Absolutely, certifiably, undeniably, 100% BTFO
Absolutely, certifiably, undeniably, 100% BTFO
liberals confirmed shortsighted
what else is new
>what is congress
but but the goberment needs to pay for all my free shit and take care of me
Or you could grow up and fight for a good government instead of letting fedora retards force you to either pick between no government or a shit government...
Who's being btfo there? He's talking sense.
The only good government is a limited government.
We got here by fighting for a good government, while everyone was fighting over what good is it was just bought by the wealthy.
Liberals I think
The US Federal system is an utter sham nowadays, states can't make their own laws any more because of the funding power the Federal Government has over the States. Like in North Carolina, they made a law - which regardless of whether you support it or not - they are entirely with in their right to make, and as punishment the Federal Government threatens to cut funding to their education system. Pretty fucked that It even comes to that.
I'm not even American and even I know that the president's power can overrule congress. look at obamacare.
the us president has way too much power, they're basically a dictator
Even if Trump wins (which is a big "IF") who will vote his laws ?
Trump is just a strawman for liberals, they already won the game.
This is exactly why I support Trump. Either he makes good on what he promises and brings about a golden age for the US or he becomes a somewhat of a dictator. The first option is obviously the best but the second option will hopefully wake people up to the dangers of allowing the government to have too much power.
>look at obamacare.
except Obamacare was passed by congress
Good government tends to be limited
There's a saying often mis-attributed to Thomas Jefferson and/or Henry David Thoreau, "That government is best which governs least" which could be, and in fact has been, quoted or paraphrased in this thread. However I prefer my personal view on this idea, and that is that this government was founded on the ideal that the government can fuck off.
Dude why do you think GOPe are being burned to the ground? They capitulated to King Nigger and now they're being taken down. It's time for someone else to defend this country from the cultural marxists.
>"That government is best which governs least"
Somalia confirmed for having the best government
Dont disagree, the executive needs neutered. I want Senate and House gridlock.
neocons are over, there's no coming back now
they're openly supporting hillary over trump, they're done.
Some of them bent the knee to Trump and switched their platform to be similar to his.
When is your good government coming along then? Seems to swing between doing nothing and causing global catastrophes the rest of us have to fix.
That phrase only works in white countries.
And for this alone Trump is already the best leader in memory.
And they're not to be trusted. They will knife him in the back at a moment's notice, as soon as they think they can make a grab for control.
I pray for Wonderful Donald's safety every day.
So who's Trumps Brutus? Carson or Christie?
exactly. I've voted Republican since 1986 and most of the GOP must be replaced. They no longer represent the people who elected them. They no longer respect the republican voters.
>They no longer represent the people who elected them. They no longer respect the republican voters.
ya think?
over 90% of republicans and the majority of all americans support a wall on the mexican border according to pew
where the fuck is it?
they've had the house and senate for 2 years now, they had it last decade too and the presidency
Seems liberals are being hit with reality. They were so fine with giving Obama so much power and they didn't realise someone was going to take over his place with the same power.
Whites can look after themselves, blacks are so stupid that an inefficient government bureaucracy still spends their money better than them.
>Implying we need government
Just like with recent free speech arguments, NC isn't facing a just some federal consequence but a social one. Sure, NC is its own state, but states don't just exist in vacuums free from relationships to all of the areas around it, whether domestic or international. In the modern interconnected world the concept of our union of a bunch of republic states will just continue to fade. Other individual states are the most noteworthy entities to impose sanctions.
the commerce clause has been used on far, far more insane shit than the NC bathroom laws. It could easily be applied here.
>muh states rights
is a meme