97% of people have had sex by my age

97% of people have had sex by my age

how is it that i'm uglier than 97% of people? and yet even uglier, because 97% of that last 3% have hugged/kissed a girl and I have not. that makes me less attractive than 99.9% of people right there. of the remaining .1%, i'm MAYBE in the middle somwhere. so i'm uglier than 99.95% of people AT LEAST

like damn this shit fucking sucks

welp, that blows.

whats your age op, are you a wizard?

Quit complaining. Make yourself into the kind of man women want to be with.

26, no
yup it fucking hurts

Don't feel so down man I'm 23 same position, the key is to not think about it so much

opposite end of the spectrum
have too much sex
get aids

How you plan on meeting chicks here

You sound like a whiny bitch. Make an effort.

OP, real talk right now, find a blind chick. Like seriously, just do it. You'll be fine.