Is this man mentally handicapped?
How is it possible for him to have earned 4 billion + dollars?
Is this man mentally handicapped?
>How is it possible for him to have earned 4 billion + dollars?
Because he's smart and knows what he's doing
Absolutely anything the media says about Trump on the internet has been scrubbed down and passed through 7 different spin filters to make him look as stupid as possible
I have heard him speak and he sounds stupid. He speaks in rambles like a drunkard.
George Bush spoke like a retard too
Doesn't mean he wasn't smart
Hot Tip: No Politician is stupid. If they seem stupid to you, they're doing it on purpose.
Are you sure? Trump has been doing this for decades.
When will retards stop falling for it?
Is it not true? He didn't say he would do it.
Yea there's a distinct difference in the way he talks
He's always been a rambler but he sounds much 'stupider' nowadays
MRW he's going to destroy America and all these retards will just blame Obama.
He's also been extremely successful for decades.
He's right though
>not knowing the ability to control the inflation of your currency is what makes the US different from Greece
But what he said is correct.
woah there Ahmed
he didnt earn anything, he inherited money from daddy.
Yep. Just like with Obama and Bush and Bush and Clinton and Clinton and Bush.
Is that Austan Goolsbee beside him?
You mean just Bush.
People have written about this. He has to speak to the American public, i.e. retards. He speaks at the lowest common denominator level
You think he's retarded because his thoughts are too advanced for you to comprehend.
All these butthurt comments. Guess what FED did with money supply these few years that actually made USA economy grow again?
> b-b-but defaulting is better than inceasing money supply
total fucking retards that think microeconomy is same thing as macroeconomy.
>He speaks at the lowest common denominator level
How else do you get the conservative base?
Are you so handy-caped that truth scares you?
FED is printing monys for ~8 years now in YOOOOGEE amounts.
the american base*
>1 post by this ID
ITT: fucking idiots. Everywhere.
How did Obama contribute, directly or indirectly, to the creation of those jobs?
He inherited 1 million yet has a net worth of 4 billion you dense fuck
He got a loan of 1 million dollars from his dad.
If he was only after the conservative base he would never win. Conservatives are significantly less in number than democrats. Trump is after everyone.
Educate yourself on the FED. That is the most honest thing I have heard a politician say.
But did he voice his opinion? He's technically right, the US will just keep printing money and not give a fuck about inflation, that's been the policy forever. So we can't "run out" of money so to speak, again, so to speak.
Without the full context here, I don't if he's making a comment about it or what.
To play Devil's Advocate too, put a camera on someone all the time you're bound to find one thing they say or do that makes them look really stupid. No one's perfect.
It's actually true to a degree. Being the world's reserve currency makes any "default" a disaster for everyone. So everyone will look the other way as the U.S. continues to rack up debts it will never pay and/or get the fed to supply more money to pay back chunks of the interest.
They have everyone over a barrel, which is precisely the point.
It's also why they don't take lightly to threats from OPEC nations threatening to carry out oil transactions in Euros.
He's technically correct. If worse ever came to worst, the US always has the ability to print what it needs to pay for its debt. It's not honest or kind, but the US will never default because of this fact.
>default will never happen because money can be printed
Why is it a bad thing when Trump says it but is considered a gospel when this guy says it?
You can watch old interviews with him or interviews that aren't for his TV show or political rallies and he's distinctly different.
I don't know why more of the attack ads against him don't focus on this, rather than making him appear stupid.
They should be playing up the fraudulent aspect.
Cruz did exactly the same with his "awww shucks I'm just a regular Christian Texas Joe" which is absolute horseshit.
Back to le ddit
Because, swedes, like all leftists are cuckolds who hate to see men be alpha.
Let's hope Trump doesn't actually believe it.
>because it prints money
its true OP, your the retard
lurk more
Trump is a moron when he says it
Krugman is a genius when he says it
He's right though.
The US Government can print money at will to cover excess expenses at the cost of future inflation and currency issues in general. Didn't you hear all those years back about how the collapse happened and how they wanted to print more money?
The Jews have the power to do all kinds of tricks with the USD that you never even dreamed up imaginable.
There's a limited amount of physical money in circulation but nonphysical money has no limit. The majority of it is now, thanks to technology and Jewish interest tricks and banker nonsense, numbers tied to a digital account. It's incredibly easy to manipulate, bloat, and screw with.
He's actually right you FUCKING retard
Do they even teach economics in Swedish schools? They probably don't have time to fit it in anymore with all of the immigrant fellatio they teach now.
By the way I'm not advocating this behavior or the chance for disastrous consequences. Many great empires have basically operated on this assumption that they can back their debts based on their "necessity" to the world.
Take the British - The debts accrued from WW 1 (from the U.S. ironically) will never, ever, ever, ever be paid back. And they never had any intention of doing so.
They basically defaulted on them - despite them being declared repaid in 2015 the U.S. manipulated the repayments to make it possible, by lowering interest rates and other schemes.
The U.S. is the same. They pay off the debts, but they can't really default as lenders will allow them to negotiate just how it's paid back and when.
When you borrow that much money, the lender is in more trouble than the borrower if they default, especially since it would require a war to reclaim them.
Who the fuck is going to go to war with the U.S.?
>How is it possible for him to have earned 4 billion + dollars?
Easiest way to earn a million is to start off with two.
This thread was made yesterday. With a similar OP
Shills aren't real, goyim
>I'm jealous because he has more money than me
>I'll call him retarded
When you're already rich its really not all that hard to make more money.
People will come to you begging for you to throw your money at them and they will turn you a profit (usually). Not that I believe he's an idiot or anything.
he's right, you are the idiot.
nice flat lining jobs growth leaf.
You fucking animals know nothing of even basic economics. Trump is acutely aware, hence the reason he through business is worth 4 billion dollars while the people complaining about him are earning max 6 figure sums and are worth nothing, in their paling comparison. He is not a politician with a background in politics or law, he is a legitimate technocrat-esque, democratically enabled citizen of the United States of America whom tries to be realistic in the needs of state, whilst also accepting that Americans are stupid fools. He speaks at such a low level for a reason. Many like to compare him to the founding fathers... whom do you think they spoke to, the general population? No of course not, they spoke to the elite. The general population wouldn't have a fucking clue what they were talking about straight from what they heard from the mouth of the speaker. More recent presidents are no more sophisticated, they don't meet the definition of pretentious, intelligent, or accurate. The way the modern politician speaks contains no information, it is all rhetoric bullshit that Socrates and Aristotle would cream themselves over whilst simultaneously roll in their grave over for the reasons, being it is their method, yet they roll because their method was to them used to convey a message of worth, to tell a story which is how ancient news sources operated. Now, a different climate, it doesn't matter if you are accurate or not, the news Jew will still say what the highest bidder says about 'x' person. In the least, Trump is choosing the lesser of two evils, and the greatest option available. As a matter of fact, on reflection even Trump uses vague statements most of the time, yet whenever he tries to convey information to the average American fool (remember what average means, it is a mathematical term, it does not mean the majority) he is caned for it. Maybe the earlier candidates had the right idea, too much truth and gall -they kill you like JFK.
I love that look but St. Greenspan is right.
>gives away money to get raped
>thinks they know more about money than trump
>implying the powers the be (ZOG) will ever let the US debt implode
>implying they won't resort to jewish tricks
you are the most pathetic faggot ive ever seen.
No matter how many times a day you post those bogus, erroneous charts with that jungle monkey, it won't make them mean what you think they mean.
You are the definition of a shitposter. I don't know why you are even on here.
He sounds stupid?
Just nuke this whole country man
I'm assuming the US is in a very unique position where any of the money it owes is USD and because it controls the creation of USD it could simply print the dollars to cover debts.
The rest of the world would get buttfucked in the process though
The entire world economy would crash if that happened
so long as the US military maintains its presence and status, hes not wrong. currency is not what people think it is
Are you dense? He is completely correct. Am I being baited?
>will never have to default because it prints money
yeah dogg hes finished. this time, i bet, hes done for. finished. this will be the end of him. hes really done it now. hes finished after this, just done. just well done, seared in a fry pan and done. how can he even recover. just...finished. oh emm jeezus hes just done, btfo, this is the end. last we'll see of him, for sure after this little stunt. done for, just kablam.
Wait what, it was his fucking Dad's money
Just because big words sound like gibberish to you it doesn't mean he sounds like an idiot, vlad.
Meanwhile half of Alberta is on fire and the PM is taking a selfie.
oy vey goyim
>Do they even teach economics in Swedish schools?
Only the Jizza
If you extinguish the fire, it wins.
His dad never had billions of dollars.
His dad gave him 250,000 after he graduated college and once he found a strong investment he borrowed 1,000,000 from him. Yes it's a lot of money, but turning 1.25 million into 10 billion is no small feat. Think if you have 1,000 in savings and managing to turn that 1,000 alone into 10,000,000 or 20x your original savings
Dishonest media
Sorry, 10000x your original savings
enjoy your 1 trillion dollar bill America
Its A FUCKING COIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's actually correct.
This is why poorfag countries prefer to issue bonds in their own currency if they can - they can simply escape their obligation by printing money.
It is also why poorfag countries struggle to sell bonds in their own currency - because lenders know that they can just print money rather than repay the real value.
Man he was 100% husbando material back then.
Its true though although the money becomes worthless.
>be European
>completely ignore problems at home
>make fun of American presidential candidates instead just so you can feel smug
I'd rather have Trump as a leader than this bunch of blue-eyed children that's running the country right now.
>Trump is turning Sup Forums into supporting Mugabe tier economics.
Lmbo, when will this end. At this point you're even worse than fucking Democrats.
Take everything krugman says and plaster a Trump face over it and pol will defend it
It's true, US debt is nominated in dollars. But regardless, Trump knows exactly what he's doing, his base is disenfranchised blue-collar workers and self-made men without college education.
He's right.
I don't want him to do it. He is right though.
He didn't say you should, just that a state can't go bankrupt if its debt is in its own fiat currency.
And he's right.
i just to see the world burning Sup Forums
i'm tired of you too
He's not wrong though. As of right now the only reason we haven't defaulted is because we print money.
Trump is literally 100% right. The US doesn't borrow money in other currencies, it borrows money in USD. The US can't default on USD-denominated debt precisely because it can create USD at will.
First, cocks
Now then. The Fed prints money
Obama has been doing it for 8-fucking-years
Where were your tears then?
Shut up
Thank you
Surely he was taking a shot at QE
it's almost as if the media twists everything he says then they get proven wrong a day later
>trump made 4 billion dollars and is about to become president
>is stupid
>some krokodil addict that lives in poverty and has to put his toilet paper in the bin after wiping
>is intelligent
Sure thing, Dima. Sure thing.
he's not even memeing, fyi
this was a legitimate strategy they were prepared to take. I remember it being laughed at for months on Sup Forums
>He also said that he was inspired by a 2008 book, Web of Debt, by Ellen Brown, which quoted a former Treasury official who said the government could order the printing of large coins to pay off the national debt.
heh, how topical.
shit I was just joking. I didn't know that.
What exactly are they saying?
That the government will default and not print money?
This is exactly why countries want control of their currency, so they can strategically devalue it and pay off debt.
This is exactly how trade works.
This is also why Greece is boned.
If they had their own currency they could print more and pay off germony.