Who is a better representative of the alt-right: Ann Coulter, or Milo?
Who is a better representative of the alt-right: Ann Coulter, or Milo?
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I like Milo simply because he's gay and they can't use their "b-but y-you're a straight white male" bullshit they normally do
neither one of them is alt-right
>accepting a label that can be used to attach the worst behaviour to be found to the wider group
>looking for a leader/advocate as if they are essential
>not operating on pure ideology
You don't belong here.
>gay conservative attention whore
>old neocon skag
Ann isn't really alt right, but she's much more entertaining than Milo.
Gay Jew or tranny...
Ann knows what's up. Least she's not a faggot.
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?
Is he alt-right?
Needs to be open source
Leaders can be attacked, bought, or puppets
Fuck leaders
Neither is alt right. Richard Spencer is the best representative of the alt-right: youtube.com/watch?v=1zlOdZGAWoY
>implying being a part of a mass group and having a strong charismatic leader is not pure ideology to fascists
You don't belong here, mate.
Top kek
Ann is a lot more redpilled than Milo is and articulates her thoughts pretty well in her books and debates.
MIlo just tacked his name on to an emerging movement after gaining some attention from btfoing a few hyterical feminist cunts on TV. The guy literally chalks Sup Forums's antisemitism and jew memes up to harmless trolling.
no he's a regular conservative, but he's an inspirational and persuading arguer.
They are the salespeople of the alt-right, which is a greater cultural force than just personalities showing up places and doing propaganda for us. Not worried about them in the slightest
>daily reminding that Milo is a Jew flamboyant faggot with a nigger rape fetish who admitted on Joe Rogan's podcast he only jokingly supports Trump
What is the alt-right??
Michael savage is the voice of Sup Forums
He's also not an American so his opinion is invalid.
Go back to r/the_Donald
That kike fag isn't alt right
Ann Coulter was the original alt-right. Before it even existed
An unmarried woman
A faggot, Jew, who likes black dudes
Yeah we're scrapping the bottom of the barrel aren't we.
>old neocon skag
she's not a neocon may have been in the past
the right wing are walking hypocrites, it's true
Started listening to Savage after I started supporting Trump. He's the only talk show host I'll probably ever listen to.
How about neither?
Option 3.
>pic related
Milo is in it for himself. He's capitalizing on the movement and nothing more. A smart useful idiot if you will.
>Joe rogans podcast
>uploaded in September of 2015
You're lying or a Sup Forumslack if you didn't feel the same fucking way.
Used to listen to Savage for a good laugh on my drive home from work, but eventually I got bored of his egotistical, logically-bankrupt garbage. He appeals to the lowest common denominator. He reminds me of plenty of aging liberals who turn to conservatism because their own dreams didn't work out. Savage is just running with it because he makes a ton of money off it.
The dude lives alone and has few friends, is that what you want?
>I like Milo simply because he's gay
Wow you're such a traditionalist!
Sup Forumslacks? on Sup Forums? no fucking way
the alt-right and liberals are two sides of the same coin
I mean a staunch one, faggot. Most of pol wasn't on Trumps side until he started winning
Lol no
Ann is a better representative of the right.
Pat Buchanan
i'll be honest, i stopped paying attention to her during the Bush years when her entire gimmick was to wholeheartedly toe the neocon line. if she has changed, how? Coulter doesn't seem much more different than jewish tool, Pam Geller
Milo seems like a hipster faggot, not a right-winger.
Milo has no opinions, has no ideological foundation, has no observable interest in politics
he's a counter-culture gadfly whose definition of 'victory' is his own freedom to tease ugly dykes on the Internet
everything is for social status and brand promotion. the only thing he's an expert in is publicity, but try to talk about history or policy and watch how fast he'd slump in his chair and start snoring.
Milo's alright I guess
Gays are better then tranny faggots, so Milo
Milo has stated many of times he is a roman Catholic of Greek descent so it goes to show how much you faggots know
isn't the alt-right just any conservative that isn't a neocon?
Neither. Coulter is probably closer just because people treat her like her views don't even exist and that somehow invalidates her positions.
>no, white people are not allowed to think that! you do not think that!
>no, women are not allowed to have this opinion! you do not really think that!
>you must not be a real woman! i bet you are a man! your opinions are fake!
>you don't really believe that, you're just making it up for attention!
Granted she is inflammatory and an attention whore but this "you don't exist" narrative is basically the entire concept behind an "alternative" right. They are told that their beliefs are not real things and that there is only one "conservative" narrative they are allowed to hold, all others being dismissed out of hand for no specific reason.
Milo doesn't even slightly represent this, he's just an attention whore without the baggage. Even then, Coulter is just a standard conservative. Neither represent alt-right, whatever that means, but she more closely resembles them.
he's a jew you dumbass
He's also stated many times that he's Jewish and he only likes black cock. He's also said many times that he is mostly concerned with getting attention and that's why he holds the views he does.
The only good Jew. Probably because he doesn't really identify as one. He's what got me into nationalist politics. He was Trump before there was Trump. He's kind of lost it ever since he moved to daytime though. Now all he wants to do is talk about his dog and Italian food. I think he's getting old and senile.
If you define yourself as alt-right you should be shot
Ann Coulter desperately seeks approval from whoever the chic group is. She was a neocon not even 10 years ago.
I have also seen multiple tweets basiclsly saying the Catholic faith is the best, he subtweeted an article with the quote "catholics do it the best"
what are you trying to prove? he's a jew dumbass
Milo isn't alt-right, he is a libertarian.
and Milo is traitor who is intentionally trying to destroy the alt right by drawing constant attention to alt-right forums knowing damn well that will make them a target for shills/brainwashing.
Both of them suck, Coulter has better banter though.
>Sup Forums is entirely, or even mostly, fascist
he's an ethnic Jew who's now a Ironic Catholic because, basically, he wants to wear a big gaudy golden cross for epic lulz
and to cheaply get the benefit of the doubt that there's something he takes very seriously
You're missing the point. It doesn't matter because he doesn't front as any of this unless it suits him. He doesn't have views on religion or his religious heritage. Its only purpose is to distort discussions when he sees fit, he only uses it to weasel out of criticism. That's not to say he's wrong for doing so, but the idea that he is some kind of Greek Catholic is absurd. The only god he worships is BBC.
Also, Judaism is not a propositional religion like Christianity. You don't just agree to follow it, it's a tribal law system. His mother was Jewish, which makes him Jewish.
It is 100% accurate to say he's Jewish and also 100% accurate to say he's not a Catholic. You're turning this into something it's not and that's why he says it to begin with.
Jew trying to undermine alt-right. You guys are good.
I like milo but he is a useful faggot
Milo. Ann Coulter is a neocon talking head.
Milo is an attention whore that is utilizing Sup Forums in order to garner more attention and notoriety for himself. You are all retards for worshiping this faggot kike.
>being this attached to political labels just like every other SJW cuck that feels compelled to because of their crippling insecurity
they are both terrible faces for conservatism, i'm sorry that hurts your feelings