what are y'all drinking tonight? or what drugs are you taking?
I'm just drinking some cheapass lager they had a deal on today, drinking alone. Thinking maybe I'll watch a movie and go sleep. How's your night?
what are y'all drinking tonight? or what drugs are you taking?
I'm just drinking some cheapass lager they had a deal on today, drinking alone. Thinking maybe I'll watch a movie and go sleep. How's your night?
Crown Royal and watching reality tv.
>etizolam (both are RCs)
>dexedrine and xanax
Feeling good:^)
I thought that u-4 whatever was an opiate?
What year is it?
careful on those benzos though fam those things can cause depression and the withdrawal can last months apparently
all I've got on my is lager, cider, speed (amphetamine) and weed. I've never tried speed with the other two anyone have any experience? Alcohol seems to potentiate weed but I've only mixed the two once