If the FBI confiscated your computer today, what would they find?
If the FBI confiscated your computer today, what would they find?
nice try, officer
A shit-ton of exquisite music and nothing illegal because I'm not a criminal
A cure for insomnia. Unless they were into American pickup trucks and stupid memes.
a car.
A lot of Facial Abuse videos, tons of pirated music, and for some reason I enjoy taking pictures of my drugs. I have tons of incriminating pics of narcotics.
Sup Forums memes and porn plus some video games
Pirated copies of Skyrim and DA2, an unnecessarily high amount of mod files and nudes of my gf's sister
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro OEM with Free as in Freedom software and a bunch of proprietary games which runs on a DRM client name Steam by Valve.
And then some memes in download folder.
post da nudes
Bible Study Notes.
Cute Pics of KIttens.
Charitable contributions.
Random acts of Kindness diary.
Unless you're into 260+ lbs white women, that sounds like a horrid idea
maybe i am nigger
They will see if truecrypt is still secure.
they'd find a darik's boot and nuke cd in the drive
Poor taste, user
Some games, a bunch of random applications, not really a whole lot of interesting shit.
Dolphin porn.
pics of andy sixx and bannanas
A clean install of windows and kali linux
Completely full of bad decisions, wasted time, and much regret.
the fbi confiscated my computers and hard drives. had them for 2 years. the fbi dont find shit if you are competent because they sure arent.
a lot of lurking on Sup Forums
a shitty Pandora playlist
and a funimation subscription
Kill me now, the FBI would be a heaven sent.
Memes and furry porn/various r34.
me laying on the floor dead with a bullet through my head
That I have lots of pictures of metal bands
My 4 chan profile
lots of dust and some cheetos
91.1 gigs of porn and a shit ton of pirated music. meh could be worse
the fbi already knows what's in my computer tho
are you me, nigga?