Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

Sup Forums... how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?

all my friends have girlfriends, and they make out with them and go out to the movies and shit, and I just stay inside playing on my Gamecube and posting here.

i am tired of being a lonely Sup Forums. how do i gf?

you're fucking ugly faggot sort out your life go to a doctors pussy

obv bait but if not just see a dermatologist and quit being a loser

Stop being 14

Burn your face off and wear a cool mask

why do all the kids who got this terrible back-bite jaw shit have fucked acne aswell? is it the universe telling you to kill yourself?


No, what he should do is go to his friend with the hottest gf, take off his face and wear that, an then take his gf

>how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem?
you don't

hey take clindamicin o Eritromicin