As a musician you're an entrepreneurial business. John Coltrane, Miles Davis, both of them are businessmen and brands...

As a musician you're an entrepreneurial business. John Coltrane, Miles Davis, both of them are businessmen and brands. Don't like it? Are you some sort of communist?

Other urls found in this thread:

filthy commies reeeeeeeeee

miles - maybe in his later years
coltrane became a brand after he died, his music has no commercial slant

*drops commies out of helicopter*
heh nothin personal

No fucking shit you didn't need to tell me twice

seize the means of music production xD

BB King was definitely a brand name after about 1975 and certainly by the 80s.

what if i give all of my music away for free?

can't charge for something nobody would buy

BB King--Subjects For Further Research [1980s]

He's seldom been terrible and when, in 1978, he stopped trying for AM ballads and disco crossovers and moved instead to uptown nightclub funk, he started making good albums again. Then again, good also means predictable and "There Must Be A Better World Somewhere" was the only one of his well-made later albums that I got into. The voice was no longer exquisite and the licks may as well have been copyrighted, but good by BB King standards means classic by most artists' standards. Myself, I recommend 1972's "The Best of BB King", a reissue of Galaxy's 1968 best-of. Now that's classic.

>entrepreneurial business
No you fucking autist.
Under this system everything is comodified and used to sell. Everything

Dude looks like Phil Anselmo.

"The Rolling Stones aren't a rock band, they're a corporation."

-- Johnny Rotten

Capitalists don't see an issue with this since they are all prostitutes at their core

Cant I just make music as a hobby and release it for free?

and what's wrong with that? capitalism rewards you if you work hard, punishes you if you are lazy.

I hate this cuck (jk I love him)

thats bs though, modern capitalism rewards people who are born to wealthy families or own corporations and shit all over people who try and start a new company for themselves. Musicians get shit on the hardest despite being some of the hardest working and most innovative members of society. Its almost impossible to make any real money making music unless you make generic pop trash and are attractive.

I'm a laissez-faire capitalist, but I'm also anti-consumerist.

So you don't believe economics effect culture at all?

>being a musician
>not going into STEM

and also if i had worked hard to make money all my life it would be nice if my children got to benefit

Nice try Stalinoid, I can tell you're a secret communist by the syntax of your post.

It doesn't reward you with real experiences though. Capital has been accumulated enough to become images, everything that was lived has been reduced to representation. Capitalism used to reduce life to having things, now life is reduced to the appearance of having things.


Not him, but I think Only for stupid people let themselves be influenced by advertising. I'm not into consumerism or being part of the herd. I don't get leftists, nobody is forcing you to buy anything. capitalism gives people what they want, if most people want crap is because most people are stupid, check out those iq distribution curves and you'll get what i mean

t. high school student who has just read Baudrillard and doesn't understand economics

>some of the hardest working and most innovative members of society

hence, we should take your hard earned dosh and give it away to POC refugees and unemployed liberal arts marxists. what the fuck does that even mean? English, do you speak it?

Not even the right French guy you pleb.

And what is the system where not everything is comodified and used to sell? Anarcho-primitivism?

Please don't make him a meme.

fact: all those french intellectuals were literal pedophiles who hated white people

> some of the hardest working and most innovative members of society
i cant breathe

Not anarcho primitivism.
>No music allowed because instruments are technologically advanced
>have to kill my friend for banging on a rock with sticks

It's not reducible to that if you take into account the cultures of past economic systems.
It is in fact the system, which defines the culture; because it defines nearly every aspect of your life.

>Musicians get shit on the hardest despite being some of the hardest working and most innovative members of society

Quote from my favorite book.

music is serious shit you fuckin fags reeeee

Check out the revolution of everyday life by Raoul Vaneigem, he was a member of the situationists along with Debord and also wrote the lyrics to this song, which was first sung by Belgian workers in the strike of '62.

Don't talk shit about anprim, agriculture and written language were a mistake.

People from other cultures didn't have a capitalistic system or consumerism because they simply didn't have the technology to make it possible. It's no coincidence that capitalism started around the time of the industrial revolution.
Just take a look at how fast and easily people from non-western cultures embrace consumerism.

>Just take a look at how fast and easily people from non-western cultures embrace consumerism.

well duh, its awesome.

yeah i'm so glad artists like nicki minaj and justin bieber deserve their success for their hard work and songwriting abilities and totally not for their connections and who they know

So you think the progression of technology defines the economic/cultural system?
Didn't the economic system it began in define that technology in the first place?
Keep in mind Mercantilism came before that jump in technological development.

they do. its the free market nothing personal.

capitalism is basically people exchanging stuff. voluntary exchange. even cavemen where filthy capitalists. socialism involves coerced exchange. how is that better in any way?

Getting drunk, gonna read it.

That kind of socialism confuses the state with actual society.

awesome for barely sentient retards, yes

>he fell for "consumerism is bad" meme

You are confusing capitalism with market economy

capitalism is defined by making profit the utmost biggest priority, in which every other aspect of life serves that purpose
Literally all economic systems involve trade

>Better slave away those 60 hours per week for mister noseberg, i will never be happy if i can's have that newest iphone and television

my country tried socialism for 40 years. it ended in people standing in lines for hours to buy one moldy chunk of bread in the store and all of our old buildings bulldozed to make way for soulless commie cinderblocks.

meant to delete the ''utmost'' part, now it sounds retarded, but you get what i mean

true artists don't even feel the need to sell their works and make a living out of it. If it happens, fine, but it's not something of primary importance. They create to express themself and because they can't live without doing it.

>t. communist

That's not the point.
If I really enjoy painting, writing, making music, etc. I would still do it even if I don't make a dime out of it.
If you only do it for money, you are a professional, not necessarily an artist.

Thanks Adam

ur welcum