Have the SJWs finally gone too far?

Have the SJWs finally gone too far?

thats me and my mom :D go fuck yourself

If they have it is probably in response to being pushed too far

because a woman is breastfeeding her child? Where is the problem? Is she supposed to let some stranger take care of the baby and feed it artificial milk from a bottle?

How dare she feed her child!

No, our stupid, puritanical society has gone too far.

Who is actually hurt by some lady breast feeding? Nobody.

Breastfeeding - no problem

Breastfeeding as a political statement - SJW rubbish


If they have, that picture isn't proof. At least she's doing something for the future of the society, that's more than you can say of most politicians.

Precisely. This is the fucking problem.

No one fucking cares about you feeding your baby. You laying your nasty ass milk tits out for everyone to see because you want to make a statement is what people get irritated about.

>speaking at a court while breastfeeding her child

Can not believe someone would get so butt hurt over this

Why on earth would someone bring a baby to anything political? Like they're a distraction on a plane let alone in that kind of climate. She could whip a titty out in the hall and I wouldn't care but fuckin save it till after you take a stand.

She is breastfeeding in the middle of a country parliament meeting. There's a time and a place.

>Breastfeeding as a political statement - SJW rubbish


yep , theres a time and place

if the chap behind her decided to knock one out it would be considered wrong , its the bloke to her left decided to have a shit in the spare seat once again another simple everyday body fuction , hows about the lezzer turning up with a large pizza and a bottle of red .

no issue whatsoever with breastfeeding in public but theres appropriate places

Yeah the time is when her baby needs feeding and the place is where ever she is. Do you seriously think it is acceptable for someone to put off feeding their child in the most natural and healthy way possible because they are busy?

this is rebellion without sense.

lady could display a near absent amount of modesty and avoid having to feed her kid while giving a public address, but this is arbitrary.

have you ever seen anyone insist on feeding their kid from a bottle in the middle of a legislative address?

no, that would be absurd.

So does it devaluate what she is saying in any way? Then I dont see the problem, because if anyone in there is actually bothered by her breastfeeding then its their problem. Now if the child would be crying and interrupting everybody that would be a totally different scenario.

Nigga you step out of the room and don't make a scene. Not to mention maternal leave exists fucking everywhere so she had no need to be present while that fund sucker was still nursing.

Breastfeed the baby, sure
But Jesus Christ, do not make the baby an excuse for political purposes

The baby doesn't wait. And that is not a distraction in any way for anyone. How could it be, except if you are grossed out by it but then you are the retarded one. If the baby was crying that would be something different but as long as its not interrupting anyone why care?

yes , of course yes , its not going to burst into flames if its off the tit for 15 minutes and it would be a heartless society if she couldnt get them to hang on 20 minutes for her to go feed the kid

??? What has that anything to do with her breastfeeding ?


There is no reason for this. You can't just bring your kid to a professional setting to draw attention to yourself.

If women want to have it all, there are things they need to give up. They're allowed to be professionals in the modern era, and whipping a tit out in any professional setting is NOT professional.

Fuck off that kid is the best politician Staaaya has!

Yeah she should hack her tits off and get someone else to feed the baby for the hours she has to work

Kids on his mums tit, the rest of the fukin pollies are on the nations tit - what's the cunting difference faggot?

Can you see her tits?

Regardless of what she was even doing with the baby, I feel like it's the wrong place to even have a small child. Who the fuck brings kids to anything political while they have to talk? It was disrespectful before she whipped out a titty.

Just shows politicians live by a different set of rules. Can you imagine a McDonalds worker standing there ready to take your order while breastfeeding?

But its going to start crying and if you wait long enough if wont even stop crying so you can feed it. Babies are retarded and basically need to be fed ever 4 or so hours. They even wake up just for the teat.
Just like sometimes they are tired so they start crying but because they are crying they cant sleep and everything just gets worse until they are so exhausted that they cant cry anymore.
And I BET nobody would wait for her if she was not the pivot point of the whole ordeal. People are heartless like that because time is money.

>she has to work
I'll take maternity leave for 600, faggot.
she makes enough to afford daycare/a nanny even if thats the case.

I wouldn't give a fuck as long as I get my McTendies

>muh ethos
>how could you disagree with someone with a baby
>look how strong she is to bring a baby to a political meeting, we should agree with everything she says
>you disagree with her? Do you hate babies???? Do you hate people with babies????? Are you such an immature brat for hating breastfeeding???? What's WRONG with you?????
>Oh yeah totally won't sway peoples opinion in a political meeting

babies eat 24/7 shes just using that to feed him at that moment for a statement. im all for letting women breast feed in public but waiting to feed the child till you take the stand is fucked up, feed it when it needs to be fed not keep it waiting for your political lib needs. There are good arguments for it being ok without going through this trouble to look like a freedom fighter for women's rights


Its fuckwads like you who made it political when you shout that women breast feeding in public is a political statement. You couldn't leave well enough alone. You just had to make a loud mess trying to keep women at home with their women functions.

Because it is appropriate to breastfeed at any time in any place?

Women get away with anything these days, if you pull them up on their shit they claim misogyny.

It is time to stop giving into their bullshit and treat them like true equals.

>cunting difference
ya found it

those fucking things melted haha

If you're offended by a woman breast feeding a child, you're a special kind of douchebag. This is 100% natural.

Sorry Im not aware that she did it for other reasons than not leaving it to some stranger. I did not know that she brought it to bring some kind of attention to her.

I can take my pants off at my job at school if I wanted to, just because nobody can see my dick doesn't make it less unprofessional you retarded nigger.

>and yes, its that white shit above the baby's head

Don't pay any attention, it's just a greens senator pissed off cos they don't matter anymore

10/10 would feed again

Please demonstrate your commitment to equality by breastfeeding a child. Oh wait, you're just a virgin man behind a keyboard. Fuck off you little shit.

Yeah all women need to give up on having babies. Thats how it works in the modern era, if you want to be professional, dont have a child. I wish the human race would just die out already, all these people with their children are so unprofessional. Stop raising kids everybody who already has one and let Consuela take care of it.

Who lets you round children?

Reductio ad absurdum, she is supposed to be a mother first, she should be taking care of her child, not working first and mother second, women are selfish as fuck and need to be pulled up on their horrendous selfishness.

Either work or be a mom, single mothers are child abusers and should be imprisonmed.

Also free condoms and free pill/birth control implants = no excuse.

No more excuses from women hiding behind misogyny.

so is masturbation, but I can't do it while addressing people if I put a towel over my dick


I hate SJWs, but free country is free? Sure she could have stepped around a corner, but really? Who gives a fuck?


But u have though u dirty little faggot

people with common sense
excellent rebuttal, you type like a woman.

I never talked about that. All I am saying that you all should stop being so retarded to think that breastfeeding is inappropriate. I didnt even know that there was a special reason for her to have the kid with her. Fucking numbnut.

Send this feminist for sensitivity training ASAP

dude ive got 4 kids and ill tell you straight you dont have a clue .

Kid crys cus its hungrey its a no shit sherlock situation that you can trigger it to suck and shut it the fuck up in seconds . There is zero excuse not to express and have someone else look after the kid in her sit , none . Oh and for just a little clarity that kids around the 4/6 month mark so will demand a feed every 6 hrs not 4 . Newborns 4 hrs but it gets longer as they get older . There can be no excuse not to have someone take care of the kids demands while she is preoccupied .

Yeah teaching her child that they are secondary to their job and they can't do either parenting or work well.

Not in the place where law is supposed to be enacted

That's like saying "hey, women can go topless" when the woman is using an arc welder

Yes, quit job, become full mother not half arse being both a politician and mother.

You need to grow up.

10/10 constructive ad hominem.
Another win for the nazi :^)

Hell yeah! And now that more and more women want to work the human race will die out and only indians chinks and blacks will be left. NICE. What a smart man you are.

This has nothing to do with social justice

And you type like a virgin

>I never talked about that
No it was just strongly implied by your faggoty stance. The kid could wait and you just can't take it.

Why can't she just have someone bottle feed the baby? I was bottle-fed and I didn't turn out to be a social challenged NEET who spends all day on Sup Forums.

Wait... never mind.

It's like a breast pump isn't even a thing, this is political breastfeeding to make a point and claim harassment as soon as anyone says anything negative about doing it.

It is not different from those filthy "refugees" that put their kids on the railroad tracks in front of the cameras to "force" our empathy.

In a sense this is a human shield. I hate people that use human shields, especially kids.

I don't have any idea what are the motives of this woman, but I hate her already. Coward cow. That's what she is.

Strangely I have no problem with this.

Its not about if its a natural action its about its natural application .
No-one has an issue with feeding there kid but theres a time and place . Remember when you were a kid and would get a boner all the time for no reason / did you spank that monkey at the table while grandma sat back saying `` let the boy knock one out and lets clap along `` No ? because brains theres a time and a place and a court room is not an appropriate place to dangle a flopper into a kids gob and burp titty juice over the chap in front .

Mothers should be mothers in a family with a father, not sort of working and sort of being a mother at the same time.

Get your shit together women,find a good man and build a family, stop lying to yourselves and demanding special treatment and exceptions, you can't be a mother at work.

>single mothers are child abusers and should be imprisonmed.
So you are saying if a man pussies out and runs after he impregnated a woman ( because believe it or not, sometimes contraceptives really do fail) or even just doesnt want to stay in a relationship even though they both decided to have the baby. She should be imprisoned and the child left to some stranger or an orphanage? Because the man just didn't care? Or should the man just pay for her whole life so she can stay at home and take care of the child? So he pays her house her car the food but because of that he lives in poverty. Is that a good solution?

Her titties as long as the last 3 minutes at work.

you're a special kind of retard. You could replace every instance of "child" or "baby" in this word diarrhea with puppies, and it doesn't make a very compelling argument for dogs in the workplace, while making you sound just as retarded.

If women want to be professionals, they need to at professional. Get a nanny or stay at home. If this bitch did this in a tax firm, how damaging would it be to productivity to have a baby screeching at odd ours of the day? Now multiply it by 10 women with children on the floor.
It'd be shit.
fuck off

You are an asshole turned right because of the radical left. Not everybody is a faggot just because he thinks breastfeeding is natural you sad piece of shit. Get out of your dungeon keyboard warrior.

another ad hominem, another win for a nazi.

Well there are certain rules you have to abide by if you work with food because it needs to stay completely clean. A baby that might puke would probably be forbidden there. Also no way can the baby relax with all the noise in a mcdonalds.

Incinerate everyone involved, remove them all from the gene pool.

Why the fuck would she use a pump. She has tits, that is what they are for.
Of course this is a politically motivated action, but the way to deal with it is to let her get on with it. If no one cares, and the majority of the Human race doesn't, then there will be no problem.

Its like someone shouting ' look at me, I'm drinking water' to try and provoke a response.
Only a fucking idiot would speak up against such a ridiculous statement.

Enjoy dying alone

many things are natural and not OK in the workplace, much less so in view in the workplace.
These include:
among others.

Yeah but only one of those is non sexual

I'm really more an independent. I'm fiscally conservative but socially liberal. I actually support breastfeeding in public as long as your not bringing attention to yourself while doing it. I would have been fine with her feeding, stopping, standing and talking, then sitting and returning to feeding.

The reason the buzzword SJW was even coined and popularized was in response to political activists being unreasonably and hypocritically extremist

You know how I know you've never been in a workplace?

thats not the metric being used in this thread, we are going by """natural.""" I bet muslims consider a bare tit sexual, and probably many christians, so who gets do decide?

Puppies are equally as important as baby it seems.
So woman have 2 choices, either have a child like any good human being does. But risk the chance of being dirt poor if her husband leaves her ( or not being dirt poor but have the husband pay tons of alimony and have he himself live in poverty which we probably all agree is retarded). Or she can work and be part oft he people who slowly are letting the white race die while we import mexicans and asians to take our place. And we end up in a world where only third world countries except china still exist. Because indians and africans dont stop having children.

I hate the SJW's as much as the next guy, but I don't see a problem with this. A woman's tit is one of the best things in the whole world, if she wants to go around showing it then I fully support her. Free the titty, so us men can enjoy it without a commitment to the woman that's attached to the tit.

Only a fuck wit would find breast feeding sexual

Are you lot really complaining about free titty displays

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You gonna whip a titty out in Parliament, Infront of cameras and feed your kid you ain't doin it cause it's hungry you doin it cause you starved for attention cuz to man don't look @ Chu d same no mo ma faece it

Your end all tree chart of what happens to women with children neglects the existence of day care for most and maternal leave for many.

If a woman gets a divorce then it must suck to suck. Divorce rates used to be lower and there are simple ways for the woman to keep it that way. Stay a virgin until married, and properly choose a not shit mate with good family dynamics.

I voted for Trump
This is a little showboaty....
But what is a woman supposed to do with her kid?
If she's expected to take care of it, what's a woman supposed to do
Although, I think it's better if she wears a cover over the baby's head so she's not flashing everyone randomly.

This is a bait thread you retards.

that sounds awful islamophobic friend. Do you hate arabs?

she should change the baby's diaper too and smear the shit on her face, I mean, why not, right?

why is this cunt not on maternity leave?

nice freedums yankistan