What happened to Barb?
What happened to Barb?
Living in my dreams. Where I fuck her face, pussy and ass. Forever.
I'm not sure what's worse really, getting mauled and eaten or being a shitty tumblr meme.
she died while nancy was getting fucked by chad
thank mr skeltal
>the cunny dies and chad wins at the last episode
Sup Forums comprehensively btfo
Chad was the best character though.
thank mr skeltal
I have literally never connected to a character more
barb is the villain of season 2
bookmark this
go away spooky skelly
Where did you get that picture of me?
Killed and literally forgotten by the entire town.
Barb wasn't dead. She is paralyzed and left alive to be a breeding sow for monster slugs.
this desu. the monster chose her for the wide hips which means she can pump out multiple offspring with ease
She's dead, the Duffers recently confirmed she's gone for good but that season two will take place a year later and dwell on the repercussions of season one, including Barb's parents trying to find out what happened to their daughter.
television "fandoms" are the fucking worst shit ever
they're even more cancerous during off seasons, just unfunny repeated garbage
it's all either:
- fanart (most of it of the same character, like 11, who can't even be fucking drawn interestingly because she's BALD AND HAS =A FEW PIECES OF CLOTHING)
- memes (oh, RIP barb, xD)
- "discussions" which are onesided circlejerks about how great the show is
- poorly thought out theories
This is basically 99% of off-season bullshit on reddit and whatever
She served as a valuable cautionary tale to ugly friends everywhere. Don't cock-block or a monster will literally kill you.
she ded
everyone even forgot about her lol
He got it from my yearbook, because it's me.
Le upvote my man
Why hasn't Barb had lewd fan art made of her yet
Someone get Shadman on it
She died.
Raped, bred and killed
I bet she does, I could look into it
Me on the left
Requesting dry heaving Jim Carrey webm
She literally had extradimensional creature spawn slithering out of her cold dead mouth.
Almost as hot as that Predalien implanting those pregnant women in the second AvP movie.
You must've gone to the same school as me, because that's me.
She ended up raising CWC