
Here's King Alaric.


Why are Berbers completely erased from everything?

Good old irish Spartacus, right next to anglo Alaric and black Hannibal.

For all we know he will be kited out to look just darkish, makeup and movie magic and all that.
But I really have low expectations, and I assume he'll look like a zulu chief rather than a spaniard or a berber or a semite.

Hannibal was Phoenician not Berber. He was a Mediterranean Semite.

There are a few real options.

1. He was a semite, from Tyre, like most of Carthaginian elite.
2. He was a spaniard, from Carthago Nova region and colony.
3. He was a berber, from the south most holds of Carthage.
4. He was a nubian, from Carthage's vassals and allies.
5. He was a sub-saharan African, via the trans-Saharan travel through Garamantian oases.
6. He was a mix of the above.

All of those are possible, but some more likely than others, and since we have no evidence we should pick the most likely - either semite, native people of Carthage, or spaniard, native to the semi-independent state his dad ruled.
Plenty of reason to consider these. Some reasont o consider berber and nubian, since these people seem especially loyal to him, and ready to join him, and some reason to dismiss spaniard, since the spanish tribes seemed to hate him and his family.
The sub-saharan theory is possible, but there is nothing to suggest it. Further, any connection between Carthage and sub-saharan africans would go through the berbers, and they would be talking to both sides, possibly without actual direct communication between them.



Look at this noble black man

lol hivemind fellow shitposter

>trying to paint the roman equivalent of rapefugees as heroes
>muh struggles that shaped the world
and burned hundreds of years of research in engineering, farming, society and government because ooga booga we wuz carthaginians n sheit

oh boy color me surprised, no wonder television is dying out in favor of netflix and other online tv. nobody cares about this crap

This depiction is much after his death, made by people who are known to just depict everyone like they do themselves.
The earliest depiction of what we can assume to be Hannibal is on coins allegedly minted in Carthago Nova to pay his mercenaries, and what is on them does indeed look sub-Saharan African.
The question is of its Hannibal, or his dad, or whichever African warlord rented them troops, or just a depiction of the troops themselves since they were the only ones paid in that silver.

Indeed, enjoying all the white folk tears over this

*Sips Tea*

There is nothing wrong with that, berbers are the worst kind of savages.

Here, coins attributed to Carthago Nova, one used to pay the Arican troops during the invasion of Rome, and another used for the Sicilian campaign for comparison.

Eh, Carthaginian nobility were descendants of Phoenicians so they'd look swarthy but not black African.

Though the Carthaginian army did employ loads of black africans, Hannibals best troops were straight out of detroit looking types.

4. He was a nubian, from Carthage's vassals and allies
>5. He was a sub-saharan African, via the trans-Saharan travel through Garamantian oases.
6. He was a mix of the above.

He was a Barca, literally one of the most noble houses of Carthage. How in the world could he be a nigger?

Not quite true, my nig.
Was watching an episode of"Turn:Washington's spies" the other day.
I mean, it's TV, doesn't have to be accurate.
But this happened. Two dudes in the 1770s were talking about Classical Education. And guess what that encompassed:
Knowledge of the Latin, knowledge of Greek
...and knowledge of Hebrew (!!)

If this is not forgery than paint me black and call me Hannibal.

delete these

Carthage was literally one of the most repugnant ''nations'' the world has ever seen. They were more like a corporation of vampires

Baby-incineration has recently been proven beyond a doubt. It isn't an artifact of Roman propaganda.

Carthage wasn't exactly some 2000 year old royal tradition, they were a colony of Tyre that outgrew their father state.
It had a dynamic social ladder, you could go in or out of royalty.
Also Barca as a family was big because of the war, they were strong because of the general.
Later we know Carthage hired foreign generals, rather than use their own, its not impossible the Barcas were also hired from abroad.
In fact if they weren't they'd be the exception.

I still think it unlikely, as most evidence and circumstance points otherwise, but it's not impossible.

Carthage was just a merchant state, a true free capitalist state. I thought you'd support them in their struggle versus the evil communist romans with their welfare state ; ^ )


So who are the two figures supposed to be? Most websites with the" sub-saharan african face" coin seem to be afrocentrist hives, so I'll take your word for it.

Look at modern Tunisia and Lebanon. They are swarthy, in the south Europe style, maybe a bit more.

>inb4 arab influence
There were like a million total arabs in the world, it was arab culture and religion that spread, not their eggs.

>Carthage was just a merchant state, a true free capitalist state. I thought you'd support them in their struggle versus the evil communist romans with their welfare state ; ^ )


Carthaginians are a perfect example of what befalls a society without values or a hearty invested population. Money does not a culture, or a future for that matter, make.

I think its Hamilcar Barca on both. One just meant to pay people who will identify with one portrait, and the other for another people.

Same as how Jesus was portrayed differently in different countries, everyone making him appear as they want him to.
Not like you would get to speak to your general face to face to tell he doesn't look like his coin.

Hannibal We wuz kangz. We wuz baby head smashes

Spartacus = could of got away up into the alps about half his army choose do that but Spartacus decided to go back down into italy and pillage some more. We wuz gladiators n shiet

Boudicca we wuz raped n shiet we wuz great tactical leaders 100000 vs a couple of Romans and still lost, sacked a undefended city and ambushed a shitty conscript army. we wuz celtic and women n shiet

Arminius = we wuz traitos n shiet. Varus give me my legion back n shiet. we wuz betrayed by the people we switched sides too

Atilla we wuz archers n shiet but fuck sacking rome some old cunt convinced me to piss off, we wuz defeated by germanics then died out

Alaric= we wuz peaceful refugees

don't know the last three very well
rate my shitpost for a shitpost thread

1 to 10

But they weren't full blown niggers, my southerner friend.And they mostly recruited numidian/balearic mercenaries, instead of south-african of garamantian niggers.

btw there's no evidence 'Barca' was a family name

It means 'Lightning' or 'like lightning' and was only ever associated with his father, and I for one am of the opinion that it was just a nickname given to him related to his military prowess

They most certainly did trade with south african niggers, via the berber tribes. So they knew of their existence, maybe hired troops?

And I am convinced they werent black, they were as dark as turks in Bulgaria are. Just swarthy, mediterranean types.
Look up modern Tunisians or Lebanese. Seems like what we'd see in Carthage.

>There were like a million total arabs in the world, it was arab culture and religion that spread, not their eggs.

genetic evidence says otherwise. Its a minority of their genetic make up, but genes for dark features always dominate whiter genes.

Looking at the indigenous, non-muslim groups that don't marry outsiders like alawis, samaritans and druze is pretty conclusive evidence that ancient levantines weren't as swarthy and arab looking as they are today. Lebanese people muslim and non-muslim are pretty fair and european looking though.

Also I'm pretty sure they can tell roughly what skin color the person was (environmental influence like tanning probably not) from these skeletal reconstructions but they have to guess the hair and eye colour

Eh what?
They recruited Numidian horsemen for sure but their foot soldiers were literally all Iberians and Celts, with a few Phoenician "shock troops"

>indigenous, non-muslim
But we don't know if these are indigenous people, of if they moved there during the Roman empire.
We don't know if they weren't some separated group that didn't mix with the locals even before Islam was organized and the Arabs went to war.

What you say can be reasoned, I am not dismissing it, I am just asking you to not dismiss the alternative as well. Lets go on facts, and the facts are we don't know, and have to consider a few likely possibilities.

Yes, they were swarthy , but they were not black like that nigger Pinnock.Nor did they had african facial traits.

What is truly infuriating is that the cucked anericans are promoting the retarded concept that all africans are niggers.

Numidians weren't black either afaik, although the Garamantians were, and they were more akin to today's touaregs.

African-americans are like the pinnacle of the south african people.
The biggest, toughest, strongest, healthiest people were purchased to work as slaves.
Of them, the biggest, toughest, strongest, healthiest survived the trip.
Of these, the biggest, toughest, strongest, healthiest lived long enough to procreate.

So now you end up with actual negro africans being much, much different to african-americans, because this incidental eugenics program bred them for manual labor.
I once tried telling that to an american on a history forum, he called me sick, a racist, the usual. I wish people would stop acting like we don't have actual photos of how the zulu looked next to the british, for example, or the people of Benin next to the french, etc.

African-americans are a terrible case study of african history, because they are nothing like their ancestors.

Yeah, that's what I said.The carthaginian was comprised mostly of foreign mercenaries ( especially numidian cavalry,balearic and iberic infantry and later celtiberians), while maintaining a core of chartaginian elite soldiers.

Are all the barbarians black and the Romans anglo saxon?

I know a guy who comes from Niger, he is allegedly of those people, and he or his family aren't darker than greeks for example.

It's just propaganda to make us think the Muslim invasion is a good thing and they aren't really barbarians because we need them to shape the world


Its the only type of shit I watch.

It's just the producer looking to make money, not propaganda. The New World Order isn't lashing at you from every commercial and TV show, lad. Chill.


>comprised mostly of foreign mercenaries ( especially numidian cavalry,balearic and iberic infantry and later celtiberians)

Those people weren't exactly "foreign" to them, their states were subjects of Carthage, insofar that they had states.

>We wuz kebab removers in 800AD and shiieeeet

1/10 truly shit, good job good job

Are you okay, malaka?
Don't take offense, none was meant.

Well, they are a trans-saharan people, it isn't surprising they come in different shades.

>implying even 10% of women even know what Rome was

They were not carthaginian citizens . Stop pulling threads.

There were no "carthaginian citizens". Stop applying roman concepts to Carthage.

Don't project onto others, Viktor Krum.
I personally love Bulgaria and the Bulgarian people. In fact, I'll be going to a 'massage parlour' in downtown athens after work (Filotiou St, 5) where there's only Bulgarian girls, and I can get all three on the daily menu for 20 euros each.

So, for 60 euros (my daily earnings) I can nut three Bulgarian girls in their mouths.I'll be thinking about you before that (not after-no homo).

No hard feelings.

Ok. Please explain how Ligurians, Ligures, Greeks and lybians were Carthaginian citizens,.

There were no carthagenian citizens. Thats a modern concept that we apply to differentiate between different subjects. It wasnt used then in Carthage.

Are you really trying to insult me by reminding greek women look so bad you have to import?
Have a good nut, lad, I hope you come out smiling.

What about the ruling families that lived in Carthage? Weren't they full blown carthaginians in comparison to shit stained numidian auxiliaries?

Why do these people think that portraying Mediterranians as tar black Africans of the Congolese
Apehumper variety is somehow more PC than portraying them as blonde blue eyed Sandinavians?

It's like the black pharaohs bullshit. Look at an ancient Egyptian mural and then look at the average
Egyptian today. They look almost exactly the same. If not for the frankly pathetic identity politics of
US blacks, no one would think for a second that ancient Egyptians may have been black.

For 60 euros? Sure will, Asparukh.

60 euros won't even get me a 50yr old Greek hooker.

I imagine most of them were old money, and old money came from Tyre, so most of them would be from Tyre, or semites.
It was possible for a nobody to rise and become "ruling family" in Carthage though, so even if its unlikely, it wasnt impossible to have blacks there.

I don't think there were any, because we have no evidence of it and its already unlikely even in theory, but its not impossible.

>But these also were men and women who launched epic struggles that shaped the world to come with a centuries-long fight to defeat the sprawling empire.
>launched epic struggles to shape the world
>defeat the sprawling empire

Why has no one pointed this out? They will paint the kangz as noble souls fighting da ebil white man and his racism.

>Hannibal was black.
we wuz barbarians n shiet.

at this point pretty much all the came out of Africa is black

>tfw North African
>tfw niggers won't stop culturally appropriating me
>tfw niggers simultaneously claim to be both Berber and ancient Egyptian

Well if niggers want to be North African so bad I guess they're gonna have to accept the fact that they enslaved their sub-saharan brothers and sold them to whitey in the first place

Because your country is degenerate and beyond any hope of saving.This is literally an metaphor of the struggle of black african americans in USA.

Yeah, even from the pitch it is obvious this is going to be about all the benefits immigration and challenging the patriarchal oppression of Roman society.

just wait 50 years

>new movie
>its about WW2
>it shows Winston Churchills contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany
>played by a black guy

This fucking pisses me off.
Hannibal was literally Spaniard/Portuguese tier.
Not even close to a nigger.

Why wait 50 years?

Timely to make a miniseries about a grand empire being brought to its knees by foreign invasion.

It's amazing that they would take this story NOW of all times and try to put a positive spin on the foreigners.
I expect it will backfire. I don't think you can tell a story about the fall of Rome without highlighting the current crisis in a negative light, even if Rome is portrayed as evil.

>60 euros won't even get me a 50yr old Greek hooker.
At least you're aware of how ridiculously money-hungry even the lowliest Greeks are.

Hope your society finds a fix soon, senpai!

genetically Hannibal likely wasn't spanish, the Carthaginians only began expanding into Spain and founded Carthago Nova after the First Punic War, and it is pretty clear in Plutarch that Carthago Nova region was a recent acquisition and that the Barcids were a foreign dynasty attempting to ingratiate themselves into Spanish politics. It seems likely that he was Phoenician, as the Barcids were an elite clan that was opposed politically by the Magonids, who were firmly within the Carthaginian Phoenician elite. It would be surprising for the Carthaginians to elevate a foreign general's family to that level of status.

>complaints from hispanic community
>role recast
>now played by half black/half mestizo


>Barcids clan
>Barcids family

Hamilcar was the first Barca, and Barca was most likely a nickname given to him.
Seeing how Carthage imported generals to lead its armies, it isnt unlikely that Hamilcar was brought in from elsewhere.

Just something to consider, I wasn't aware myself, until an user brought it up in this thread.

Any impressive historical figure who ever stepped foot in Africa, is automatically black. That's why they cry their eyes out when Cleopatra is portrayed as a white woman.

>Any impressive historical figure who ever stepped foot in Africa, is automatically black.

Napoleon and Rommel seem immune.


He might as well be portrayed by Mongolian.It's the same margin of error.

Meanwhile on /balk/:
>Bulghars was pure aryans from Iran we went around the Black Sea and brought whiteness to the Balkans hail Hitler

Meanwhile on /balk/:
. Romanians are pure daco-romans who are white and had never stolen anything.

>>Bulghars was pure aryans from Iran we went around the Black Sea and brought whiteness to the Balkans hail Hitler

Jokes aside, I hate these idiots who feel the need to validate their existence with made up history. As you point out its basically the same thought process.

But we are at least not as delusional as poor FYROM.

Churchill deserves to be made a mockery of. He destroyed the West. Truly the eternalest of eternal anglos.

The Barcids were part of the landed elite prior to the Punic Wars, and they held territory around Cyrene, so Hamilcar almost definitely wasn't imported him from Numidia or Spain. Given that he was from a Punic speaking family from Cyrene, and taking into account that Cyrene was a Greek colony and the name "Barca" (Thunderbolt) was a common epithet for Greek commanders as well (Keraunos), I would say mixed Punic and Greek heritage are more likely. But who knows, my initial point was just that he wasn't a sub saharan african or a spaniard.

Attila seems fine enough.

>Churchill destroyed the west
>Not America and their Jewish overlords

America demanded the dismantling of the Empire through the relaxation of trade tariffs in exchange for American involvement in war. Decolonization was the fault of America, not England. Don't dump that shit on Winne.

>my initial point was just that he wasn't a sub saharan african or a spaniard

I think so too, but I acknowledge that we can't know for certain, and I don't dismiss alternatives.
Just trying to be a reasonable person here, not baiting or anything.

I just find it highly unlikely that a member of a race that couldn't even invent a wheel could destroy three consular armies in open battle due to tactical brilliance. History is race pandering to the max with this WE WUZ HANNIBAL shit. I admire your diligence though, with Carthage we can't be sure about much; the Romans ensured that no primary sources from Carthage survived so we do know precious little about the real history of the state apart from their interactions with Rome. It was interesting that the archaeology done on the site of the temple of Ba'al more or less proved the Roman rumors of child sacrifice that historians used to dismiss as Roman propaganda though, so maybe Roman sources were more accurate than we give them credit for.

>There were no carthagenian citizens. Thats a modern concept that we apply to differentiate between different subjects

But Greeks and Romans DID have differentiation between citizens and non-citizens.

carthaginians weren't greeks nor romans

It sounded like he was making citizenship entirely modern concept that didn't exist during antiquity.

It didn't exist for Carthage and her holdings.

I choose to believe that clan Dulo, the founders of Bulgaria, were descendants of Attila the Hun.

Sue me.

Do you think that the whole horde was of one ethnicity? Have you considered that the leaders, the clan Dulo, were of one ethnicity, but most of their horde was mixed up?
Do you think that when this horde came to the Balkans and proceeded to die in wars, they managed to assimilate the southern slavs, which we know to be very many, and the thracians, which historians then called the second most numerous people on the earth, after the indians? Have you considered that settled valley people have many more children than nomad planes people?
Do you think that even though the bulgars assimilated the locals and we are descendant from them, they chose to abandon their language and replace it with slavic? Have you considered that they simply died off, were out bred, were persecuted and sent off, and only their name remained to refer to the general area as?

Well there are mentions of Bulghars having been along Attila. Also what the other guy was suggesting is that we are descendants of some 6'2 blonde blue eyed master race aryans. Which sounds silly.

Can you even read? I'm not talking about modern Bulgarians, but only of clan Dulo.

>Hannibals best troops were straight out of detroit looking types.

His best troop were the gaulish warriors he submitted.
See the battle of Cannae

his best troops were numidian cav, his best infantry were the iberians or the north africans. it is pretty clear in the battle of cannae that he put the gallic troops in the middle because they were the weakest and would give ground, allowing his better infantry to attack the flanks.

didn't he field a lot of libyans too?

that's what i meant by north africans

he put them in the middle because they could take a full blown roman charge and allow his cavalry to encircle them.
they were the most crucial part of the battle. They held like a fucking wall.
Stop making them look like weak people when in fact Hannibal used them because they were the strongest and the most fearless on the battlefield

plutarch and livy both claim hannibal placed his strongest infantry on the wings. it is not a slight on the gauls, hannibals regulars were just more experienced and better equipped. hannibal commanded from the middle for this very reason so he could ensure the gallic line didn't break.

You shouldn't get passionate about this as if the gallic mercs 2000 years ago represent the pride of France and your personal prestige.
We have historical sources that back what that user said.

>we wuz kingz

Doesn't Irish Spartacus hit pretty close though? I thought he was supposedly from around Thracia. And those little buggers had plenty of red hair.