What's up, user. Something on your mind?

What's up, user. Something on your mind?

will there ever be a second psychedelic revolution?

There already is! Statistically, as many people use psychedelics these days as they did in the 60s. Big fan, personally

source on these statistics?


Then why the heIl am I having such a hard time finding custees?

My girlfriend of almost 2 years died recently right in front of my eyes. Before we dated we were childhood friends since 1st grade. Her parents don't want me going to the wake, blame me, and think I should of been hit by the truck. Before her I had a girlfriend who attempted suicide and blamed me, I thought she was dead for a week, found out she was alive by her sending a pic of her in the hospital flipping me off. Before her someone I loved, we were the best of friends. She died of cancer. Only figured out she loved me as much as I loved her after she died. Am I meant to love?


Starting entrance exams for uni on monday, family members make my life hell for not studying the way they want me to
And that is a lot of pressure on me to not get a mental breakdown
