What Does Sup Forums Think of MGTOW?
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They are the male equivalent to feminists.
Sad guys who will die alone because they have a manichean vision of relationship.
People who fell for the DO NOT REPRODUCE meme
No they're not. There are no MGTOW people calling for gender quotas or trying to stop free speech or trying to impose anything on anyone. There is no equivalency to be made, they might both be bullshit, but the way they play out in the real world isn't equivalent. Not everything has to have an equivalent, and there's nothing noble about standing in the middle and saying everyone on both sides of you is equally dumb.
I do agree that many right-wingers are often terrible white knights ... but I've never met, seen or heard of a MGTOW who was NOT a total fucking mentally sick failure who should unironically visit a mental hospital ASAP before he harms himself or others.
>yes goyim, never reproduce! your feelings are more important!
this, women are honestly too easy to not at least just fuck, you don't have to form relationships with them.
It's autistic and /r9k/ incarnate
pathetic virgins who think it's their "choice" they can't get laid or interact with women like the majority of normal functioning humans
They are going to be sad and alone when they're older. The idea is to improve themselves and make themselves desirable and then deny women out of spite. Improving yourself to spite a couple girls because they wouldn't date you when you were fat and alone is an awful way to live your life.
Its funny because the female side is women getting fat and ugly to spite men. Everyone is going to grow old alone and miserable.
the height of autism
>yes goyim do not reproduce all women are whores they will just end up taking your money
>yes goyim go buy that motorcycle and flesh light you don't need any women or responsibilities
>good goy
>man go there own way
>stand on street in a superhero dress with a sign
>tell everyone that I go my own way now
>guys guys please listen I go my own way
>please guys give me attention
There are men, real men who go their own way. They don't stand on the side of a street with a sign, dressed in a superhero skirt and talk about their problems. They do. They act. They carve out their piece of fortune for themselves.
This faggot doesn't.
He is under the assumption that the system is rigged. That society is rigged. He wants help and he wants handouts. Even if it is rigged he can still improve his life by improving himself. Millions do it.
Isn't this the american dream? Work hard and build your own happiness?
>I go my own way now all women are bitches
Faggots. All of them.
>the 2 first thread of the first page
please fuck off
Well I think it's a natural reaction to a society that has been retooled to give women all male benefits, but not visa versa (and in fact, take away existing male benefits from men).
It's not logical, though. You shouldn't always fight fire with fire. Men and women need each other to form happy, functioning families. Women have not turned out happy assuming male roles. The natural order needs to be restored.
I sympathize where MGTOW is coming from, but I can't condone it.
MGTOWs are just fat, lonely losers who try to convince themselves and others that their virginity at age 30 is a choice and not a result of their utter failure as men.
Post cringy Mgtow videos
They have legit reasons to not trust women. They're a type of extreme group of dudes who can't see themselves loving women anymore because of female nature.
This. After watching Gone Girl I considered going gay because that's the only way you can protect yourself in this society
Pol vitriolically hates them because even the most miserable man wants to still have one thing left to live for.
And that thing is women.
People here lean more to the reproduction variety, but for many of them it's just an excuse to justify their worship of pussy.
They almost deserve to get fucked over by women.
>visa versa
I agree almost entirely with your statement, but how would you reverese this process? What do you believe are the main reasons for this outcome? The decay of family values and religion? Globalisation? Education? Divoce laws?
I personally believe that women have been lied to. It is not just us men. Politics tells them "you can have it all, you can study get a great job and a career and then have a family"
So they study, they start working they like it. If they get kids now they destroy this. They are afraid. They are also afraid of marriage. They are afraid of being cheated own after having given 3 children to their husband and then getting dicorved, while he looks for the younger, better looking modle.
And now there they are, 40+ no guy, no job the kids start leaving the house and the only place that hires them is a supermarket.
It is not just men who got fucked by the system.
Made by darkies who are laughing their asses off
>unwilling virgin detected
You would "worship pussy" in half a second if some chick was willing to put out for you.
The fact is there isn't a single one alive who is willing to fuck you so you fabricate this fantasy of empowerment that your virginity is a choice.
It's obvious to everyone but you apparently.
So what I got from this thread is that women are only objectively good for sex and if you never had sex then you should kill yourself. Sheeeet
>Going gay
>Being with dudes who act like women
Yeah, you'll be avoided like a plague in MGTOW
Any and all activists are faggots that should be ignored.
I think if you're going to be an MRA or whatever, you shouldn't go to demonstrations unless you lift or have 8/10 looks.
you are right, except what they're afraid of is that they're missing out on the best possible life.
They want to fuck chads and settle with a nice guy, same as always. Except now they don't need a man for money.
Agreed, m8. Perception is everything.
That post is the most delusional form of autism.
Women don't have sexual failure. They have relationship failure, but not sexual.
Even undesirable women can find a Chad who's willing to fuck cause it's a slow night (90 percent of females on one night stands are fucked by 10 percent of the guys. If women wanted sex as frequently as men this wouldn't be reality but it is). If he has some liquor in him he can fuck them and make them feel pretty.
Beta males can't really have one night stands, cause for women those are all about reaffirming they're pretty and getting cock. For men it's about cumming in a woman. Sure, Chad thinks, a 10 would be nice, but a lot of them are stringing about 5 guys along who can be at their beck and call, so they're not always easily available. If it's just getting your dick wet for ONE night, a 4 ain't the end of the world. So he'll take a drink and fuck the 4. And the women will feel a confidence boost from getting a deep dicking from Chad. An equivalent male wouldn't make her feel that, at least just for a one night stand.
Which is why betas do horrible at those. Where they might succeed is relationships, but the women are too spoiled now in this free love culture and think thy deserve a Chad regardless of THEIR ranking, and even the unattractive ones who don't, want a male who can make them feel secure, and provide, if they're gonna enter into a long term relationship. Their priorities change from one night stands to long term relationships (even if they fck Chad on the side), so if a beta can provide these things, he can still have sex in his life.
The problem is, is that the MGTOW-flavored betas can't even do that.
But aren't we the same? We want to fuck all the girls until we are 30 then settle with a hot 23 year old, who gives us 3 kids, stays at home for 4-10 years or maybe stays home indefinitly. Then when she is unemployable we divorce her, because her tits starts sagging.
Or she divorces us because she is now fucking jamal.
Both sides of the coin are afraid and for the same reasons.
The things that guy said made sense to want to have a discussion about, but overall it seems to be worthless manchildren crying about not getting any pussy.
Which is why I'm glad Mootles got rid of the hamer haters.
actually the rabit hole goes deeper than that
every man worships pussy when it's in front of him, some are just better at hiding it
the best you can get is a girlfriend that is more attracted to you than you are to her, but even then you'll still see what I mean.
its full of dad-tier boring faggots whose idea of success is vroom vroom fast car i have a boat
incels are more tolerable than mgtows imo
I assume most of Sup Forums is against it because it goes against traditional conservative values.
I am a raging faggot so that makes me MGTOW by default.
Generally I agree it's bad for society. I think the nuclear family is the glue of Western civilization. I have a lot of fondness for my childhood and family life. It didn't stop me from being a faggot but nothing's 100% fool proof, and I'm on Sup Forums, so it wasn't a total failure.
I myself will not be raising any kids because I cannot deprive them of a mother. People who are not raised in a traditional household are much more likely to be degenerates.
if you're white you need to be having kids.
Nobody here should be saying faggots can't be having kids. Find a feminine lesbian who would be willing to engage in a platonic relationship with you to raise kids with. Jerk off and let them put your sperm in her. Live under the same roof. You don't have to ever have sex. Nothing will seem off to your kids, they won't even REALLY know what that is until they're 13, and then it's not like they're gonna try to catch you in the act. And no sexual tension will result in a more peaceful house hold anyway.
>but my kids might turn out gay
Hopefully her lesbianness will cancel out your gayness, but if not, just sit down with them and say they can still be Sup Forums approved members of society if they keep their faggotry on the down low and do the same thing their parents did.
Beast of luck m8
nah this guy should become celibate and do something great enough to make up for having kids, be it science, religion or monastic life.
you might not be able to make yourself attracted to women, but you CAN simply overcome all sexual desire entirely
Even being a faggot you can have relationships with women.
These weirdos cut women out of their lives entirely.
They act like their celibacy is some higher calling like being monks or something but they gorge themselves on junk food, porn, video games and masturbation.
They're not enlightened, they're losers.
They've invented a phony movement in a weak attempt to elevate their failures into something meaningful.
MGTOW is retarded because they reject the one thing that actually gave "beta" males appropriate mates for most of known history - religion and arranged marriage.
Instead they want to either continue to enable sluts either via porn or casual sex , which actually makes it WORSE for them
I felt sorry for them at first, but then my MGTOW cousin protested at my wedding.
It's really a "if I can't have it then nobody can" mindset. They're not getting laid regardless, so they don't want anyone else to get laid.
I'm actually against degenerate one night stands, too. But this was a healthy white marriage. And he couldn't take that, either. He could probably get married if he tried, but he thinks he deserves to fuck 10/10 bitches all night long.
Since he can't achieve that, everyone and everything else must be the problem, including marriage, something he never even wanted anyway.
He is the worst kind of degeneracy. Fuck this movement for enabling it.
>b-but they feminists!
The enemy to your enemy isn't always your friend. Spics hate blacks, and blacks hate spics, and we hate them both (in general).
MGTOW is far less damaging but that's just because it is far less prominent.
Clearly degenerate.
We're supposed to restore traditionalism and the family unit as the cornerstone of civilised society.
This shit does the opposite.
It's the whole "You can't fire me! I quit!" tantrum.
They've been rejected their whole lives so they try to spin it.
"You can't reject me! I rejected you first!"
Watch Sandman's videos and you realize just how autistic the movement is.
Keep that shit on rebbit.
This fampai.
Who the fuck do they think they're fooling?
this is the real problem of it, the anti-marriage stance is hypocritical becuase marriage is literally the institution that benefits betas the most. It's the "chads" they so hate who are the only ones to gain anything from the destruction of marriage.
If mgtow's really cared they'd be joining a religion which promotes traditional and preferrably arranged marriages.
but the average mgtow, at least the ones who actively identify as one and make it a retarded movement, will tell you arranged marriage is slavery and forces you to settle with an ugly girl you don't even know, as if they would even be happy with a 10/10 slut. They're so brainwashed by porn they don't realize the value in plain girls
MGTOW has some valid points about how shit the man-woman dynamic has become in the west. The problem is that their solution is to become celibate, which doesn't help restore the dynamic to want it should be at all.
nothing wrong with celibacy, the problem is that MGTOW's ARE NOT truly celibate. They fall into two groups: the first is older average to good looking divorced men, who want to keep having casual sex and never settle. The second is virgin porn addicts.
NONE OF THESE are celibacy. True celibacy is harder than just finding a decent wife for most people, it's a calling that most aren't fit for but some are and do great things with it
>don't realize the value of plain girls
This. This might sound cucked to inexperienced men here, but it's true.
Plain girls differ from landwhales. Plain girls accepted that not every guy in the school fantasizes about fucking them. So they accepted this, and tried to focus on building the values they could increase (personality, cooking skills, education, wholesomeness, etc), while remaining in shape. They may not trigger an instant biological lust, no arguing there, but for people of a higher mind, they are worth a lot more than some 10/10 who gets your dick hard from a quick glance who is spoiled, takes black dick on the side, and good for nothing all around, and makes you work for the pussy even after getting married.
I was married to such a girl- never again. Even though I was mad she aborted our child (that's what drive the divorce), I'm glad I'm not tied I her in any way, at least. Now with a plain girl, expecting our first child.
Wouldn't trade my plain girl for anything in this world.