For your consideration:

For your consideration:
Why is water free in a public location, I.E., drinking fountains, showers at beaches, public restrooms, yet, you have to pay for it, when it comes out of the tap in your home.

Chew the fat with me Sup Forums
In this bread, things that you've never thought about before, but now that you have, they make no sense.

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Does this make sense to anyone else? If so, please tell me why? I like a good discussion.

It's not really free, the city pays for it through things like tax dollars. The difference is, you don't own the land so you don't pay the water bill

obligatory self-bump

You don't technically own the land you live on either. Even if you've paid off your house, the bank that you've paid off, has likely already sold you land to some guy in china. So again, what's the difference?
What if you live in an a apartment? Some places include water in your rental fees, but shouldn't the landowner pay for the water at that point?

It's called taxes

So, if you pay taxes... you can drink public water for free, but not the water that is directed to your house? Even though it comes from the same water source?

Not to mention your tax dollars don't even go to such common sense public installments.

How about the Jews?
Does it really make any sense that 6 million jews were killed at the end of WW2?

I have a well. It's free except for the lectricity to pump it through the pipes I guess.

>You don't technically own the land you live on either.

Yes, you do—provided you're not renting or part way through a mortgage. You don't seem to really understand how property works.

Are you charged for city water? I've a friend who used to have well water, but they tore up her back yard for a "city project" and ruined her well water, forcing them to use city water. Have you had any pressure from the city to change over to city water?

Most people ( who aren't millionaires ) can't afford to buy a house outright, particularly these days. So they must go to a lender, typically a bank, to take out a mortgage. The bank, being the shady business that it is, takes that loan agreement that you just made, and sells it ( your debt) to anyone that'll take it ( This just happens to mostly be rich fuckers from china) to make more money on the loan.
Now the owner of the debt owed, owns the object that loan was taken out for. Which means the Chinese man now owns your home, and the property it is on.
In turn, the bank will lie about this, because it's kind of illegal to do.
I think I understand just fine how it works.

How about this?
While we're on the topic of loans, how can a bank, give you a loan, and ask you to pay it back, when the money did not exist, until you went to the bank, and signed the money into existences?
It's not like they print that money, just for you, right when take out the loan.

In fact, it is physically impossible to pay the loan pay, without someone else losing money.

>Most people ( who aren't millionaires ) can't afford to buy a house outright, particularly these days. So they must go to a lender, typically a bank, to take out a mortgage.

Most millionaires who are interested in buying the kind of house associated with millionaires also need to take out a loan to afford their mansion.

>So they must go to a lender, typically a bank, to take out a mortgage.

Well, any business that offers mortgages will do, but yes.

>The bank, being the shady business that it is, takes that loan agreement that you just made, and sells it ( your debt) to anyone that'll take it ( This just happens to mostly be rich fuckers from china) to make more money on the loan.

According to the terms of your loan, creditors may or may not be able to sell your debt to third parties. Those third parties don't have any more power over your property than the bank did, though. Furthermore, even if you're in the habit of signing your name on papers you never read, home-owner protections are very strong in the United States. You basically need to be completely insolvent to be at any risk of losing your home, and even then, your creditor will still probably not be able to seize it. Or your vehicle, if your vehicle is your means of getting to work.

>Now the owner of the debt owed, owns the object that loan was taken out for. Which means the Chinese man now owns your home, and the property it is on.

Again: if your creditor sells your debt to another creditor, the new creditor has actually as much power over your debt as the original creditor.

>In turn, the bank will lie about this, because it's kind of illegal to do.

No. Creditors selling your debt to purchasers is entirely legal. If you own a 50% stake in a lemonade stand and I own the other 50% stake, there is no inherent legal impediment to me selling my own stake to someone else.

>I think I understand just fine how it works.

Apparently not.

dear OP.
Do you know how public land works?
Probably not. Because op is a faggot.

>While we're on the topic of loans, how can a bank, give you a loan, and ask you to pay it back, when the money did not exist

A fraction of the money did. In the United States that amount is called the "liquidity ratio". For especially large financial enterprises it is 10%, meaning that for every million dollars loaned out, the bank must hold $100,000 in reserves.

Fractional reserve banking is fraud in every moral and practical sense, but it is explicitly not illegal. It probably SHOULD be, though.

Here's another nonsense thing that prevails in our daily lives as Americans.
Why are all of our major businesses (McDonalds, Walmart, etc.) still in business when they sell their products for so cheap?

though this one we know the answer too.
(hint* if Mcdonalds had to clean up after all of their waste, a burger cost around $200 instead of $1)

>Why are all of our major businesses (McDonalds, Walmart, etc.) still in business when they sell their products for so cheap?

They either bought them even cheaper or they subsidize their cost with other products. Sony and Microsoft, for instance, are able to sell consoles whose hardware exceeds the market value of the console itself because of the profits they make off of the games for those consoles. Supermarkets do this all the time, too, selling milk or Coca Cola at a loss just to entice more people into the store. That's why you never find those kinds of common products that everyone is looking for near the front—they want to maximize the time you spend inside the store, tempting you to buy something that has a higher profit margin for them.

Economics of scale enters into the equation too, when you're talking about, say, WalMart versus Mom & Pop stores.

Do you know many millionaires, and have you asked them personally? Truly curious.

Its IS illegal if you are not informed of the possibility that your debt may be resold. Which is what happens allll the time.

Home-owner protections don't seem to be so strong, when you can be kicked out of your house because the police simply suspect you of a crime. That doesn't sound like strong protection to me.

You pay taxes for the water you drink in public spaces.

You pay the water company for the water you drink at home.

Christing idiots.

ITT: OP continues to confirm that he's a complete and utter moron.

The basis of your entire argument is to make an uninformed and factually incorrect claim, and to then shift the burden of proof when called to support your claim. You're hurtling towards the edge of what an 'argument' is.

Let me explain.
When we use the OTHER peoples water a.k.a. a mall or other business THEY pay for it!

When we use OUR OWN water WE pay for it.

Do you understand?
Next time, ask your 4th grade teacher before you bother us.

See you later pups!


As you say though, only a portion of that money did exist.
lol and of course it's a fraud *high five*
You have won the thread user, congratulation, you get all the internet cookies.

Nah if I take a loan and then pay for it the same day

Down yo throat bitCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

S0 DO THE PUPS PLAY????????????????????

If they didn't give me free water for life I'd sure the hell out of them

I guess not because remember, they only play when bob isn't with the pups.....

Can you show me case law of an instance where an individual was kicked out of a house he owned/had a mortgage on simply for suspicion of a criminal act? That literally makes 0 sense

From the view of those truly native to our land, all land is public land.
What defines public land? Is it land that the public is welcome to use freely? What's the difference from private land that's used by one person or multiple owners? Do these land owners differ so much from those that own the public land?

They tried to pursue legal action, but they were shut down by the city and ignored. It was appalling.

You miss the point here.
When you take out a loan, that money did not exist within the current money system. It appears as new money the moment you sign it into existence. The bank doesn't go into debt when you take out a loan, that money is created by your signature. The lender then typically asks for that money back, PLUS interest. Though the lender never lost any money, they ask for the money you just created, plus more.
It's impossible to pay back the interest without someone else losing that money.

( is what I really meant. Sorry for not fully explaining.)

I'd go to the media or something

Capitalism end-game destroys society. If capitalism isn't growing faster and faster, at any cost, it collapses. It's built on debt and that's why nation's debts are so high. It's not "bad" in an ideal, hypothetical environment, but any capitalistic model is doomed to fail once enough means-of-production migrate into the hands of < 3-5% of the population.

>inb4 get called a libcucc

If you think just because I oppose capitalism, that the only other option left is communism only shows how fucking brainwashed you alt-righters and left-wingers are by the people who set up these puppet shows for you. How stupid can you be.

>also fuck the jews

Not at all. 6 million was nowhere near enough.

I'm not the guy you're talking to but what if the seller wants to cash out ?

Water is free for every single human being on planet earth.

You are paying for the treatment and transport of the water TO YOUR OWN HOME

That's it.

>capitalism is doomed to fail once enough means-of-production migrate into the hands of < 3-5% of the population.

nigger what? rich people still need us to buy their shit utherwise they'd make no money.

That's just not even true... they make their money by playing with imaginary numbers on the stock market.
Walmart doesn't need us to buy things. They buy and trade stock for the majority of their funds.

Cash out on the loan?
Expand upon what you mean please? I am no capitalist, just a simple person.

let me explain in a way you might understand

>be richfag kike
>conglomerates start making billions
>decide to branch out
>buy farms, consumer-goods factories, homes
>buy automation tech
>fuck it, decide to automate all that shit and tens of 1000's of people out of jobs now
>pay off politicians to put wellfare systems in place to stall for a few more years
>buy up military tech, weapons factories
>eh, fuck it, decide to automate those too
>wait, why am I still selling stuff in stores and online?
>i can just make everything my family and I need
>no more need for producer-consumer model
>decide to just nuke all the poor shitskins
>keep my fellow whites alive tho
>just kidding, nuke those fuckers too
>earth population 2025: 100,000 rich fucks who automated everything and killed everyone else off using super AI and weapons and sleep sound as a baby
>no need for workers or "consumers" to buy stuff, since they can make literally anything they desire with their automated factories/general purpose and self-replicating production facilities (GP-SRP)
don't say I didn't warn you.

This is your future.

This guy gets it.
You also win Internet cookies good sir.

never mind I thought about it and I think I understand now

>advanced autism

just because we wont the election doesn't mean you need to infect us with your libcuck propoganda

That's just wishful thinking, that the media would help. It's likely that they wouldn't help at all.
The family has just given up anyway, I've suggested something similar, but they're just done with the whole situation. There are only so many hoops you can expect the average family to jump through.

That price has been paid though, a thousand times over. A few water bills to every American and the price of the labor to install the pipes, and the pipes themselves would be paid off. We pay for corruption now.
It'd be fine if we payed for maintenance of the water transportation system, and cleaning systems, but that's not what we're billed for.

Nigger please.
Capitalism is a broken system designed to funnel people into a caste based on luck. There is about a 0.05~0.10% chance of climbing up the ranks on your own, it's true, but for the general population the only way to move is down, and you're pretty smart and well off if you even manage not to fall.
Capitalism just concentrates the wealth in the hands of the already wealthy in a sort of blindfire to try and make society better by letting a bunch of rich fools play around with their money and invest it in stupid things like imaginary numbers and speculation at places like Wall Street while the general population suffers, without being smart enough to realize they're suffering on such a grand scale
>Fuck Jews
>Fuck Capitalism
>Fuck the Catholic Church
>Fuck the FED, Destroy the Federal Reserve (It's a private business anyway)

Which of my facts are incorrect? I would genuinely like to know if I've gotten something wrong.

That's not propaganda, that's a situation that is becoming more and more likely as AI advances. You should be terrified.

OP here
Can... can we hug? I love people who understand the state of the world.

To be fair, this is an accurate representation of your municipal water comment.
However, I'm glad that you have an understanding of the evils of capitalism, and that trumps the sperg water misunderstanding, so yes.
We can hug.

Happy to help :3 and to converse

Thanks for understanding. I admit my lack of knowledge in how exactly the municipal side of water works. Seems like this thread is dead. You've been a wonderful participator, and I thank you for that.
May we all survive the coming apocalypse, whatever form it comes in.

Lmao, thanks.
I hope you better understand things now, and I hope that the next dice roll in the fucked up game of the economic system falls in your favor.