Ok Sup Forums, I'll be doing LSD for the first time in about an hour. Any acid veterans have suggestions? Things to do...

Ok Sup Forums, I'll be doing LSD for the first time in about an hour. Any acid veterans have suggestions? Things to do? Movies to watch? Me and some friends are gonna watch Interstellar and thats about as far as weve planned.

Go outside and look at nets, like the ones you fish with or use to fill football goals or generally paterns, get a bunch of bleach and get wasted

Buy some fruit itll be great to look at and eat

Listen to tool

Peter Pan, the animated version from the 50s would be good, by may only work for me because of the mad nostalgia I get

apparently going out in the rain is fun

Movies are for weed. LSD is for taking your shoes off and walking thru the grass

if the weather is nice go outside to a park or something. you shall become nature
interstellar might be overwhelming
watch something chill
positive things will make the trip better

Videogames are fucking excellent. Smash Bros is best, or perhaps Mario Kart. If you wanna venture outside do a nature walk type of thing. Happy tripping user

go outside
and then do shrooms

Correct, that said, I enjoyed Sucker Punch a lot on acid. Also, make sure you listen to shit tons of music, it's incredible on acid and the visuals usually sync up.

>watch fear and loathing in las vegas the movie
>listen to the band consider the source
>listen to oldies rock too, pink floyd is mostly generic oldies tripping music
>dont forget that everything you are experiencing in that 6-8 hour period is effected by a powerful psycidelic, just dont overthink anything
>dont look in a mirror

Too add to this, it can be super fun to explore large environments in realistic games like fallout 4 or battlefield...

i wouldnt play videogames, Id want to chill and watch a movie or listen to music and talk so you get a chance to appreciate the visuals

The looking in the mirror thing is interesting. If you've ever wondered how other people see you, I'd try it. At least for me that was essentially the effect. Although I've heard people claim you appear disfigured, that didn't happen in my case.

lets see...

1. don't fucking look at Sup Forums
2. hydrate and eat something before, eating and drinking while tripping can be unpleasant.
3. outside as niggers have said. somewhere away from people is best

Peach tea, the kind that comes in a can, tastes pretty dam good. I don't know if that is specific to me though.

Video games:
Schizoid, ikaruga, fh3 hot wheels

JoJo's bizarre adventure, flip flappers, dimension w

Tame impala, emotional Tokyo

Fireworks, hiking, whatever superhero movie is playing at the theatre

Jodorowsky's Dune, the fountain, enter the void(for the brave only)

OP here, going outside sounds great, despite the fact im in the middle of a desert. Pink Floyds my usual go to band to smoke to, any other suggestions?

weeaboo neck beard detected


High desert or low desert? Think about this, burning man is in the desert and half the people there are on acid.

I've found pop/electronic music to be pretty fucking awesome. I dam near cried listening to Elastic Heart by Sia for some fucking reason... Also would recommend Strobe by deadmau5, both the original and the piano cover.

Check out the album Tipper - Forward Escape

US? arizona or some shit? mfw going outside

explore nature barefoot

go outside you sad fuck
any electronic device? NO

I'm not a fan of movies during LSD. I have found it doesn't let my mind wander as much as music or just going outside.

As for music, my standbys are

Panopticon - Kentucky (bluegrass/black metal)

Kauan - Sorni Nai (post-rock/doom metal, much more accessible)

New mexico

Before you start tripping hard watch some comedy, for a newbie being in a happy frame of mind can only help you.

Go for a walk in the woods, take a ghetto-blaster and some beers with you and listen to Dio or Fish-era Marillion as the sun sets.

Reommended movies: Blade Runner. Apocalypse Now. A Tale Of Two Sisters.

Silent Hill 2. :D

Ive heard Cosmos is really good for a trip. Thoughts?

Watch the music video Head Splitter by Getter

it is if you are into that sort of thing, also Planet Earth series is amazing

movies are boring, you really wanna see nature, just don't accidentally kill yourself and make sure you don't go crazy

The Wall by Pink Floyd. Greatest mistake you'll ever make.