Why do they never expose Harry Kim for being a duplicate and not the real one?
Why do they never expose Harry Kim for being a duplicate and not the real one?
Hunter Cruz
Liam Thomas
Why wasn't Naomi Wildman beamed into space for being a duplicate?
Asher James
Didn't the original come back? It's been so long, I've forgotten.
Gavin Diaz
the original died
Brayden Hall
That why they never promoted him.
Jackson Green
Oh, poor Harry.
Colton Flores
the entire crew were duplicates by season 5
who cares
Owen Wright
It's the 24th century. Androids have rights. Don't duplicates?
Parker Howard
Why does Harry never get promoted, while Tom is:
>expelled from the academy
>released on special order by Janeway
>recommissioned as ensign
>promoted to junior lieutenant
>demoted to ensign
>repromoted to junior lieutenant
David Allen
because Tom used to be a criminal