Be me

>be me
>fucking stupid metalhead, you know how that shit goes at 16
>it's 2013, download some edgy ass music on my acer
>don't have any friends, so it's not like anyone touches my computer anyway
>spend all of my money I got for my birthday on that shit
>don't even pay attention to what I download, just make sure it's in the metal category
>spend $90 on that shit
>it's all cool though, it relieves my stress
>few weeks go by, get caught with an absolutely minuscule amount of weed
>parents are religious, don't know about my music addiction
>parents make me volunteer at a small church because they thought it might keep me away from "drugs"
>do as I'm told because I'm beta as fuck
>end up helping 6-9 year old kids five days a week for a few hours each day
>all I need to do is just stand around and occasionally carry boxes of coloring books around
>not too bad, their teacher is pretty nice and occasionally brings me food
>This continues on for a few weeks, parents forgive me
>they say I only need to go for two more weeks
>continue on as I usually do
>its Thursday, which is good because the teacher brings fruit snacks on Thursdays
>sit around, nothing to do today


>kids go outside to play for a little bit
>about to go out too
>teacher tells me to stay inside
>no big deal, she probably just needs me to shred paper or some shit
>tells me she will be out tomorrow
>I say it will be fine and I'll do something special for them
>she's happy, we continue on the rest of the day reading stories and drawing in coloring books
>get home
>think about what I'm going to do tomorrow
>don't want to do much work, I need to find something easy
>hold it off for a while
>listen to some of my music, mostly intense
>stumble across this one mellow song, sounds decent
>check what it it on my computer, it's called "He Is" by ghost
>never heard of them before, thought I might of accidentally downloaded something other than metal
>listen more intently
"He is, he's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see"
>sounds like Christian music
>remember what I had to do tomorrow
>turn off the song and come up with a brilliant plan
>why not just make them listen to Christian music the whole time?
>made folder for tomorrow
>titled it "Christan music"
>at this point it's pretty late
>don't want to hand pick music so I just put everything from that band "ghost" in the folder
>read their title's, it seems fine
>figure it will all be good so I leave it at that


>go to bed
>wake up Friday morning, getting ready to go babysit those kids
>remembered to take my shitty laptop and a speaker
>parents drive me over there
>walk in class
>see all of the students and one other female adult, probably in the sixties
>ask who she is
>says she just want's to supervise for a little bit
>say hi to the kids
>tell them to go outside whilst I set up my laptop and my speaker
>finished, call them back in
>tell them to sit down, color, and just listen to the music
>The song I've already listened to was in order first
>press play, I sat in the front with the women in the back
>the song starts playing
"We're standing here by the abyss and the world is in flames"
>don't remember that part
>it's defiantly the song I remember though
>I keep listening
>It's fairly tame, some of it was in Swedish
>starting to question if it was actually christian
>the song ends
>press the stop button, tell them I need to go get something
>shit, my laptop's slow
>I really just needed to piss
>the bathrooms where across the small church
>walk over there
>take a piss and walk back
>couldn't have been more than a few minutes
>another song was playing
>see the fucking lady trying to shut off my laptop
>nearly shat my pants
>bolt over to my computer and slam the fucker closed
>music won't stop playing
>two of the kids are crying
>grab my laptop and run out into the hallway

>the speaker disconnected but the music was still playing
>you could probably hear that shit from a mile away
>run through the Church with the song blasting
>a baptism was going on and I ran through the chapel
>literally everyone looked at me
>saw my parents
>finally found the exit to the building
>the song finally ended as I headed out
>I hid behind some bushes for an hour and walked home three miles
>got home after parents
>never was allowed to get a car
>had to apologize to everyone at the church

OP here. This was my first time trying this and it's pretty late so don't give me too much shit

Decently entertaining story OP.

HAHAHA my ex would love you, OP, thanks for the chuckle!

Good job OP, actually enjoyed reading it