in a woman that makes her a lot more fertile looking. What is it? Native genes?
No one actually cares about this except you.
JAAAAA! A Turkish city inside Germany, and they ask us why are we so self destructive? We need them back, the men in black! The black division to Berlin!
Getting mad is the way god allows race mixing
blasians are the future of the human race.
Blasian dudes are hot as fuck and look very androgynous but also jacked.
Blasian girls have perfect proportions and are ultra feminine, softening the hard test lines of black girls.
Blacks+Asians = future overlords.
All sexy women bring out the conqueror genes in me
By all means keep the white women pure but don't tell me not to indulge my colonial appetites
I personally don't think shes all that attractive.
However i do dig me Scarlet Johansson, especially when she rocks that red hair.
so quivering in fear of the next terror attack?
Woah there buddy, they are good lays but i wouldn't go that far.
It's like conquest, especially if you just have them as fuckbuddies and don't wife them. Try it!
Erm I've had a few partners and all of them were non-white..
Korean, Korean/Irish, Uzbek (hella mongoloid features), Mongolian, and Thai... oh and regrettably some black girls. And not ideal Mexicans.
First time I tried fucking a white girl I went super soft (possibly bc she was a land whale with weird rash on skin) and never really tried to go back again. Sup Forums has me reconsidering white girls though, and Hitler!
Thanks guys ^~^
If you aren't Colonizing the Savage Womb, you aren't Anglo my friend
If you educated yourself people have a good living standard here. We are not like Poland or Serbia. 8th safest country in the world with one of the safest and best looking capital city on earth.
You do pretty well here if you have a useful education.
>it's fucking funny to see nazi thread above a thread talking about hot black bitches
Yeah you're right, it is. Dark humor in a sort of way. You gotta wonder what the fuck is going through these people's heads. If I wasn't actually racist (common sense) I couldn't even fathom coming to this site. The delusional hypocritical thinking is astounding, but I guess mental gymnastics are what liberals excel at.
pic related, your home.
>tfw diminished sexual desire
>withdraw into myself during sex
>just want to finish and have her leave
>incredibly hard to come
>sexually frustrated that I can't get pretty girls.
>hate when girls touch or cuddle me.
What's wrong with me?
She's a Jewess.
Ita genius, is it not? You get the athleticism of the nigger and the intelligence of the gook. THE FUTURE IS NIGH
what a good argument
You need to feel the love homie. I prescribe you haruki murakami novel and young azn qt go go
What do you care liberal faggot? You seem to be fond of racemixing. You're not a racist, are you?
A Jewess with a great ass and killer tits, tell me you wouldn't fuck that.
I would tap that.
>50% white
>Still thinks race mixing is a good idea
Any smart black or hispanic is waiting for the 50-60's generations to die off. Once that happens you will no longer be able to win any elections.
>pic related, your home.
Sup Forums is just like r/the_Donald just with more offensive humor.
Besides, as for white women ... ah ... /picrelated
Besides No. 2: Even if men are "hypocrites": the majority of men who go for non-white women go for them because they want something traditional: femininity, submissiveness, warmth, sweetness, etc. They often marry and have children.
But when white women go for tattooed blacks they go for "adventure" and quick sex, so it's definitely not the same.
It's not bait at all. Literally the only reason we even talk about Trump here is so we can get spics out of the country and boost the white population.
Did you read /r/the_donald and fall for the meme?
A NORDIC jewess
Occasionally you get the intelligence of the nig but the athletics of the gook. If the entire world were blasian, it would be the most starkly stratified society in history.
I knew you cheeky cunts still fucked Abos.
Yeah, there would be variation, and for some reason, nigger genes tend to dominate.
It's because these people are closer to animals. And sex is the most animal, primal act we do on daily basis (inb4 basement-dwelling virgins). Therefore these people attract our primitive carnal urges.
But in order to preserve high civilization, we must, with the help of our willpower, resist these urges and only mate with people who are equal to us.
Women don't have this willpower by definition. So we men must be stronger still in order to decide not only for us, but also for our women.
Considering the contemporary rampant race-mixing degeneracy... I always though the mankind's future lies in the stars, now it looks like we're heading back to the jungle...
The fact that race-mixed people are more healthier and more attractive is one that most of Sup Forums will never accept; They find it threatening
This site has always been about the free exchange of ideas. Anyone can come here and post about anything at any time.
It's pretty great. I have never been to Reddit. I don't have any interest in it. I've been coming here too long to change my habits... Especially because some faggot posted a picture of a fucking robot.
If you can't handle the discussion here, leave the thread. If you can't handle seeing the topics in the catalog, fuck off out of here and go back to Stormfront.
The board doesn't belong to you, homo.
Let's not go crazy
Bleaching Africa would probably solve half of the continents problems.
And this is why your country is ruined Hans. Because you keep making excuses and because you are soft.
>Come on it's 2016 pol we only joke about hating niggers
I am not like you redditors. If it ever came to a civil war i would not have mercy for traitors like you.