ITT: literal slaves will defend their slavery.
Wise words from a depressed alcoholic.
>t.Life should be easy for me the post.
Yeah. Must be hard getting up at 630 when you drank yourself blind the night before pretending to be a poet.
If you don't wake up and go to work, you have to stay home and listen your woman's inane jabbering.
Because I did the stay-at-home and do nothing for 6 months and I was bored to tears.
Work is tiring and exhausting, but you't don't get real satisfaction from shit-posting on the internet 24/7. You get friends, and fun stories, and an actual struggle that humans have been going through the past FOREVER.
I can look back and know I helped put something together that helped tens of thousands of other people on their own struggle and I'll look back and not just have a muddled-mush of having a second-hand life on the internet.
>he fell for the marriage meme
You dun goofed
It's sad that the only thing you did with your life during those six months was funpost.
I'm a NEET and use my time far more productively. When I was a wageslave however, I never had time to do anything. I was always tired and stressed out...
>I'm a NEET and use my time far more productively.
In what way was your time productively used? You weren't in education or training, you may have been learning on your own but there's a lot of stuff you really shouldn't try and self learn. You probably weren't doing up your house or bettering yourself in a serious way because those need money and you were a NEET.
What do you honestly do with your life that isn't going to die alone with you.
Don't reply, we both know you can just say "I build rocketships and cure cancer", just think about it.
What's the point of a life that only interacts or affects itself? It may as well never have been.
>muh feelings
what funds your neet lifestyle?
Why shouldn't it be?
>literal slaves will defend their slavery.
I don't even have to defend shit.
A wolf will have to wake up at 5:00 by its own hunger, shit and piss to get rid of excess weight, fight a mountain lion to get to a river and get a drink, then run around all fucking day chasing animals faster than it in order to eat their bare flesh, if it's lucky enough to catch one it has to defend it from anyone else who would try and take it by force.
And it doesn't stop there. After it gets to eat, it goes back to its pack, fights other males and risks possibly life threatening injury simply to try and belong in the pack and has to beat the strongest one of them merely for the chance to breed.
If it gets to big of a scratch then the wolf dies of infection, if it breaks a leg or sometimes even a toe, it's as good as dead. A stomach ache can last for days and there's no cure for it in the forest but grass. If it's lucky enough it will have been born with the genetic strength to survive this environment, at least until it gets to breed.
All life is born into suffering, nothing is guaranteed and no purpose will ever be given. The only choice you ever get is survival or nonexistence.
And you think you have audacity to complain about forcing yourself to eat? In a system that grants you the ability to survive by spending 8 hours pushing buttons?
You. Fucking. Disgrace.
>feel da bern
I'm currently a NEET. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week to keep in prime physical condition. It's great being able to go during the day because all the wageslaves are at work and I have the place to myself almost. Never have to wait to use the machines.
I also have more free time to prepare healthy and nutritious meals instead of quickly gobbling down fast food during my 45 minute lunch break.
I spend the rest of my day either learning Chinese, practicing guitar, playing comfy vidya, chatting with friends online.
I have plenty of money. My family are actually quite wealthy and have bought me a small studio apartment in a major city. I essentially don't have to work a day in my life but occasionally I do some web design to help out friends.
People don't enjoy it. Our suicide rate is insane. Suicidig is the leading cause of death for young men in the UK. People need a higher purpose to be happy.
However rich people use their time not working.
That's the most edgy, fedora, pssh nothing personel kid, *teleports behind you* comment I've heard all day.
Just go back to your job wagecuck. Keep telling yourself you're a "wolf" though. It's amusing to me.
Yep, not a NEET, a spoiled rich kid, otherwise known as the death of the family fortune.
Incidentally a language is one of those things you shouldn't learn alone, it cements mistakes.
Which is why wealth leaves a family within three generations.
What's the point of life at all? I doubt you'll give a fuck about your legacy when you're rotting in the ground.
I'm not in employment, education or training so I'm a NEET by definition and I doubt I'll ever manage to spend my familiy's fortune. I live quite frugally actually.
I'm not rich.
I am a stones throw a way from pulling an "Into the wild". Fuck this shit, this is not how people should live.
ITT: not understanding that capital is required to start even the smallest business. Let's say you wanted to be as based as it gets. You wanna open a machine shop. Forget the cnc automation these days where it's even worse. You still need floor space, a mill, lathe, grinder, chemicals, tooling, electricity, fucking water, and a zillion other things. Sorry, barfly, your meme is stuuuuuuuuupid.
>not getting a real work from home job
>not getting a flexible work from home job you can work anytime, 24/7
>no commute, no annoying co-workers
>get up at noon
>spend all day working online looking at websites and videos
>get paid for it
And yes this is a real job. There are real companies that do this. Look up Lionbridge and ZeroChaos.
I've been a neet for 4 out of my 10 adult years. It is absolute suffering have zero direction or goals even when compared to working like a literal slave 12+ hours every day.
I couldn't have an enjoyable life without money. I don't think you guys can either. If you say so then you're in denial.
>How in the hell could a man enjoy wageslavery?
Because wageslavery actually used to make enough for people to be comfortable living on. It used to give you a good life, where you could afford a decent car, decent food, own your own home, afford to have kids. You actually got something good out of it.
I am a NEET. I don't work because what is the fucking point, I am willing to work hard but I'm not going to bust my ass if it's not going to get me enough money to afford a middle class lifestyle and kids. Fuck that, I'd rather sit around watching anime and playing video games, and fuck anyone who says it's degeneracy. I'm not going to wake up every morning and do big business a favour.
And that's how you spot a worthless animal.
I shiver at the thought of reincarnation and that I might ever end up as a wolf any other animal than human or something in the company of humans.
Every creature on this planet is born with same rules as you. Work or die.
If you don't want to be a wage slave then either gather enough money to be the boss and rule the system or gather you shit and move into the woods.
But maybe you're just too fucking stupid to do any of those. Too dumb to start a business, too weak to survive on your own. That's not a bad thing, nobody's blaming you, there's millions like you.
The one thing that puts even them above you is that they have the self-respect necessary to accept their flaws, shit the fuck up and work as hard as they can.
You, on the other hand, are worth as much as a chihuahua or a pony. You're just pointless.
But here's what, leave me contact info, if you're feminine enough, I'll pay you to wear a dress and suck my cock while I laugh at you.
>make loads of money for someone else
Someone skipped Economics 101 the day they taught economies of scale.
I can't handle it anymore. Medicated since I was a teen just so I could focus. Idk how I even made it into medical school or smoked weed everyday while doing it. I don't want to be 40 and look back at my life and hate everything about it. I just wanted to help people. Not be 200k in fucking debt with absoltely no life
You sound quite triggered there friend.
Thanks for the offer but I don't need your money. As I've already explained I'm quite sure that I'm substantially wealthier than you'll ever be.
>But here's what, leave me contact info, if you're feminine enough, I'll pay you to wear a dress and suck my cock while I laugh at you.
No one is going to sift past your FUPA to suck your infantile dick, user.
top fucking kek
Why not? He might as well be of some use to the world. One way or another, the money he got from mommy will run out and since he's so against hard work, he might as well earn some easy money.
Good. Well then go waste it somewhere so you can keep the economy going and leave the people who actually have to work to survive and grow richer in peace. Nobody needs a useless fat fuck with daddy's money and no knowledge about the world bragging about his lack of worth.
user, you seem angry, perhaps bitter. Were you always this way? Do you consider yourself a materialist? I'm here to help, m8. There's more to human existence than money. If you allow yourself to entertain this notion, then I can help. If you won't entertain the notion, I'll leave you be.
>Every creature on this planet is born with same rules as you. Work or die.
>get a job
>work for bread crumbs and waste 10hours of your day with people you hate at a job thats boring as fuck
>be NEET
>nothing to do besides sleeping, fapping and gaming which gets boring fast
You just can't win at this shit
hows puberty bongfag?
Of course there's more than money to life.
But there's no life without money.
Money the difference between getting to eat at a good restaurant or eating discount potatoes.
It's the difference between taking your woman to the theater or taking her to burger king.
Human existence in today's world, especially in this country revolves around how much money you can make.
Why wouldn't anyone want to make that money?
Not at all. I'll just ask you not to take from my wallet, either by personal theft or theft through government.
You can do whatever the fuck you want.
>getting a woman without having money
Is this even possible?
I'd be angry to if I had to work my entire life just to eke out a living.
Sucks to be born poor I guess.
I'm 26.
It is if you're Chad and have a fat dick.
They won't stay with you linger than they have to and that amounts to how fast they can find a cuck to raise your child.
ITT a worthless NEET tries to make a case that leeching off of (and being a disappointment to) his parents somehow makes him special
Being cute is hard work, user. If it were easy, I'd have a gf already :(
i want a job were i work 4 hours a day
do they have that in europ yet?
well im off to bed
Every NEET I've ever met has been a fat, disgusting loser. They all say
>Nah bro you can stay home and study philosophy
>Nah bro you can enrich your mind with classical music
>Nah bro you can make delicious food for yourself
>Nah bro you can take naps whenever you want
>Nah bro you can learn a language or learn an instrument
>Nah bro when that's done you can game to your hearts content
But they never do any of that shit except for the gaming part. Their entire justification for existing is that if they stay home, and don't do anything they'll use that time to improve themselves but instead they jack off to anime. Anyone who wants to improve themselves gets a job so they can move out of their parents house and then fine a career they enjoy instead of being a fucking NEET. Fuck you NEETS. I hope you die. Get a job you piece of shit. Literal niggers( actually niggers are more productive)
>Human existence in today's world, especially in this country, revolves around how much money you can make
That's really the crux of the issue. I won't pontificate; but I will say that it doesn't have to be that way for you. Materialism has not always been the driving force in society. If historical lessons hold, there will come a day when it won't be so. You may choose not to live by today's rules. I don't want to write a Sup Forums essay; but I will refer you to some authors:
1) Evola
2) Guenon
3) Steiner
4) Bellow
I hope that you'll look into their work. It was Evola that took me above communism, capitalism, and materialism in all its forms. Best of luck.
Why are wagecucks always so full of hate and vitriol. I can only surmise that they want everyone to be as miserable as they are having to slave away from 9-5.
I guess you could work part time.
No you fucking wouldn't. Working is as good as you want it to be. It depends on what you do.
Every time you get money you can be satisfied that you earned it.
When you get enough to do shit you do it with pride and feel as you've actually achieved shit, even if you scrub a fucking toilet.
And there's no feeling like using that money to invest and become your own man, with your own shit going for you, that you made with no handouts from anyone.
It's the difference between winning at an easy game and winning at a hard one. The level of satisfaction grows with the difficulty level.
You just don't get it user.
People work to earn money. Simple as that.
I already have money so why would I work?
You sound very bitter and angry at me even though I've done nothing to harm you personally.
I got a fat dick but I ain't a Chad in Personality
feels bad man
yea but you don't earn shit in those jobs.
You either go full time or stay at home, because with unemployment money you make about the same as if you'd go working.
totally pointless
Jealousy, m8. The wageslave wants what he will never have. Instead of confronting the fact that popular media has lied to him about his future prospects, he projects his anger onto those of us who were born into good families. I don't blame him tb q h.
You're deluded if you think people feel any sort of achievement from scrubbing toilets or flipping burgers. They do it because they have no choice.
Most people work simply because they're too poor to afford not to.
As for me I already have a large portfolio. I don't know much about investment but I'll have a chat with my dad and uncle about it someday and learn the ropes. Right now I can just afford to live off the interest. Also I don't have to pay rent since my parents bought me this flat in London.
I would never work from 9-5 for someone else. That's incredibly demeaning and essentially slavery. There's no pride in that at all.
>then fine a career they enjoy instead of being a fucking NEET
What if you don't enjoy anything and every minute at work feels like a huge chore?
Really dude, its fucking torture to work a job you hate.
Great. But don't act like you're superior and everyone else is under some sort of indentured "slavery" because they didn't get lucky and have their parents(or who knows, maybe you won the lottery) set them up with cash.
I still stand by all NEET's I've met being useless people though
I want NEETs to be miserable, but they don't need my help to know they're worthless sacks of shit.
I haven't done the 9-5 shit in ten years.
It's just not fucking healthy for you. You'll waste the fuck away. Event the cunts from 5000 years ago who lived in a fucking desert and wrote the Bible found out that wasting time will just get you into shit.
If you get work then you meet people, you learn discipline, you get new information, get to make a life and get out of the house.
If you have the money you claim to have, then why not start your own shit. Start up a small cafe or some other pansy shit. Hire people and get busy making something you can be proud of.
Others will come to you and show you new things.
If you just want to stay closed up somewhere you're wasting every moment of happiness you could have.
>not an argument
Right. If you're a dumbass you end up with a job you hate. If you're careful you find a job you like. I'm a personal trainer. It's a chill job and I like exercising and it pays the bills. I've set myself up with a job I enjoy and now I can work my way up from there to achieve bigger and better feats throughout my life and I hope to become a lawyer one day. The sense of achievement you get when you find a job you like and you work your way up from there is awesome. I started washing dishes. You know what? It sucked yeah. But when I bought my own shit, bought my own dinner out I knew it was me who put that work in. I earned my speaker, I earned my meal. And now that I have a job I like I can only see things getting better from here.
Good job being born wealthy. You're certainly not better than any "wagecuck" until you do something with that money that benefits other people.
This is so fucking accurate for my failure of a brother that I can visualize his fat nigger ass in the entire panels on the left. I have tried so hard to drag him to the gym so he gets swole as me and try to take him out to meet girls but he always ends up talking about his fucking orc warrior in world of fucking warcraft. Gonna try and take his pathetic ass to a local comic convention so the nigger can meet other niggers with his fucked up mindset. Little bitch is so lucky he's the favorite otherwise his ass would be cut off.
You both sound incredibly bitter and frustrated to me. If you were genuinely happy being wagecucks you wouldn't be so vitriolic.
It's funny how you think that being a wagecuck is somehow a more productive use of your time.
I spent yesterday reading Diogenes of Sinope on my terrace. I spent the day pondering western philosophical thought.
The average wagecuck spent the day pondering whether the customer order a medium or a large diet Coke.
I'd make less money working for myself and I work less time than I would if I worked for myself. Therefore I prefer to work for someone else in return for a wage.
But Muslim-Mayor kun
I am the slaver...not the slave, i run my own accounting firm.
My favorite part of the day is reading job applications, and throwing all the Muslim/Nigger/Female names in the thrash, i only hire white males
Sounds like they should go back to being subsistence farmers and working 16 hours per day for the mere hope their crops don't fail.
It's 3:20am currently. I'll put this a simply as I can I am a NEET; However, After reading through all of this I need to make a phone call to my dad. I can't... I just fucking can't live like this anymore. I am 19 years old and I use to play rugby I was a damn good athlete and for the past year I'v done nothing but sit on my ass and play steam games. I don't know what clicked or broke in my head but.. What the fuck is wrong with me? My dad owns a company and has been asking me to come work for him for months now, And what have I been doing? Overdrawing my bank account and begging him to cover my expenses just what the actual fuck. I know tomorrow morning it's going to be hard to motivate my self I always was under motivated but seriously fuck this life fuck you NEETS we are ruining our lives by sitting on our asses just go out and fucking do something I know you aren't feeling what I'm feeling but let me try to describe it to you. Utter fucking disgust at my self. What the fuck have I been doing with my life? This is my last fucking post on Sup Forums for awhile I need to get my fucking life together and get a fucking job.
here's the 5000BC version
How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 5am by the sun, leap out of hut, naked, hungry, dirty and fight disease to get to a place where you barely make enough to survive and we're supposed to thank the gods for the right to do so?
I'm not vitriolic. You made this thread to talk about how superior you are because your parents put the necessary wagecuck work in and you got born into lucly circumstances. You can do whatever you want with your time user, but at the end of the day you aren't any better than us wagecucks because your a leech who would crush under real pressure. No amount of reading is gonna teach you the life lessons having to work in a professional environment for years teaches you.
Your view on work is remarkably naive. Are you sure you're old enough to be here?
People who scrub toilets because they have to either use the money to move up to better work or are just too unfit for anything else. They're too dumb for better work but at least they can do that and they don't complain.
When you're competent enough, you get a job you like doing, something that you can be proud of.
You want to be a doctor? Go ahead of you can do it. Engineer? No problem.
You wanna work out and see the fruit of your labor for yourself? Costruction it is then, get to work, meat head.
Are you poor but still competent? Electrician, truck driver, salesman, photographer.
Fuck me, there's plenty of shit to choose from, all things that somebody is going to enjoy.
Work isn't just for money, it gets you pleasure, friends and a life.
Just what you need to improve yourself, rich boy.
>If you're careful you find a job you like.
I already tried a shitton of jobs and hated all of them. All kinds of different jobs, I don't know what else to do. Guess I suicide asap to end the struggle that apparently leads nowhere.
That's fine then Nigel, your inheritance will go towards funding the Caliphate after you die.
Debt free and just bought a new BMW with monies from my own business.
NEET OP status:
[X] fag
[X] fukken told
[X] blown the fuck out
What's worse, being a slave or being a prisoner?
A false dichotomy, yes, but that's the reality of this world.
Pick your poison.
So what do you do when a muslim/nigger gets through your filtering because they got a norwegian name?
Only way to defeat this style of living is if people owned equal parts of whatever company or corporation they were joining. That way no one is making a disproportionate amount of money and people work to meet demand. Again the point of the system would be so that everyone can actually enjoy life rather than have life be a grind. It's a really simplified explanation of a system, but I'm sure if we actually worked to create an economic system that was to the benefit of humanity rather than a strictly profit based one then we'd be able to come up with something good.
>No amount of reading is gonna teach you the life lessons having to work in a professional environment for years teaches you.
How to suck your boss's dick?
Riddle me this wagecuck:
If tomorrow, the boss told you and your colleagues that coming to work from now on was optional and that you would get paid regardless of whether or not you came to the office or did your job, how many people do you think would continue to work?
What's the first thing people do when they win the lotter? That's right, quit their jobs.
Nobody wants to work, they do it because they're poor and then they perform mental gymnastics like you to convince themselves that they're not slaves, that they're doing this of their own volition and that their work is rewarding.
Well whatever helps you get through the day I guess...
>I only enslave my own kind
That has so far never happened, but i really dont see this as a problem, if they get trough the screening, next step is an interview, im not blind.
So... what is even your point?
Of course. Whose else is going to support me and pay my bills?
Chances are when they show up for the interview he will politely say at the end "Thanks for showing interest in our firm. We'll get back to you in a week and let you know what's going on." And there done. If they try to shame him on grounds of discrimination after seeing his staff are all white males he can easily spin that saying he hires on credentials that his employees meet but this person apparently is upset he didn't meet the minimum requirement and is now doing this out of petty revenge because what can be easier than playing the race card to try and get their own way?
My point is, how would you reject them if they screamed racist
The only reason you don't have to work is because someone else in your family did. You're beyond stupid.
because then it becomes someone else's responsibility to make life easy for you.
I'm not denying that. What does that have to do with anything?
Nice argument. You probably think that's what being a wagcuck comes down to.. Again, the sense of fulfillment you get from moving up is something you will never feel. I don't look down on case you have money, I look down on you because you somehow think that you reaping the rewards of someone more successful than you constitutes superiority.
At the end of the day you contribute less to society than any wagecuck. So you might as well not exist.
*I don't look down on you
Getting a gym membership and enrolling into college plus working a part time job was the bet thing that ever happened to me.
I don't spend one moment thinking about how I am making "money for someone else" because there are people out in the world who couldn't even work if they wanted to and there are plenty of rich fucks who live miserable lives,
If you're a true NEET and at the very least not in education then you're really just lazy and unable to will yourself to do something productive. Becoming skilled at school and working just a few hours a week has never been easier in the modern day world, and most developed countries will loan you money or even let you do it for free.
Playing videogames all day rots your brain and wires you up to be an impulsive socially awkward beta. Human beings connect with others through their struggles in life.
No. I'm superior to wagecucks because I will spend my life doing what I want to do and not what my boss tells me to do.
Not only that, but I have more money than them too.
I truly feel sorry for you wageplebs...
It`s a private company, i dont have to justify my decision to anyone, what would happen is, he/she would come in, we would have our talk and once its over they would get the same msg as everyone gets, ill call back if i want to make you an offer, and he would get a standard text/e-mail saying
>We have decided to move ahead with another candidate
You're not superior to wagecucks. You're only worth as much as you contribute to society. If yo did not exist the world would not change. Your existence is negligible. This is an objective fact. If you think you're superior because you're ultimately unimportant then cool
By having a more fulfilling job than flipping burgers.
Because actually having a good sleep cycle and getting up to do work is a completely natural thing and we've been doong it since our hunter gatherer years, only back then lazy shits who wanted the rest of the tribe to support then 24/7 would just be not given food until they starve.
Yes, I will defend it.
It beats starving to death, gives me access to computers and a place to crash in the summer (it gets way too hot at home).
Now go vote Bernie you faggot.
>I spent yesterday reading Diogenes of Sinope on my terrace. I spent the day pondering western philosophical thought.
That sounds like you watched Naruto then mastrubated to related hentai all day.
Even if you didn't it's the same goddamn thing with the same goddamn outcome.
>how many people do you think would continue to work?
A hell of a lot still would. They're not shut-in or autistic, they'd go to get better at what they do, talk to that cute chic at the office or finish the latest project. Of course they'd take the long weekend, who wouldn't? But when it's time to work, you meet your friends and get going. At worst they'd get an extra job with their free time.
>What's the first thing people do when they win the lotter? That's right, quit their jobs.
Most also start companies, get into clubs, move money around, they interact with the world.
A good amount still go to fucking work because hell, why not?
>Nobody wants to work,
No, you don't want to work. If I had to guess, I'd say you're shit scared of the world, either naive and sheltered or you got bullied in that fancy rich school (or poor one if you're delusional).
Either way, you're running away life and I can't help but cringe watching people pretend they enjoy being afraid of the world.
If we assume people are supposed to start being productive and having some sort of income or setup around 20, and live until they're 80-100, that means in order to do nothing for 60-80 years you would need a colossal amount of money. Unless your living expenses were under 1000 a month, you would need over a million dollars, and assuming you actually had the luxury, fun things, or food people always brag about with neetposting, they would spend several times that, not even accounting for actual bills. That means several million dollars need to be accounted for, and even with a decent job paying a couple hundred thousand a year, that money take a decade or two to acquire. If being a wagecuck is as terrible as they say, and their parents love them enough to go through that for them, they're condemning their parents to be worked to death with no chance to retire or rest, because they want to have everything handed to them.
If someone is born into an extravagantly wealthy family from investing or something, whatever, but otherwise it's leeching off of welfare from everyone else, or figuratively killing their parents. That's why people look down on it, it's being a nigger. In fact it's worse. Most niggers are low class and don't know better so of course they're retarded wastes of space, these are people who have all the advantages and still act like niggers. Nobody likes niggers.
I am trying to land that sort of job. It's hard but if you have two earners and few expenses you can live like this. Splitting a rent, electricity, water etc makes it doable. Food doesn't cost much if you can do shit like make your own bread, cookies, preserves from scratch. When you ask around at markets for "ugly" vegetables people will not eat, or go dumpster diving, you can even sometimes eat for free. I've never done it but I know a bunch of people who do.
>muh purpose in life
>muh contribution to society
I didn't feel useful when I was cold calling people full time to sell them shit they don't need.
Working a job isn't the issue.
The people is people don't take care of themselves so they feel like shit all the time, most people eat a god awful diet, they think exercise is difficult, they watch TV for hours not moving at all, they don't read books or try to learn anything new and they absolutely never dream of working towards a goal.