Will facebook die like myspace did? Everyone thought AOL, Yahoo, Myspace etc were permanent, yet look how they all ended up. Will facebook as a social media platform also eventually die? If so when do you predict?
Will facebook die like myspace did? Everyone thought AOL, Yahoo, Myspace etc were permanent...
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It's most likely that Facebook will continue in a diminished role due to it's decline relative to other platforms. It's too large, too expansive to go under. Also, the publicly traded company Facebook INC. will continue strongly since it's much more than a simple social media site.
I can see it becoming practically unused except among the 40+ age group
That's enough. That's still a few hundred million users.
Myspace wasn't nearly as big as facebook is. I recently came back from a trip to a small town in a third world country and even people there used facebook. Was mind boggling really
Myspace still has 50 million active users but its considered dead
I think it will eventually.
Nothing lasts forever, technology is constantly evolving, people get bored with stuff and move on to something different, Things like lawsuits and other types of litigation happen, there are alot of reasons it could go under. I think the evolution of technology and people's preferences are probably the two biggest things FB needs to worry about for the future, though.
I know lots of 22 year old girls tjat just use it to repost Instagram memes itll be a long time before it dies
I honestly barely use it as I get older but I have no idea about the user base in general currently
i see less and less people using it
Two of my more intelligent friends already quit it completely and deleted their fagbook, I'm only still on it to communicate with old friends I know from highschool now and then. Hope it dies soon, but I kind of doubt it, as it has grown too big.
I hope it dies too. I feel like society is too much of a slave to it, most social interactions revolve around facebook now, going out is centered on 'where can we go that we can take good photos for facebook and tag ourselves in'.
I hope it does, had tonnes of people send friend requests to me, some I don't even know. I stopped using, just a waste of time.
Actual developer at Facebook here. In the short term, absolutely not. While you might hear people say that "Facebook is dead!" or "All of my friends stopped using it!", the actual metrics show the EXACT opposite. Facebook has consistently grown in the number of people using it, time spent on the platform, ETC.... So, it's really, really unlikely that it will die in the near future. Will it be alive in 20 years? I really do not know, but there are very few metrics that the platform as a whole is slipping in, so I'd put my money on the company surviving more than any other Social Media platform by a large margin.
I want to unfriend a bunch of people I went to High school with who were half friends/half jerks but then it makes things awkward if I see them. It hate that facebook makes things like that complicated, its harder to distance yourself from people you want nothing to do with.
is there anyway to get photos posted by other users deleted?
Fb investor here, thanks for the well written response. Keep making me money, pl0x
The company has a pretty strict privacy policy when it comes to employees accessing/changing user's personal data. It's only done really by the people behind content enforcement. If I REALLY wanted to, I could probably find a way to delete specific data, but there's a sophisticated internal auditing system that detects when employees are fucking around where they shouldn't be. It's one of the easiest ways to get fired.
there's some shitty photos friends posted from years ago I want removed because im always concerned they'll resurface thanks to the on this day feature. whos idea was that feature anyway? so many people complain about it bringing up bad memories
Facebook infrastructure engineer here. Another factor to consider is the following, FB has a massive infrastructure, which took years of very capable people, both management and individual contributors to build. Even if "the fad" passed, no one could fill that space for years to come, users would have no place to go, and due to that fact alone, I think FB will be here for a long time.
OP is faggot.
what is it
Maybe if you're a pussy. I unfriended 300+ people senior year of high school one day because I realized I hated everyone there and didn't want to see their stupid shit. I kept about 20 people I would consider real friends, when people would try and add me back I just never hit accept or deny and left it. I didn't give a shit what anyone thought of me because I wasn't a faggot trying to keep up fake shit. Then I deleted my Facebook because I realized even those 20 people weren't worth keeping around.
Moral is: don't be a bitch.
nope but even if it does, it's because ''better'' will have been out there that outsmarted the whole concept that made facebook
if virtual reality world social medias are ever a thing of the future, it's going to put Facefuck bankrupt pretty fast
1) Delete your shitty photos.
2) Untag yourself from shitty photos.
3) You can report photos that you don't like of yourself to FB and they usually take it down.
You have a lot of options if you actually care about those photos resurfacing, but you have to be not lazy and actually use the tools FB gives you.
myspace was never that popular outside of US. in europe nobody ever really used myspace.
do you have friends tho
This as well. FB infra is incredibly complex (and efficient). Only Google really has the tech to operate at this scale. You'd be shocked at the massive amount of cacheing that is required to make sure the website even functions.
>3) You can report photos that you don't like of yourself to FB and they usually take it down.
But doesn't this notify the user that the photos were taken down? I'd rather they be taken down quietly but I guess it isn't possible.
facebook is not only about people. theres a lot of companies, agencies and stuff around to attract their customers.
not to mention stars and their fanbase.
facebook sure gotta do something to get more attractive for minors, but if your on college or a university its pretty comfortable to have facebook.
its the perfect mixture between whatsapp and instagram. insta is superficial, whatsapp is private (most likely), and facebook combines these two.
how much do you make a year?
Have you met Zuckerberg?
I forget what it actually says when the photo gets taken down, but I know it wouldn't use your name. You could make a fake account and test out to see what it would actually say if you are concerned.
And google already tried and failed miserably, so I doubt they will try again anytime soon. Google doesn't even use google+ internally, they use mailing lists, lol
Entry level SWE out of college. 140k-150k/year if you include yearly bonuses/stock, plus signing bonus of 75k. My first year and I'm making over 200k pre-tax. The bar is pretty high though to get a job there. They really only hire newgrads out of their internship program, and for industry hires, a very small amount of interviewees actually get offers. It's actually really difficult for HR to fill all of the SWE positions.
I've seen him but never met him personally.
Is there a way to get someones account banned? If they say nigger does it ban them?
Depends on context.
Much like Sup Forums is transitioning into Logchan, Facebook will become Logbook in the near future .