Let's do it isidewith.com
Let's do it
Weird, I was different about a year ago
>71% Ted Cruz
>hate him worse than Hillary
Guess I've got problems.
I used to be a TrumpTower but now I'm an AustinMobile
My Trump vs Sanders
Immigration / Education / Foreign Policy: Trump
Environment / Healthcare / Science : Sanders
>Not >90%
Are you people even loyal to the God Emperor?
You guys can compare your results with Sup Forums
Sup Forums confirmed satire and cucked board
His views are based
Only thing I disagree on is the spygate shit
Fuck the NSA
They should require a court approved warrant before being allowed to spy on our shit
>people actually support Donald Trump
I thought it was a shitty meme.
What do you guys have to say about Sup Forums's representation on this site?
Stop posting
Bongbro, I am a libertarian voter, and I've kept close tabs on the libertarian primary process.
Petersen has good ideas but he's a total sperg. All of his policy stances stem from "this is what I saw on the Internet as popular so I'll emulate it"
Good on you for being a libertarian but Petersen is lacking.
>tfw living in a socialist utopia
Not surprised desu
Trump-Bernie 2016!
>on economic issues
I donated £10,000, match me!
Got a litteraly who.
Also idk how I got Bernie and Hillary immigration/economic. I said the only reason illegals should be allowed in is after intense screening. And no healthcare unless deadly/contagious
>intense screening
does screening involve making sure they aren't criminals? :^)
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It is a republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Candidates you side with...
>86% Donald Trump
Donald Trump Republican
on immigration, healthcare, environmental, domestic policy, electoral, science, and education issues.
compare answers
84% Austin Petersen
Austin Petersen Libertarian
on domestic policy, healthcare, education, science, electoral, and social issues.
compare answers
>83% Marc Allan Feldman
Marc Allan Feldman Libertarian
on healthcare, domestic policy, environmental, education, science, foreign policy, economic, criminal, and social issues.
compare answers
>81% Darryl W. Perry
Darryl W. Perry Libertarian
on domestic policy, healthcare, economic, education, foreign policy, science, and social issues.
compare answers
>68% Gary Johnson
Gary Johnson Libertarian
on healthcare, domestic policy, and education issues.
compare answers
>23% Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Democratic
on foreign policy and criminal issues.
compare answers
>13% Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Democratic
on foreign policy and criminal issues.
Oh, don't worry. I'm aware of how terrible Petersen is; I've listened to his appearance on Chris Cantwell's show, and I've seen various videos which illustrate how much of an insufferable cunt he is. Petersen is far too immature to be taken seriously.
84% the Don, fuck yeah
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW doubting the god emperor
absolutely degenerate
I thought he was our own special snowflake.
Petersen deserves to fail. I'll probably go for McAfee, Johnson is kind of shitty.
Anyway these are my results. Taken on mobile because I'm out hunting tonight.
Now that's what I call edgy
Here's mine. I guess I have a few mixed Libertarian views but for the most part Republican.
I also accidentally answered one wrong about tax breaks for corporations so it would be slightly more in favor of Trump
I am ashamed that I align with 43% of what the clown wants.
Team Zodiac over here.
>82% zodiacnigger
>73% sandnigger
how do you even?!?
Not a surprise. Trump has to win, if he turns out to be a complete sham, then you had no hope to begin with.
American deporting illegal immigrants & telling the refugees to fuck off, will hopefully raise the morale of like minded people all over the western world.
MAGA now, next MEGA (Make Europe great again).
filthy casuals