tl;dr of the vid pls? I cannot watch a second of that shit.
I wrote it in the OP.
She basically said she'll release the transcripts if everyone else does too.
Now it's just her and Trump. Time to release them.
Trump needs to exploit this.
Bernieshit here
Hillary might be bad, but she's no Trump
What's so bad about Trump? In all honesty, all the fallacies I hear are either strawmen or ad hominems.
If you're a Bernie supporter that says you'll back Clinton just in case, then you never really supported Bernie or his ideals in the first place.
Get fucked, cunt.
Thing is, Trump is literaly and surprisignly the best choice for america you got.
You had Bernie who wouldve bankrupt you in about 2 weeks, you got Hillary who will sell all America has to the devil.
And then theres Trump who loves his country.
He might be an airhead but at least he has semi decent ideas and hes not into the whole NWO thing it seems.
Republicans are known for killing jobs, giving rich tax breaks, and encouraging slave labor.
I will never go republican.
step up your bait, shill
>Universal Healthcare
Bernie wants medicare for all, Hillary wants government subsidised
Trump wants the poor to die on the streets
>Taxing the rich
Bernie wants to tax the rich
Trump want less taxes on them
>Mininum wage
Both democrats wants a wage higher than 10 dollars
Trump thinks wages are too high in the country
In my opinion, Bernie faggots who go to Trump because of 'scary' Hillary aren't the real supporters of a revolution that changes this country for the better.
Why in the SHIT would I support a candidate who uses scare tactics and scapegoats in order to put himself in power?
>Republicans are known for killing jobs, giving rich tax breaks, and encouraging slave labor.
>I will never go republican.
So? The republican "conservatives" say Trump is a liberal. Maybe you should check his policies.
>known for killing jobs
Gee, that's what happens when you keep electing shits like GW Bush I guess. But Trump is a successful business man, look it up. Yeah sure 4 of his companies bankrupted, but that was the smart thing to do. In the large scheme of things that's only a small percentage of his empire. He didn't get to the top without a good sense of the free market. That's more than you can say about Hillary who exclusively depends on backroom deals. I'm also not entirely happy about many of these jobs being created and end up being part-time because corporations don't want to pay you any benefits. Guess what though, we only lost so many jobs because of shitty trade deals and bank bailouts. All under corporate democrat leadership. You support Bernie because of this, can you not see that Trump is better in this regard than Shillary?
>giving rich tax breaks
Trump has said the middle class will get tax breaks and he'll raise them for the upper class. Is it going to be as big as Bernie? Probably not, but you can bet your ass Hillary isn't going to go after her friend's loopholes. Look at the Panama papers, Trump isn't mentioned in there. He loves his country and he understands the struggle of the common folk.
>encouraging slave labor
Eh I guess I see where you're going with this. But the fact is that's how our world works. Capitalism only works thanks to very cheap labor and if you have an iphone or even a computer, you're indirectly responsible for the mess that we've created in our world. However look up his economic plan and understand that with strong borders and good trade deals, we can keep the jobs inhouse and reform our country to emphasize good wages at home. Protectionism isn't a liberal economic idea.
Why do people believe there are even any transcripts to release? The Clintons are known for this exact sort of money laundering. They are given millions of dollars for a closed door "speech" that only exists on paper.
Hillary Clinton murders people.
And the same Republicans who pushed all that shit (against the will of their base) fought tooth and nail against Trump.
You're literally in the same boat with them with your #NeverTrump. They're the ones who started that movement.
Wouldn't it be better if the speeches were released later, though, after Hillary becomes the nominee?
You run the risk of hurting her so bad that Sanders actually becomes the nominee, and he may be harder to defeat in the fall.
>Trump wants the poor to die on the streets
>Trump thinks wages are too high in the country
also wrong
>Universal Healthcare
No Trump has repeatedly said he doesn't like seeing Americans die on the streets and he wants to help us. He's said that he wants to open up the borders between States so that insurance companies get competition amongst each other and the free market can take care of the premiums. That's not what corporate democrats would ever want.
>Taxing the rich
What you said is just not true, please look into it and stop believing the far left media. They have to paint him in a non-populist way because otherwise they'd have to agree with him.
>Trump wants the poor to die on the streets
I guess you missed where Trump wants healthcare for everyone, just not Obamacare because Obamacare did nothing to address the cost, it just forced everyone to purchase it.
Also Trump said he's now open to raising the minimum wage, now that he's won the Republicans.
>You run the risk of hurting her so bad that Sanders actually becomes the nominee
impossible at this point Hillary only needs like 100 more
This is what I don't understand. You people seem to like Trump for a lot of the things Bernie was fighting for in a more concise way that didn't have to do with "saying the right things to get the nomination".
Why didn't you people just support Bernie in the first place? We might have had actual change in this country, rather than incremental change that comes from putting a fucking REPUBLICAN (the part of the Tea Party, Bush, corporate greed, etc. etc.) in office.
> inb4commie
Do americans honestly believe that it's them who elect a president, and not the rich joos from wall street?
I can't support a candidate who goes out there and claims the wage gap is real.
I can't support a candidate who identifies with a generation of children signing off on the first Amendment. I love Hitchens and if you don't understand why the first amd. needs to include offensive speech then you're not my candidate.
Say what you want but communism is not a sound economic idea. Bernie has good social values, but I don't trust him with the economy. I do not like the "us vs. them" talk. I'm a nationalist which is to say I love all my fellow Americans and there's a shit ton of wealthy Americans who help out tremendously. From what I've seen that Bernie has inspired is a distinct class struggle that I don't think helps to unify our country.
Those are some of the issues why I'd rather side with Trump.
It could have been. If it weren't for Trump shits like this entire board.
Democratic socialism isn't communism, friend. Democratic socialism is a system in which the government helps those in need. What's the issue with that? It's a system where people are guaranteed their basic human rights, like health and the ability to pursue happiness.
Even I don't think communism is economically sound. Not in today's world at least. As of right now, it's an unattainable ideal.
And in terms of the first amendment, I don't remember Bernie ever saying it was right to censor speech (his supporters protest rallies like Trump's all the time).
And the 'class struggle' that Bernie has spotlighted today isn't something Bernie came up with, it's a very real issue that's been fought over for decades now.
Do you really agree with the rich who say that out of the growing productivity of the entire nation, only they are the ones who deserve to benefit from it? We live in a world today where in the first time in history, children are having a worse quality of living than their parents.
If you think that's just, then I don't know what to say to you.
Pic related. It's the sad truth.
>I do not like the "us vs. them" talk.
Except when it comes to Mexicans and Muslims, right?
Thank you, user. My vote for Hillary will be hard to make, but I'm mostly doing it out of spite.
>>Universal Healthcare
>Bernie wants medicare for all, Hillary wants government subsidised
>Trump wants the poor to die on the streets
no he doesn't you fucking moron, he said he wants healthcare for everyone. both him and bernie want to get rid of obamacare, the difference is bernie wants to confound our fucking problems by taxing everyone in the fucking country to pay everyone elses cost of status quo insurance, and Trump stated he would like to dismantle the interstate monopolies that the insurance industry is perpetrating to drive the price of american healthcare anywhere from 5-500 times more than anywhere else in the developed world. I'm glad i could clear that up for you, aids skrillex
The problem is even the poor will have need to pay for it. Trump says he doesn't want the homeless dying on the streets, but if healthcare isn't guaranteed without the necessary funds, then you're fucked.
do even possess a valid drivers license??
do you even possess a valid drivers license??*
Yeah, I do. Why do you ask? Is that supposed to be a good point you're making?
Oh BTW you have a typo in your sentence
She is the kike RATS candidate
Capitalism is morally just than democratic socialism when it works. This is because you reap the fruits of your labor. No matter how you twist it, socialism/communism is a system in which people reap the fruits of other people's labor. Capitalism has proven to work in the past. We need to fix our capitalistic system and not resort to a morally unjust/ economically unsound system.
>Oh BTW you have a typo in your sentence
muh internet grammer and type-o... bettar fix it cuz the people n the internet mite think im dumb.
BTW, Capitalism is the system that creates wage slavery and homelessness.
Reminder, we are currently a democratically socialist nation. Democratic socialism means capitalism propped up by real socialism.
They were pretty quick about it too lol
The rise in productivity isn't due to people you idiot. It's due automation and technology, which costs build and maintain.
No, that wasn't the point at all, the point is that you just have no concept of the economic machinations of politics, healthcare and min wage in particular. I asked because so far you've only proved yourself to be a drooling neo-lib meme-spouter. Good eye on the typo, you must be a straight A student in your high school
yea, hold me please, he really got me good with that one
>he thinks "democratic socialism" or any >other type of consolidated >governmental structure will ever >operate in society's best interest
wew lad
Because socialism is a shit system that has ruined Europe and is only able to be supported because of American military strength subsidising their needs for defence.
Also, no matter how many mental gymnastics you perform, terrorism in the middle east is justified with radical islamic faith. Narcotics come from Mexico. Why shouldn't we know figure out who is coming into our country? Would you let a stranger come into your home? That's what a wall does. It strengthens security and people can come in (legally). What's racist about that?
Is that really what you were saying? Because, so far, you have no real arguments for that side of the discussion.
>drooling neo-lib meme-spouter.
Is this what they call irony? My smart high school brain can't really tell.
We shouldn't need the transcripts. The fact this whore is obviously in bed with Wall Street is enough to make me want her dead.
>voting out of spite
Get a load of this immature manchild
why don't we legalize, regulate and tax said narcotics so that they don't need to be smuggled by scary brown people?
>no you are
typical bernfaggot turned hillary voter
>you can't be homeless in a democratic socialistic society
Wake up man. Also check the prices of goods in Sweden etc. Tell me they aren't higher than America's
I agree that minimum wage should go up on a state level. So does Trump.
>I'm mostly doing it out of spite
Don't blame Trump for your candidate failing when he almost never said anything about him. You're being a stupid child.
You have YET to make an argument. Congrats.
Meme the world, Trumpshit.
I blame Trumpshits for fighting for a meme of a candidate instead of focusing on the real issues affecting this country.
Nothing will get done whether we vote for Hillary or for Trump. Bernie was the real only hope.
Granted, at least Trump won't be Bush 2.0, like his republican opponents.
>I just got out of highschool and learned economics
>I know the WORLD!
You're in for a rude shock bucko, freshman naivety always amuses me
hahaha you've yet to pay insurance, or taxes, or even rent shill-boy, please tell me more about how the country works
No money in it. CIA runs much of the drug trade, and banks launder the money for cartels.
And now your commie candidate is gone
>only hope
You sound deluded and hence why you're never taken seriously
>except when it comes to mexicans and muslims
That's the point. Get America unified, and collectively tell all others who pose a threat or hurt the country to fuck off back to where they came from.
Bernie is literally a jew
When did I indicate I was in school at all? I could be the President of the United States for all you know.
How do you know this? How do you know I don't work a full time job right now and have bills and responsibilities?
Is it because your primary school educated brain likes to jump to assumptions without really figuring something out?
Because it's degenerate. I wouldn't mind marijuana to be legalized simply because marijuana is objectively less dangerous than current legalized drugs. Building a wall and legalizing marijuana should take care of the drug cartel problem.
Nah man Bernie named 2 post offices, he's fit to run a country
>even the poor have to pay for it
Which is why they get off without any income tax. Look up the policies of those you're trying to argue against.
POL will you forgive me?
I'm serious right now...
Is anyone there?
I need forgiveness...
because Bernie is a communist pandering weakling and Trump is a successful, competent businessman
>No money in it
How is this a good reason for keeping something illegal?
>I could be the president of the United States for all you know
I didn't know Trump posted on pol
You muricans are barely democratic socialist in any way. Germany went down that road. Look where it has gotten us.
Trump literally said in a recent interview that the plan he's putting forward will probably not pass.
Why are you still fighting for him?
Trump isn't the Pres... Yet!
Except 99% of the muslims and mexicans coming over here are looking to assimilate and find a better way of life. Why punish them for that?
You do know Americans today also cause mass murders, rapes, and other illegal activities, right? Where will we send those criminals?
>linking The Young Turks
way to get stumped and then piss rhetorical questions in the wind. god i love this meme lmao.
why don't you get my dick out your mouth before you hurt yourself and explain to me bernies tax plan that was the "only hope" for america. explain to me the basics and the projected effects on individual income and GDP growth. hahaha
We're not Germany you shit
We're the greatest, richest country in the history of this planet
It doesn't matter it is still a right step for the actual Americans of my country. Black White Indian Everything already here. He wants to limit to enrich us. What we got thus far. I know what he is talking about. It is economics. Even the low end jobs will have it better.
A wall isn't going to do shit. They already build tunnels and use drones to deliver that shit. The wall idea is a dumbfuck cashsink.
>looking to assimilate
Check out this bait
Because that's totally what's happening in United Capholiate of Britain
You really are deluded
>You're deluded
>United Capholiate of Britain
Ah, there's the racism I know and hate
>implying that every revobublubetionary blan bernie put over would pass
>socialism even existing in the 18th century
>Implying any Trump policy will pass
>complaining about racism
>on Sup Forums
So is this your first day here or?
>free Healthcare
Ahaha fucking socialist, liberal sciences student dipshit.
My country has free healthcare.
So if you want to wait 1 year for a simple MR, or 0.5 - 1 year for surgery, have stupid doctors who hate their jobs, not giving you proper meds, having inaccurate results, DO IT FAGGOT.
VOTE FOR BERNIE. Ahahah stupid piece of shit.
If you want proper medical exam or proper operation, you need to go to known private doctor. It's ends up being the same shithead.
Not saying about waitlines in hospitals, and ER-calling shitheads with simple flu and stuff. >But yas "gib free stuff"
He doesn't care about PC, so the liberal medias exploit this. They can turn: "I want the laws to be obeyed" into "I hate all immigrants". Liberals use a lot of shortcuts like this and are olympic champions at mind stretching.
Honestly, some of his policies could be considered bad, but I've rarely seen any serious critic about that.
There might be something wrong with that guy, but his critics are far off.
>Implying that my divination game is weak
> The term socialism is attributed to Robert Owen in 1827, father of the cooperative movement.
that pic is retarded
Trump will draw business back to the US and stop the bleed of money going from your country to a lot of others. I'm not sure what's so bad about that. Either way, Bernie was far to the left of the Democrats whereas Trump is in the middle of Democrats and Republicans. Bernie never had a chance to get most of his proposals passed through congress in the first place.
I feel like you don't want to vote for a Republican because you grew up when Bush 2 was in power, you supported Obama in retaliation to this and still see "Democrat" as "good guy" despite his similar failings. In response you're being pushed further in the direction of the left, whereas you would be better served moving to the centre. Hillary will fuck you over more than Trump ever could, and unlike Trump she is the type of person who wants you fucked over.
Again, we're not Croatia, we're the RICHEST COUNTRY EVER
also, >free
I said guaranteed. Not free.
Racism is a fabrication of the mind.
It doesn't really exist.
>We're the greatest, richest country in the history of this planet
HOLY SHIT i wasn't ready for that meme, take it easy dude don't make me beg
He said it would probably have to be negotiated to be a little less than his ideal in order to get it passed congress. Keep in mind Democrats would be the ones hindering the ideal plan.
Even if what you said was true, I'd support Trump. Because I agree with his plan. If there was a sub-5% candidate in Germany who had no chance of winning, I'd still vote for him. Because that's how voting works, you support the guy who you agree with.
This is another American problem, no matter what there's only two parties even though there's a ton of different political orientations and candidates often don't represent the party all that well.
>case in point: Trump is decidedly un-Republican.
Islam isn't a race moron
You are exactly the same as the Bern victims they make fun of in Gavin's YouTube videos
Next time try retorting my point with your "well-educated highschool brain"
It does user. I've met some fine black and muslim people in my day. I've almost met a ton of niggers and mudshits. I acknowledge the differences between us but I won't let that bar me from a friendship if the guy is right.
>encouraging slave labor
>Getting rid of illegal immigrants
pick one.
Xenophobia*, Bigotry*
My bad homie
Which one of his flip flops do you agree with the most?
No it is much worse than that!
Source please.
And even if that's true, simply doing nothing is so much better right
berniefag here, most definitely supporting trump
No, but doing the wrong thing is much worse