Russians of Sup Forums, what's the typical view on Communism / the USSR in Russia today?
Russians of Sup Forums, what's the typical view on Communism / the USSR in Russia today?
Miss it.
I miss the USSR. Without a rival to compete with, America has stagnated and is on the decline.
miss you Russia, it was wrong to crash your economy. i hope we can mend fences and be allies under a TrumPutin tag team power hour
2 kinds of people: those who have nostalgia because the USSR times were the times of their youth/because back then we wuz superpower and then there are liberals. I don't like both.
Its different.I don't know exact statistics, but I'd say many people appreciate some benefits of socialism over current state.Among old people like 25% still love USSR, 25 are symphathetic, other are either apathetic towards it or dislike it.Among young people USSR is quite unpopular.Damn, I really need to find exact statistics, its a cool topic.
One day we will retake you.
My friend, I am a russian :)
This. The rivalry produced shittons of new technological research and gave us a goal.
What do we have for goals now again?
Ah, right. Race and sex politics.
bump for interest
I dont know how life in Russia is now, but I cant imagine being happy at all in a communist country forced to live in a commie block, likely no car, no freedom of movement.
My gf is Russian. Funny story. We were discussing WW2 and I asked if her grandparents fought
>Nope, my grandfather was arrested for making a joke about Stalin
>oh well I guess that was lucky because of the high chance of being killed fighting
>no he died in the gulag
fucking hilarious I tells you
No car?
Wat is lada?
The USSR was better than now.
Then liberated you will be. :^)
Please vote for Trump for Tag team power hour. Then come up north and Out our fag leader. Thanks.
Sincerely, probably a commie.
Older generations are missing it. Younger are either don't care at all, either have negative views about it. Vatniks want it back because we wuz, liberals hate it.
I pesonally hate it more than anything, literally solzhenitsyn-tier of contempt. Nothing was worse for Russia than communism, repressions, starvation and frozen development it brought. Why did it happened to us? Why not to Sweden? Fucking despise these fucking jews.
Well, some people want it back cause they think economy will fix itself as soon as USSR restores. But even traces of communism left ruin our lives now, no sound economy, too big goverment, corruption and all that FUN.
Correct me if Im wrong, but in order to get a piece of shit soviet made automobile you had to apply for it at comrade commissar office where he give you wait list of many year
USSR could never conpete with America.
it was all retarded propaganda used by murica to scare people and gain more power
I wonder why people think communism will fix the economy when it's the main reason it's shit
well there's also slave mentality which still exists thank to the fact that in early 20th most of russia's peasants lived like it was still 16th century
and communism only strengthened this mentality
Shit idea. Japanese has hated communism since the before ww2.
Communism was the worst thing that ever happened to Russia. Because of communism Russia is still operating at like 15% of its potential. It also reinforced the slave mentality of the population that lead to Russians thinking a selfish strong man like Putin is good for them instead of demanding an actual government. I'd dick choke every Bolshevik to death with my bare penis even if it meant I get ebolaids.
t. A Russian American :^)