
>Right-wing government
>No gay marriage
>Anti-refugee for years
>Super harsh on illegal immigration
>Not bordered by Mexico
>Don't even need a wall
>2% Muslim population
>92% White population

Why haven't you moved to Australia, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Right-wing government

you can still get handguns, bolt-action rifles and shotguns that aren't pump-action.

malcolm turnbull isn't rightwing he's an actual liberal and sucked merkel off when she said take refugees

>92% white population



>Implying LNP isn't centre-right

.22 handgun aren't real guns. Those are for children to practice with and get them familiar with real guns.

When you can use a gun for self-defense you can say you have guns.

No offense but Sweden without rapefugees will better than Ausfailia.

Our population is 30% foreign born you retard. Things are only going to get worse, they're just not coming illegally by boat anymore, the fucking government is flying them in.

I own an SP-01 shadow. You just have to be a club member.

Sweden will always have rapefugees.

No, we will not.

>92% white
Yeah right, I'm not falling for that one, expansion set of UK

My hope is that the current goings-on in Europe will result in a heap of whiteys coming here so we don't have to fill immigration quotas with shitskins.



You can get a .44 magnum if you want too.

>right wing
good one m8, and fucken malfinkel turnstein the australian pm is a fucken globalist fucken jew anyway. I vote labor even though im right wing cause atleast they never even wanted to ban guns in the first place

Guns only become necessary when the population of whites starts to shrink. If Australia was 60% white like the US you would see people crying out for their guns back but alas we all know that a homogeneous society is a safe society

OP... I never even thought of that.
I'm going to pack, right now.

Good man.

Your country isn't white if it has draconian gun laws

In that regard, I'm proud to live in a white country and be neighbours with the whitest country the world

Enjoy your "right-wing" government, Australia

It has begun. Trust us famalam.

It's like Norway, but warmer and worse.

...Fucking sick of Australian's over exaggerating the election like its as exciting as Trump V Clinton. Check yourself before you wreck yourself cunny.

How's those gold reserves going, Mr Trudeau? Gotta have plenty of money for all that mutliculturalism we want to bring over

This, we have the highest legal immigration of any country in the world. the next census is going to look very brown.

the only coverage i have seen of it was that bald negress throwing up black power fists in the middle of a bunch of swedish patriots, and being hailed as a hero for it.

oy damo giv us ya loita m8

>92% White population

Malcoms a jew who used to work for goldman sachs, he is a jewish banker representing our country gg

yeah we're pretty cucked on guns tbqh desu

yeah nah yeah nah yeah nah cunt alroight alroight here ya go 50cents a fucken flick

Well us normal Swedes have seen this as a rallying call, the atmosphere changed overnight after that day. The Arabs are nervous and are going out of their way to be nice now. The niggers are still as oblivious and useless as before, but the arabs are on edge. The scales are tipping for sure, feels very different than a few years ago. The leftists are disorganized and imploding on themselves and we are organizing and preparing for the worst, It's going to be hilarious once shit kicks off. It might even happen this summer, but I'm sure we'll have to wait until 2018-2019 for a habbening.

>Right-wing government
>92% White population

The lines are being drawn in the sand, and it is time to pick a side here in Sweden. I'm actually excited about it.

>92% white

I hear this a lot but I refuse to believe it, are you getting this from a census 15 years old? I spend a lot of time out in a lot of places and it looks more like 80% white, and that is not counting the overstayers and swarms of tourists, excluding outer suburbs you don't even see white people outside at Melbourne.

>92% White population
Spend 20 minutes walking around chatswood and then tell me that again with a straight face
Our government is still fucked and at the mercy of China. Plus we cant have a trump since the party would just vote him out

god i want the SD to seize power and throw out all of the shitskins so badly. the thought of swedish genetics being wiped out makes me physically ill. before all of the memes i had such a hard on for swedish girls.

Most Scandinavians are ugly butterfaces anyway

Plus when the Greeks and Romans were building civilisations, the 'superior' 'Nordic' 'Aryans' were rolling around in the mud

I will die before that day. There are many of us who would. Us Swedes are modest and such, but you can't spit on us forever.. sooner or later we will fuck you up. A swedish person can be your best friend, completely loyal and the best ally or we can destroy you from the shadows and stab you in the back in the most horrible way, if you still poke us after that we will put you in your place, the Refugees have yet to learn that, I've taught one Arab this but we get more and more everyday. Right now the Swede is passive aggresive. A few years down the line... ;^)


shut up faggot dont let the cat out of the bag.

its fucking terrible here guise

all of the swedish girls i know are aesthetic as fuck, i used to work in hostels in new zealand and swedish girls (at least the ones who travel) are fucking beautiful. german girls are overrated, there are tons of hot blondes true, but lots of fatties as well. too much bratwurst and bier.


>92% white when we're 12% Asian

Also we're only 60-70% Anglo-Celtic

go outside for once and try again. i live in inner city melbourne and most people are very white

> ;^)

you forgot
>99% of all shitposts

Temporary workers and University students, 92% permanant residents

Australia has a very significant amount of Asian students

The LNP is right-wing. You're thing of the cuck Liberal party (they aren't the same)

You're doing well. Question why not plant the red center with solar panels?

Can we have 0% Muslim population and an 8% slave non white population?

>have every nasty fuck-off animal on the planet
>nanny-state owing to former criminal population

I've actually been thinking about this. Are Americans generally well accepted there?

dickhead greens want solar everywhere but extremely against clearing inhospitible land for it

also distance and cost

I would move to Australia in a heart-beat, but I'm white, Croatian and Catholic so your government will tell me to fuck off.

My experience has always been that they're either barely noticed, get bantered with (which is fine if you're not a soft cunt) or get more pussy than usual due to the accent.

if you can handle the bantz seppo



you're dreaming mate its likely 65% white nowdays

Why would you when retarded people are shown as heroes for asking dumb questions?

>"Tonight, disabled low income earner, Duncan Storer, set the 2016 federal election on fire and created an viral hashtag - #IstandwithDuncan with a simple question to Liberal MP Kelly O'Dwyer on ABC's #qanda program.
Duncan asked simply - Why are you giving a tax cut to rich people? A tax cut for me would change my life, It would mean I get to say to my girls 'Daddy's not broke this weekend, we can get to the pictures!'
'Rich people don't even notice a tax cut, Why are they getting it? Why aren't I getting it?'"

people are acting like nobody has ever asked this question before or expect that they will get an answer that will satisfy them

How hard is it to move to Australia and how hard is it to get a reliable income there?

toughens resolve to be faced with death daily

That's because were all inside the offices doing things not wandering the fucking street at 11am on a Wednesday

I am a strong proponent of bantz. That's one of the reasons I like the place

Depends on how yanky you sound, I guess. There's a yank chick in one of my uni classes and her voice drives me nuts


you're the one who is dreaming, we're around 85-87%

still too much. Help me find even better options?


>Wog thinks he's white

Sweden is lost, germany will be lost too if the people wont stand up against the government.

yes, sit down ausfailia. Have the kangaroos left your yard yet so your weak ass can leave my board, and go outside, without being raped by some beef'd up kangaroo ?

youll be swimming in sluts then as long as your not a fatty

I'm a Texan, so my accent is more southern. Although I don't think it's very prevalent in my speech

>I can't practice my niche hobby in your country, so it's shit

Your defeatism is unwanted, if you've given up before the fight has even started then we won't need you, just kill yourself now if you can't man up.

Holy shit this might be the edgiest thing I´ve ever read, is this new copypasta I see?

What the fuck is wrong with chatswong

wtf are you talking about mate

walk around the melb cbd during a work day

it's atleast 1/3 Chink

What's a good city to move to? I'm about to get my teaching degree in English, so it'll have to be somewhere that I can find a teaching job

Texan accent will get you sluts.

96.3% white
0.01% Muslims

Lol ironic Sven

>paying for single player games
Next youll be telling me I need to pay a license to watch TV


That is acceptable.

It's fairly difficult, I think, unless your occupation is on this list:


Sorry to break it for you, but you're fucked. You're just one in a hundred, you're cucked.

>92% White
Tell him he's dreaming.

he also implied he paid taxes, he does not because he's a filthy fucking dole bludger (like me).

Except I don't have kids and am actually looking for work thus i'm not eligible for a 35k cash gift for being poor

I wouldn't be talking about rape if I were you, Sven.


Oh i'm already fighting the invasion, but your country is pretty much fucked with all the multiculturalism idiots. Go ahead, try it but the majority of the population wont stand behind you

TOP KEK i was thinking of this image exactly but didn't have it saved anywhere.

>Right-wing government
OP fell for the left/right paradigm.

>No gay marriage
It will probably happen soon

>Anti-refugee for years
Yeah, we've 'stopped' the boats, but Tony increased legal non-white immigration numbers while the media was distracted.

>Super harsh on illegal immigration
See above

>Not bordered by Mexico
That's a plus

>Don't even need a wall
So is that

>2% Muslim population
Still too much.

>92% White population
If Australia is still really 92% white, then they must be forcing every single immigrant to move to Sydney and Melbourne. I'd love to see solid proof that we are still 92% white

Portland, Ore.
76% whites


yeah cuz mudies in my yard xD


pick two

I don't need you to tell me how things are going over here tyvm, I actually live here.

why not? rape is funny and only serves my cause at this point.

You're wrong. All the normal immigrants are with us because they don't like niggers or arabs either. My friends all think like me and we are buying gear and weapons. We are just normal civilians, NMR has lots of support from the silent majority. One of the major parties has already turned coat in favout of anti-immigration. The leftists are visibly sweating on facebook.

You guys obviously have no idea what you are talking about, which is why I'm here to share information and recent developments. This way I hope to inspire and share the positive momentum.

You guys are just being contrarian faggots.

Theres a shooting range minutes away from me and an armoured firearm store not to far away either. Besides if you want to get one illegally for the home you just need to seek out an arab.

At that time southern europe had been inhabited for 40 or so millennium more than the north.

Further, they were doing a lot more than rolling around in the mud .